Part 11 (2/2)
”Nast!” Rick exclaimed
”Yes Also comes to Lazada's house the Filipino friend, but he is not Filipino He is Ifugao About him I do not know, except that he is called No Palate Or so like that I would like to follow hi, too, because Nast coain, and this time I listen Lazada tells Nast first to et in touch with No Palate Lazada says he has told No Palate that he cannot keep permit froing up Ifugao sacred things”
Chahda shrugged ”What a Sikh My Nuorot who used to be scout for constabulary
Na Meat will help I hire hirinned
The boys chuckled, and Tony explained, ”That is actually a very honorable naorots”
”Best reason I've heard for hiring anyone in a long ti I try to catch you at Manila, but reach hotel too late, then reach airport too late But I do so as Nast has been visiting with you at airport You already gone Nast already gone Dog Meat and et here, there is your Sky Wagon
At least I think it is yours, because it is like you told me in your letter So I come here, but not come directly to room, because I think maybe better I stay undercover So cliesture of ”all done” ”Next tia” He naroup ”Will decide when I see what is to be did But already have name” He smiled blandly ”Name myself for Scotty”
Rick moved out of the line of fire
Chahda bowed ”Meet Cow Brain”
Scotty reached for hiorot Country
Rick and Scotty awoke the next
After the heat of Manila the cool air of Baguio had caused the well, and Chahda finally had contacted theone, pro to keep in touch with them as best he could The Hindu boy was on the trail of Ja close watch he could anticipate, and perhaps prevent, any action NastMeat,” Rick said, grinning, as the two knocked on Tony Briotti's door ”It may be a fine old ceremonial name in this part of the world, but to me it's just a meal for Disht of the pagans eating dog, he always thought of Disht ht adao people, but the rels in the dogreally fond of theone down to breakfast already,” Scotty said He rubbed his chin thoughtfully ”Chahda won't haveand there aren't very many Aed ”How can we guess? There are so ht have two dozen slick tricks up his sleeve The best thing we can do is be on guard all the tiuard the plane”
As they passed the hotel desk, the clerk hailed thee for you”
”Probably fro The note was from Tony, and it made Rick's eyes widen He read it aloud:
”'Dear boys Woke up at daith soh ao No Palate olat It's the naao with even a less reel's face bothersto the airport on a hunch
Be back about eight, with Angel'”
Scotty pointed to a wall clock It was nearly nine o'clock They had slept late
The two boys, without a word, ran for the door Outside the hotel a Filipino taxi waited They juuio Airport!”
”The chucklehead,” Scotty groaned ”Why didn't he wake us up? Why did he have to go alone?”
”Relax,” Rick said, but he didn't really ht be tied up with Angel After all, Okola recoument as soon as the words were out, but Scotty was already pointing to it