Part 30 (1/2)

”I live in hope,” Pierre said with a very Gallic shrug, a complete change from his previous exuberance.

To effect Operation Switch, Perry asked for more Primes and as many strong T-2 kinetics as could be spared for the several days the transfers would take. After all, it was not just the queens but all their workers, attendants and eggs that had to be moved. Damia allowed Afra as well as Kaltia and Morag to be nominated for the teams.

The Tmi and the Hive l]

It'll be good experience and this wont take too long, will it? Damia asked her father. We're between loads and our apprentices can handle anything else that might come m with me as merge.

I'm sending Gollee too, by the way. He needs a brea^.

This will be a break ? Damia asked with some asperity.

Her father chuckled. I'd borrow Zara too, but Elizara has told me that her . . . wor . . . is in its concluding phase. So she said she'd come. She can lend heft to a merge. She's deeply interested in the project. She's volunteered her youngest, a strong kinetic T-2, for an unparalleled opportunity to meet so many of his peers.

How old is Pietro?

Oldenough . . . There wasa brief pause. Same age as Barry, your grandmother just tartly informed me. I'm borrowing Rojer and Asia from Second Fleet.

Oh, that'll be so nice for the children. We do miss them. And don't you dare say, ”Only a thought away,” she added in a fierce tone.

Wouldn't dare, her father replied.

I almost wish I could join them. But I can't and that's that! Damia said. * do hope it's worth the effort.

We can wait and see. The Xh-33 at least allows us to try the theory that the alteration of the local pheromones will have the desired effect.

Are the militants giving you more trouble?

Oh, them! If we can prove we've got the queens planet-bound, and tve release enough of the newly discovered M-type worlds, they'll find something else to complain about.

Damia could almost see her father shrugging his shoulders. She wanted to remind him that he was not, as he sometimes a.s.sumed, invulnerable.

I'm not, you know, he replied. But nearly. And I never make claims of being infallible.

Not with Mother to keep you on your toes.

A chuckle trailed off into silence.


The Xh-33 planet was not at the other end of the galaxy, but with the help of the occupants and their Towers, the various personnel carriers landed in orderly fas.h.i.+on in the boat bays of the various s.h.i.+ps of the Fourth Fleet that were to host them. Perry and Adela on the Asimov would host EHzara and her youngest son, Pietro. Gollee Gren and Barry Raven carne in to the Beijmg to be greeted officially by a cheerful Captain Smelkoff. Afra, Morag and Kaltia went to the Nova Scotia and an enthusiastic welcome by Captain Ellen Hogarth, while Rojer, with his 'Dinis and Asia, graced the decks of the M.S. HGHL to the delight of Captain Ghl. Xahra was to be a guest of the Galaxy-cla.s.s Strongbow and was instantly impressed by Captain Halsted, who had given up his quarters as being the only ones suitable for a Prime on his smaller s.h.i.+p. As soon as everyone had arrived and had a chance to look through the schedule, the Primes and the T-2's a.s.sembled for a briefing session on the Asimov in the Talents' lounge.

Not as big as the Was.h.i.+ngton!*, Rojer remarked to Asia. Bigger than the Columbia'.?, though, Asia said, and Rojer gave her a quick look at her suddenly meek tone.

Don't you dare go all modest and nervous on me.

Oh, I won't. She grinned up at him and reached for bis hand, squeezing it. But it is bigger. . . . Oh, is that gorgeous woman Xahra? Perry's sister. She's pouting. No, she's not. She's smirking. She loo^s haughty to me.

Oh, she is that too, Rojer agreed. And Xahra was certainly stunning in an exotic way. Odd that she was stolid Perry's sister. He much preferred Elizara's tranquil beauty.

Why, thank, you, Rojer, Elizara said, nudging the lad beside her. ”Come, Pietro, I want to introduce you to Rojer and Asia Lyon.”

Pietro might be the same age as Barry Raven, but he had a great deal more poise than the Denebian.

The result of so much exposure to Talents at Blundell, Elizara replied, smiling graciously, and he's shortly to get a Tower a.s.signment. Ah, her mental tone sighed. They grow up so fast these days.

The Turn lid the Hiu n Morag and Kaltia arrived, squealed with delight to see their brother with Asia and rushed over to the couple.

Not all of them do, Rojer replied like any unimpressed older sibling, hugging first Morag and then Kaltia because he was glad to see them and they really couldn't be cla.s.sed as kids anymore. Working on Clarf with Laria had subtly altered them, despite their reversion to juvenile exuberance.

His father had a slight smile on his face as he looked over the Talents already present. Adela, a.s.sisted by Navy stewards, was serving hot canapes and looking slightly nervous.

”Never thought I'd be able to sneak up on you, Afra.” Afra turned to grip Gollee Gren's extended hand, savoring once more the essence of the man who had been so much a part of his professional life.

Looking your age finally, are you? Afra said, noting the grizzle of silver in the T-2's dark hair and the crinkle of lines about the light green eyes.

Actually, it's constant proximity to Gwyn-Raven offspring and the rigors of dealing with all those eager young Talents.

So this is wor as well as play? Afra asked.

Gollee rolled his eyes. A bit of both and indeed a testing time for Barry, Pietro and. . . He paused to grimace slightly. . . . Morag and Kaltia.

Morag's old enough, Afra said with a slight nod of his head. Did well at Clarf during the emergency.

They both did. You've a grand family to be proud of. Ah, and Rojer is still protecting Asia, I see.

Afra chuckled. She's well able for him to thinf( so.

The exchange had taken brief seconds, for now they heard 'Dini voices behind them as Afra's Trpl and Rojer's Gil and Kat came down the pa.s.sageway. Trpl was taller by a full head-human head-than Rojer's two and was obviously regaling its juniors on the part it had played in nursing the four victims of the Clarf disaster. More muted human voices echoed respectfully as the naval Talents who would form part of the whole merge arrived.


owe A goodly crew, Gollee said, nodding as he was recognized by the Fleet Talents, and he accepted their salutes with a wave of his hand. One of the women looked apprehensive. ”They won't bite, Mimi, I'm here to protect you.”

”Then we've nothing to fear,” an ensign said, grinning.

”Asaf Katzin, isn't it?” Gollee replied. A good kinetic T-3.

”Do you know who we all are?” Asaf asked, stopping in surprise.

”He'd better or Prime Raven will replace him with one of you,” Afra said, so solemn-faced that Ensign Katzir goggled slightly until Gollee's grin rea.s.sured him.

”But you wouldn't have had the chance to meet Afra Lyon of Iota Aurigae,” Gollee said.

”I think you can tell who's a Prime in there without naming names.”

”Don't listen to him,” Mimi advised her crewmate, winking coquet-tishly at Gren, who winked right back.

”If we're all here,” Perry said when they had entered the room, ”I'd like to get on with the briefing. We're doing this in four teams, with a Prime as merge, a.s.sisted by the naval Talents. Since we can all be in contact, we can each use the generators of our host s.h.i.+ps. Xahra, I'm putting Gollee and Pietro with you on the Strongbow. Rojer will have Barry and Asia to back him up on the HGHL. Afra will be merge with his daughters. I've spread out the stronger Talents from the Asimov.” He nodded deferentially toward Captain Osullivan. ”Elizara and I will lead the Asimov team. We might need to do some switching around after our first day, but that's to be expected when none of us have ever done anything even remotely like what we are about to do.”

Even Xahra nodded agreement with that, slightly amused by her brother's instructions.