Part 23 (1/2)
Afra merely smiled. ”That's for me to know and you to find out!”
”Why, you ornery yellow-eyed Capellan-”
”Kitchen timer's ringing, Mother,” Zara said, pointing.
”Oh Lord . . .” Damia moved so quickly she might as well have 'ported.
”Do you, Dad?” Zara asked in a whisper.
Afra's response was another chuckle.
”Oh, you!” she exclaimed in disgust when he refused to answer.
The clatter of horses' hooves, yells from jubilant hunters, provided an additional distraction.
Tke Tmi arid the Hive MS ”I can't believe Ewain and Petra hunt for the family now,” Laria said, rising.
”They're pretty good at it too,” Afra said, unfolding his long frame. He peered out the window. ”They'll need help.”
Which the young hunters did, their horses laden with avians and scurriers.
”Did you bring me in any fresh greens and tubers?” Zara demanded, her expression somewhat censorious as she watched the unpacking.
”Sure, sis.” Ewain tossed her a sack that had been tied to the front of his saddle. ”Not much at this time of the year, but there's enough for your needs.”
In the absence of any of the family Mrdinis that enjoyed helping in the kitchen, the Humans all pitched in, Kincaid electing to dress down the outside the back door. Avians particularly were best eaten fresh and the scurriers lightly grilled. Vegetables were prepared, and with so many to help, dinner was ready in a very short s.p.a.ce of time: a dinner to which Laria and Kincaid did full justice.
”You three go on now,” Damia said. ”We'll clean up . , .” She included Ewain and Petra.
”Aw, Ma, we hunted,” complained Petra. ”And I've studies . . .”
”You may 'port to save time,” Damia said, ”but don't you dare show off or break a single dish.”
Zara beckoned for Laria and Kincaid to exit quietly before Ewain could start his protests.
The main hibernatory on Iota Aurigae was in the hills above the city and had been built with considerable care by the first 'Dinis that came to the mining world. Damia and Afra had insisted on, and 'ported in, the favorite woods and other materials preferred by the Mrdinis. A special ”growing” tank had also been constructed, though until very recently no Human had known what was grown in it. Only that the substance was essential for a good hibernation.
Zara did not park the airsled in front of the entrance, but swung around back, landing on a ledge that apparently had been built for discreet and private use. Two other small craft were parked. Zara neatly took the single remaining empty s.p.a.ce. Emerging, Laria and Kincaid could see no visible entry.
Zara grinned. ”They've left nothing to chance,” she said, and walked right up to the apparently seamless rock. She touched something and instantly a door opened outward. She ducked inside, for the lintel was low, gesturing urgently for Laria and Kincaid to enter quickly. The door shut and Laria felt her ears pop.
Zara turned on a wrist light. ”I know the way, but it's narrow and I don't want you falling.”
Laria caught the unusual odor and had to cram a finger under her nose to keep from sneezing. Then she became conscious of the incredibly humid heat.
We've only a few steps to go. Door's to our left. Slip in as fast as possible. That smell can get to you real fast.
Her wrist light showed them the door and they followed close enough that they nearly stumbled in their effort to enter. The panel slid shut so fast it just missed Kincaid's heels. They were on the landing of a flight of stairs, lit from a brighter light below, and Zara led the way down to yet another door. This opened into a laboratory of considerable size, filled with smells that made Laria very nauseous-those pheromones Zara had been talking about? There were busy Humans and 'Dinis, diligently peering into microscopes or other instruments at their workstations. Zara's entry with her companions was noted only briefly by those they pa.s.sed.
”Your 'Dinis are in the private infirmary.” Zara pointed to her right, to the side aisle in which closed doors were unevenly s.p.a.ced. ”Third one on the left.” Again a swift parting and then closing of the door. LR AND K.NCD HERE NOW, she said, pointing to a viewing window that gave onto a dimly lit inner room.
Instantly a panel slid aside and her parents' two 'Dinis, Tri and Fok, emerged. As they embraced her, their heads at her shoulder level, Laria was immediately surprised at how much larger they'd become.
He I nun and the Hive Ml YOU ARE SO BIG NOW, she exclaimed, leaning only slightly down to hold them tightly against her. THANK. YOU FOR HELPING TLP AND HGF.
AND NPL AND PLS, Kincaid added, spreading his fingers on their shoulders.
THEY DO BETTER NOW, Fok told Kincaid, turning to hold out its flipper and squeeze Dano's hand firmly. SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN TAKEN THERE IN FIRST PLACE. WHY WERE YOU NOT TOLD?
Tri looked up at LarJa, its poll eye unblinking. CAN GUESS.
GUESS WHAT, TRI? Laria insisted.
YOU SEE THEM NOW, Tri said, and pulled her with it. YOU TOO, KNCD.
Go with them, Zara said. *'** tell you one thing: The four of them got chewed to small pieces and spat out when Tri and Fo^ first spo^e to them. Never heard 'Dims speaf{ li%e that. Even older 'Dinis.
Tri and Fol{ have grown so much . . .
They're four-letter 'Dinis now too, by the way. Congratulate them when you can.
Then they were inside the dim room and could make out the four tanks, smell the astringent odor of the fluid in which their 'Dinis were floating. There were other odors mixed in with astringency, as well as traces of the strong smell that had a.s.sailed them as they entered the hi-bernatory.
Despite the immersion of her friends almost to the poll eyes, Laria had no trouble identifying Tip and Huf, and knelt between their tanks, reaching out to stroke the sides of their heads, below the poll eyes.
WE HAVE MISSFD YOU AS MUCH AS WE WOULD MISS OUR HEARTS, Kincaid murmured, one hand on each 'Dini's neck.
BETTER NOW, Nil muttered in a voice just barely above a whisper.
OH TIP, HUF, WE ARF HERE FOR YOU. Laria felt Zara touch her mind with rea.s.surance and great affection.
MUCH BETTER, SINCE NOT SILLY NOW AND DO AS TOLD, Tri said quite firmly, coming around the tank to its head and emptying a small pail of something whose fumes came close to making Laria gag. She felt Zara instantly depress the reaction.
YOU SLEEP, SLEEP WELL, Huf said, before Fok emptied a pail into its tank and a second wave of nausea nearly overwhelmed Laria.
YOU COULD HAVE WAITED, FOK, TRI, Zara said with some impatience.
They have seen you and felt your touch and love, Zara said, putting a hand under Laria's arm and lifting her up.
Kincaid rose too, swallowing convulsively. His reaction made Laria feel less weak-stomached.
** affects all Humans that way, Zara said drolly as she pushed them toward the door. ”But it's always good to breathe fresh air again,” she added as they were once more in the anteroom. OH, THERE YOU ARE, she added to the four 'Dinis who were sitting on stools. THESE HAVE GROWN TOO, SO YOU MAY NOT RECOGNIZE EWAIN'S VTL AND BFR AND PETRA'S IN AND THV.
IT IS GOOD TO MEET THE FRIENDS OF MY BROTHER AND SISTER, Laria said, executing a bow appropriate to young 'Dinis. THIS IS KNCD, WHOM YOU MAY NOT REMEMBER.
WE KNOW NIL AND PLUS AND HELP ALL WE CAN, Vtl replied, bowing more deeply.