Part 2 (1/2)

Which David would life a little of, please, for his children, Jeff continued, getting over that sad reminder quickly. You'll be happy to know that Gollee Gren's found a half-dozen new potential high Talents. One who had a near-death accident bringing out latent kinetic Talent, lie's testing well at the Two Level.

Is he? That's very good news. Damia meant that sincerely. So I get to keep my younglings awhile longer?

We'll see how they develop, her father said in a teasing lone, as if he didn't expect much from the four younger Lyons.


Jeff chuckled. You do leave yourself wide open for a tease, you know, dear heart. To business-when's the next ore s.h.i.+pment?

Miner Mexalgo has four big daddies but wants to wait till he has the full half-dozen. To ma^e our effort worthwhile. Another hull from the mines of Iota Aurigae? Damia's tone held pride for her world's ability to supply the raw materials that would become elements of the expanding Allied Fleet. *'** let you kjiow. It shouldn't be too long at the rate they're wording: Humans and Mrdini. She chuckled and heard her father echo that.

Iota Aurigae had as many Mrdini settlers now as it had Human. The 'Dinis missed their hot fierce primaries, but in a mine, who sees the sun? They had s.p.a.ce, their own settlements including finer hibernatories, better than those on their home planets, Clarf and Sef, although there was considerably more prestige in going to a Clarf facility.

As a Prime Talent, Damia was far more aware than most people that the Mrdini worlds were overpopulated and the pressure on them needed relief: much of her awareness derived from her oldest daughter, Lana, who was Clarfs Prime. The High Council had discussed the disposition of colonial expansion in private and public debates. Since the seven Human colony worlds had been free from the Hivcr a.s.saults until the Hivcrs' abortive attempt on Deneb-known as the Deneb Penetration-Human worlds were by no means as critical in population densities as the five Mrdini planets were. With the Alliance, fewer Dim were dying in combat against spheres, although their birth rate remained as high as it had been when more s.p.a.cers were needed. The Allied Council had voted, almost unanimously, that the first nine suitable planets would be given to the Mrdini and the tenth made available for Humans. That decision had immediately met with resistance from a new faction, calling itself Planets for People, to the many disparate ”voices” on the twelve Alliance worlds. However, the High Council was not moved to award an equal distribution of suitable worlds, since the intent of that opposition was specious.

In the first place, an ”ideal” Mrdim planet would be hotter than those comfortable for Human habitation. In the second place, few Humans realized how desperately crowded the five Mrdini worlds were, in conditions no Human would tolerate. The Humans had only begun to spread out across the earth-type planets in the Capella, Dencb and Iota Aurigae systems. Their need was not as urgent-unless it was prompted by obvious t.i.t-for-tat mentalities. On Clarf and Sef, the two most overpopulated Mrdini worlds, a corresponding faction immediately erupted, demanding that the first twenty suitable worlds should be Mrdini, since their race had struggled alone for two hundred years against the Hivers.

In the third place, the disposition or. any new colonial worlds depended on many factors, the most important being that the relevant planet not already be occupied by an emerging sentient species. To which the obvious argument was that if the Hivers had already rid the planet of any large, possibly predatory life-forms, that wouldn't be a problem, would it? Since Talavera, a world that had been ”prepared” for Hiver occupation, was ecologically ill, how many other prospective planets would be in a similar state?

There would probably be as many theories-and opponents of those theories-as there were M-type planets in the galaxy. And who knew what other intelligent s.p.a.cefanng species might exist in the quadrants not yet explored by Mrdim, Human and Hiver s.h.i.+ps?

While most Humans met Mrdini on equal terms, not all Humans and not all Mrdini were in favor of continued close a.s.sociation now that the enemy-the Hivers-had received a major setback. Matters closer to home and divisive individual concerns often received more attention and publicity than the problem that still faced the Allies: finding Hiver-occupied worlds and somehow restricting the alien creatures to them. of details needed to be gathered by elements or both Navies: discovering which worlds the Hivers occupied, how full they were, which M-type planets ignored by the spheres trying to find a new home-world would be suitable for Mrclim or Human occupation.

One loud group didn't want any further Human expansion. A more virulent sect wanted to control FT&T because FT&T were ”weasel lovers” and should not be trusted to conduct the Towers in strict accordance with its original Charter. This ominously growing group took note of the most minute variation, discrepancy or minor modification undertaken by Towers or emanating from the Blundell Building, the main FT&T headquarters on Earth. Some of the dissidents were medium to low Talents, dissatisfied by their a.s.signments or claiming professional partisans.h.i.+p.

”Everyone knows that the Towers are dominated by a few families,” was the most frequently lodged, and unfortunately accurate, accusation. The fact that Primes were rare enough did not apparently enter into the complaints. In the matter of Tower Primes, nepotism was far more benign than malignant or inefficient. In reality, the responsibilities and duties of a Prime far outweighed any reward: remuneration was strictly controlled, although a Prime could, by virtue of his or her ability, live anywhere he or she chose. Genetics played a critical part in providing more high Talents, though some emerged from unexpected sources, as had the Rowan, Calhsto Prime, reared on Altair, and (eft Raven, Earth Prime, who had come-rather reluctantly-from Deneb to a.s.sume the responsibilities which had been Peter Reidinger's until his death. Children on every Human world were now routinely tested at p.u.b.erty for any vestige of trainable Talent. Every sc.r.a.p of latent Talent was carefully nurtured, developed and trained to make the best possible use of it. If some had delusions of strength, they were soon meluctably placed in the category appropriate to their real abilities. Oftentimes, a minor Talent increased with usage, and FT&T was only too pleased to rea.s.sess and upgrade that person.

It had been a matter of necessity that four of the five children born to the Rowan and Jeff had been encouraged to produce large families.

Jeran, C'era and Damia were T-l's, Ezro was a T-3 physician, while the deceased Larak had been a T-2. Even his one child, Grayhan, was a T-2. All of the of fspring in the Raven-Lyon marriage were T-l's, though for some time it was thought that Zara, the second daughter, might be a dysfunctional T-l. She was now fully trained in a medically oriented Talent, so it was unlikely that she'd be asked to a.s.sume the responsibilities of a Tower.

David of Betelgeuse had three T-l children: Perry, Morgelle and Xahra. Jeran, now Denebian Prime, had four, Barry being of an age with Ro)cr, while Cera had three, also potential high Talents. The Bastianmajam couple from Altair had produced a T-l in Flavia, though her brothers and sisters were lesser Talents. They were completely unrelated to the (Jwyn-Raven-Lyon group. Rather more Denebians had latent Talents than other first-generation colonial worlds. They were la*y about using them, though the Eagleses, Ravens, Sparrows and other clans supplied many <>f the high -4, 3 and 2 Talents-when they chose to move off-planet. No one could be forced, against personal inclination, to make use of Talent. The Denebians, as a group, were tar more interested in developing their world. Unfortunately, Talents were still an elite and limited group and their abilities were more and more in demand now that Humans and Mrdmis were spreading ever outward from their home-worlds. The plain facts, of course, rarely figured in the complaints of nepotism that were lodged.

Any good news? the Rowan asked, so pointedly her daughter winced.

If you mean great-grandchildren, no, Damia said with a sigh. She had so hoped that Laria would be able to win Vanteer's constant affection. The T-6 engineer at Glarf Tower had one failing: he couldn't settle to just one woman ant) already had several offspring from different women. Humans living on Clarf. That two of the infants seemed to have Talented minds augured well tor any children he might give Earia.

What's the problem? the Rowan asked.

* thinfy-the reply came from Afra-that Laria intimidates him. A T-6 would have no defense against a mental invasion by a determined Prime. Damia was pleased that Laria had not resorted to that in her wish to become pleasing to Vanteer.

What? The Rowan found that hard to believe. She's not aggressive.

Life some you could name, Damia put in, referring to her own teenage experiments in finding a partner.

But you sorted yourself out, her mother said.

Larta is a different personality entirely . . .

For which we are grateful, said Jeff, teasing again, but his touch was fond.

So don't you two meddle, Damia said sharply.

We have our ethics, Jeff said, though there are some who do not believe it.

Father, of course you do. I'm sorry I said that. Damia was once again contrite.

We might s.h.i.+ft some more willing prospects to Clarf now that we have some breathing s.p.a.ce, Jeff suggested.

I can't thin^ who would be suitable, Damia said with another sigh.

Well, this latent T-2 fynetic, the one Gollee Gren s been training, is an attractive person, the Rowan said. * thinly he's also related to Yoshu*( at Sef Tower, a younger brother.

Yoshufy's a good man, Damia said with a lift of hope in her voice. There was a hint in her mind that she found Vanteer's reluctance to ally her daughter an insult to the entire family.

She's twenty-six and a bit, Afra reminded them. Give her time to settle on someone who is compatible. And no need to remind us, Damia m'love, that you'd had four children at Laria's age.

I was lucfyy. The deep love and affection she had for Afra was a vibrant note in her voice.

You were! the Rowan said softly.

I was the lucfyy one, Afra said firmly. Worth waiting for, and let us give Laria that option too.

Agreed, said Jeff, and on that comment he and the Rowan left the merge.

”How can Vanteer say that Laria intimidates him?” Damia asked.

sliding upright and swinging her legs to the side of her couch. ”Zara might, but not Laria. She's very careful with relations.h.i.+ps. Look how well she and Kincaid get along . . .” She made a face. ”I so wish he was interested in women.” She gave a gusty sigh. ”As a T-2, he'd be an ideal match.”

Afra sat up too, his expression thoughtful. ”Kincaid is so good with our younger ones when he visits.” Damia gave him a sharp look. But he shrugged, ”fust an observation. She and Kincaid have a very good rapport.”

”Not that good . . .”

”At least as far as it goes.”

Then she said briskly. ”It Gollee has someone to send to Clarf for training, it might even make Vanteer jealous. After all, there'll be a lot of activity from that planet once colonization starts. Another Talent might be needed.”

”Kincaid's certain that Clarf has already started provisioning colony s.h.i.+ps, choosing specialists and color groups, ready to go the moment First Fleet-I rather like that new designation-”

”So do I,” Damia agreed, standing up and arching her back in a stretch.

”That Clarf will be over worked, sending off personnel carriers, message tubes and cargo drones. Up, up and away.” He grinned at her over such eagerness.

”Well, the 'Dinis need the room to spread out in, that's certainly true. I just hope the Hivers haven't ruined other, perfectly good worlds as they did Talavera.” She frowned, having heard from Zara in detail about the ecological damage wreaked on that planet. She put on her coat and prepared to leave.

Putting an affectionate arm about his wife's shoulders, Afra guided her to the Tower steps. They met Keylarion on her way up.

”Oh, you haven't gone,” their T-6 station manager said, surprised.