Part 12 (1/2)

1493. March 29. Brief from Pope Alexander asking the Orvietans to await Pintoricchio's return till the work in the Vatican is finished.

1494. March 9. Brief from Pope Alexander to Orvietans asking that Pintoricchio be allowed to return to finish work in the Vatican.

1495. January 17. The Papal Court leaves the Vatican on the entry into Italy of Charles VIII.

1495. June. The Pope flies to Orvieto and Perugia.

1495. Obtains a grant from the Pope of two pieces of land at Chiugi, near Perugia, for an annual payment of thirty baskets of grain.

1496. February 14. Signs a contract with the monks of Santa Maria degli Angeli, to supply an altar-piece.

1496. March 15. Contracts with the Chapter at Orvieto to paint two figures of doctors for 50 ducats.

1496. November 15. Last payment made for this fresco.

1497. July. The rooms in Castel Sant' Angelo being restored, he went back to Rome and painted the frescoes there.

1497. July 28. Letter from the Cardinal di San Giorgio, in answer to a pet.i.tion from Pintoricchio, reducing the annual tax on land to two pounds of wax for three years. 1497. Tax again enforced by the authorities of Chiugi.

1497. First Sunday in August. Rest.i.tution made by the authorities of the money extorted.

1498. May. The exemption from taxation extended from three years to end of lease.

1498. In Perugia. Painted altar-piece for Santa Maria dei Fossi.

1498. October. A brief from Alexander VI. confirms possession of the lands at Chiugi to him and his descendants, even though he should omit the yearly payment of wax.

1500. October 14. Visits Caesar Borgia's camp at Deruta. An order from the Duke requests the Vice-Chancellor to get permission for Pintoricchio to sink a cistern in his house in Perugia.

1501. April. Elected Decemvir of Perugia in place of Perugino.

1501. Contract in archives of Spello for work undertaken for Troilo Baglioni.

1501-1502. May. Painting at Spello.

1502. June 29. Contract signed with Cardinal Piccolomini for decorating the Library at Siena.

1503. Spring. Painting Library at Siena.

1503. October. Pope Pius III. dies.

1504. August 23. Paid 700 ducats for painting eight frescoes in St. John's Chapel in the Cathedral at Siena.

1504. September 8. An altar-piece unveiled in the Piccolomini Chapel in the church of San Francesco at Siena.

1504. Buys land to the value of 200 florins from Lucrezia Paltoni, widow of the painter Neroccio.

1504. End of. Continues Library for six months.

1505. March 13. Is paid for the cartoon of Fortune for the pavement of Siena Cathedral.