Part 1 (1/2)
The Angel of the Tenement.
by George Madden Martin.
The ladies of the Tenement felt that it was a matter concerning the reputation of the house. Therefore on this particular hot July morning they were gathered in the apartment of Miss Mary Carew and Miss Norma Bonkowski, if one small and dingy room may be so designated, and were putting the matter under discussion.
Miss Carew, tall, bony, and more commonly known to the Tenement as Miss C'rew, of somewhat tart and acrid temper, being pressed for her version of the story, paused in her awkward and intent efforts at soothing the beautiful, fair-haired child upon her lap and explained that she was stepping out her door that morning with her water-bucket, thinking to get breakfast ready before Miss Bonkowski awoke, when a child's frightened crying startled her, coming from a room across the hall which for some weeks had been for rent.
”At that,” continued Miss Carew, moved to unwonted loquacity, and patting the child industriously while she addressed the circle of listening ladies, ”at that, 'sure as life!' says I, and stepped across and opened the door, an' there, settin' on this shawl, its eyes big like it had jus' waked up, an' cryin' like to break its heart, was this here baby. I picked her right up an' come an' woke Norma, but it's nothin' we can make out, 'ceptin' she's been in that there room all night.”
Many were the murmurs and e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns from the circle of wondering ladies, while Miss Bonkowski, a frowzy-headed lady in soiled s.h.i.+rt waist and shabby skirt, with a small waist and shoulders disproportionately broad; and with, moreover, a dab of paint upon each high-boned cheek,--nothing daunted by previous failures, leaned forward and putting a somewhat soiled finger beneath the child's pretty chin, inquired persuasively, ”And isn't the darling going to tell its Norma its name?”
Miss Bonkowski spoke airily and as if delivering a part. But this the good ladies forgave, for was not this same Miss Norma the flower that shed an odor of distinction over the social blossoming of the whole Tenement? Was not Miss Bonkowski a chorus lady at The Garden Opera House?
So her audience looked on approvingly while Miss Norma snapped her fingers and chirruped to the baby encouragingly. ”And what is the darling's name?” she repeated.
The little one, her pitiful sobbing momentarily arrested, regarded Miss Bonkowski with grave wonder. ”Didn't a know I are Angel?” she returned in egotistical surprise.
”Sure an' it's the truth she's spakin', fer it's the picter of an angel she is,” cried Mrs. O'Malligan, she of the first-floor front, who added a tidy sum to her husband's earnings by taking in was.h.i.+ng, and in consequence of the size of these united incomes, no less than that of her big heart, was regarded with much respect by the Tenement, ”just look at the swate face of her, would ye, an' the loikes of her illegant gown!”
”Won't it tell its Norma where it came from? Who brought the dearie here and left it in the naughty room? Tell its Norma,” continued Miss Bonkowski, on her knees upon the bare and dirty floor, and eyeing the dainty embroidery and examining the quality of the fine white dress while she coaxed.
”Yosie brought Angel--” the child began, then as if the full realization of the strangeness of it all returned at mention of that familiar name, the baby turned her back on Norma and pulling at Mary Carew's dress imperatively, gazed up into that lady's thin, sharp face, ”Angel wants her mamma,--take Angel to her mamma,” she commanded, even while her baby chin was quivering and the big eyes winking to keep back the tears.
”Sure an' it shall go to its mammy,” returned Mrs O'Malligan soothingly, ”an' whir was it ye left her, me Angel?”
”Yes, tell its Norma where it left its mamma,” murmured Miss Bonkowski coaxingly.
”Yosie bring Angel way a way,” explained the baby obediently. ”Yosie say Angel be a good girl and her come yite back. Where Yosie,--Angel wants Yosie to come now,” and the plaintive little voice broke into a sob, as the child looked from one to the other of the circle beseechingly.
The ladies exchanged pitying glances while the persevering Miss Norma rattled an empty spool in a tin cup violently to distract the baby's thoughts. ”And how old is Angel?” she continued.
Again the tears were checked, while the grave, disapproving surprise which Miss Bonkowski's ignorance seemed to call forth, once more overspread the small face, ”Didn't a know her are three?” she returned reprovingly, reaching for the improvised and alluring plaything.
”Yes, yes,” murmured Miss Bonkowski apologetically, ”Angel is three years old, of course, a great, big girl.”
”A gwate, big girl,” repeated the baby, nodding her pretty head approvingly, ”that what Yosie say,” then with abrupt change of tone, ”where her breakfast, her wants her milk!”
”An' she shall have it, sure,” cried Mrs. O'Malligan promptly, and retired out the door with heavy haste, while Miss Bonkowski hospitably turned to bring forth what the apartment could boast in the way of breakfast.
Meanwhile the other ladies withdrew to the one window of the small room to discuss the situation.
”That's it, I'm sure,” one was saying, while she twisted up her back hair afresh, ”for my man, he says he saw a woman pa.s.s our door yesterday afternoon, kinder late, an' go on up steps with a young 'un in her arms.
He never seen her come back, he says, but Mis' Tomlin here, she says, she seen a woman dressed nice, come down afterwards seemin' in a hurry, but she didn't have no child, didn't you say, Mis' Tomlin?”
Thus appealed to, timid little Mrs. Tomlin s.h.i.+fted her wan-faced, fretting baby from one arm to the other and a.s.serted the statement to be quite true.
”An'ther case of desartion,” p.r.o.nounced Mrs. O'Malligan, having returned meanwhile with a cup filled with a thin blue liquid known to the Tenement as _milk_, ”a plain case of desartion, an' whut's to be done about it, I niver can say!”