Part 32 (1/2)

Cat Chaser Elmore Leonard 21770K 2022-07-22

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ”A first-rate novelist . . . Elmore Leonard is so good.”

Chicago Sun-Times ”No one writes better dialogue. No one conveys society's seedier or marginal characters more convincingly. . . . Leonard's sardonic view of the world proves immensely entertaining, and not a little thought-provoking.”

Detroit Free Press ”Leonard hits the mark again. . . . Leonard would be great just for his characters. But throw in snappy dialogue, twisted plots, and over-the-top atmosphere and you'll find yourself in the hands of a master.”

Albany Times-Union ”n.o.body but n.o.body in the business does it better.”

New York Daily News ”Elmore 'Dutch' Leonard is more than just one of the all-time greats of crime fiction. He's fast becoming an authentic American icon.”

Seattle Times ”The G.o.dfather of the American crime novel.”

Tulsa World ”Vintage Leonard . . . exceptional dialogue . . . For sheer entertainment of the hard-boiled criminal variety, it's hard to beat Elmore Leonard.”

Christian Science Monitor ”Leonard is the best in the business: His dialogue snaps, his characters are more alive than most of the people you meet on the street, and his twisting plots always resolve themselves with a no-nonsense plausibility.”

Newsday ”Elmore Leonard follows a complex and demanding formula. It is called good writing.”

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette ”Vintage Elmore Leonard-you'll never guess the ending.”

San Francisco Chronicle ”Leonard has become a phenomenon. . . . His crime novels [are] grippingly true-to-life tales of double-cross and redemption, with a murky morality that seems to suit the times. . . . Leonard truly s.h.i.+nes. He has created a gallery of compelling, off-the-wall villains unequaled in American crime fiction.”

New York Times Magazine ”Elmore Leonard, already the best suspense writer in America, gets better with every book.”