Part 14 (1/2)

”I guess so,” said Peggy, who was always ready to go anywhere; ”I'll ask mother.”

”Don't let's go out, it is so wet,” said Alice, who was interested in the story.

”I'm going if mother'll let me,” said Peggy.

Mrs. Owen had no objection, and, as Alice did not like to be left behind, she and Peggy put on their rubbers and raincoats.

Alice gave Lady Janet a parting hug. ”You darling, I am going to see your mother,” she said; ”shall I give her your love? Peggy, she is licking my hand,” said Alice.

The two children went out into the chilly October rain. Alice s.h.i.+vered, but Peggy was delighted to be out. She walked into every puddle she came to.

”You'll get your feet wet,” said Alice.

”I'm just trying to see if it will go over my rubbers,” said Peggy. ”Oh, it did that time--I didn't think it would.”

”You've got your feet very wet,” said Alice.

”I know I have, but I can dry my shoes and stockings at Diana's.”

Diana was sitting before the fire in her room with a book. She jumped up and flung her arms about Alice, who was nearer her, and then about Peggy.

”Peggy has got her feet wet,” said Alice anxiously. ”She'll have to put on some of your stockings while hers are drying.”

”I can't get into Diana's stockings,” Peggy said, as she looked down at her feet. ”I'll just sit in my bare feet until my shoes and stockings are dry.”

”Uncle Joe and the boys may come in. I'll get you some of mother's,”

said Diana.

So Peggy was dressed in a pair of black silk stockings that were much too large for her, and a pair of bedroom slippers that were so big that she was afraid to walk for fear they would fall off. She liked the slippers very much, however, for they were such a pretty shade of blue, and they had black fur all around the edge.

It was early in the afternoon, so the children settled down for a long play. They were beginning to wish they could think of something else to do when Uncle Joe came in.

”How cozy you look,” said he. ”Can you give a poor working-man a seat by the fire?”

Peggy who was nearest the fire, sprang up, forgetting all about her slippers.

”I think I see a bird in borrowed plumage,” said Uncle Joe. ”Did you get your feet wet?”

”I walked into a mud-puddle on purpose, for the fun of it,” said Peggy.

”I wanted to see if it would go over my rubbers. I didn't think it would, but it did.”

”Oh, Uncle Joe, can't we play the geography game?” said Diana. ”Peggy has never played it.”

”I don't like geography so very much,” said Alice.

”It's just a game,” said Diana. ”We have to see who can say the forty-eight States quickest. We say them like the alphabet, those beginning with A first, and the one who gets the A's done first looks them up on the map, to see where they are. It's lots of fun.”

”Diana likes it because she always beats Tom and Christopher,” said her uncle.