Part 36 (1/2)
”I don't know about that.” She kissed him again and slipped away.
Collier felt forlorn watching after her. Yeah, I've got it bad...But her condo closed till tomorrow nixed the possibility of him staying the night with her. I am NOT spending another night by myself in room three, he knew. He also knew that what he felt for Dominique, he'd never felt for any other woman in his life. A revelation socked home: Dominique had a lot of virtue, while he...didn't. She makes me see my real self. But I don't like what I see and I want to be different. Dominique makes me want to be a better person...
Was is that simple? Collier felt confident.
A better revelation: I could've gotten it on with Lottie last night but I didn't because I wanted to be faithful to a girl who'll NEVER sleep with me. His finger tapped the bar. That's GOT to mean something.
Dominique returned. ”You should try tonight's special. It kicks b.u.t.t.”
”What is it?”
”Country-fried squid steak with curry tartar.”
”Maybe, uh, next time.” He reached across and grabbed her hand, instantly realizing a solution. ”Since you can't get into your condo tonight, you should stay with me at the inn.”
She looked relieved. ”I was hoping you'd ask.”
Collier stalled. ”So that means...yes?”
”Of course-” Her eyes shot to the door. ”Oh, I have to go seat this four-top.”
She pulled away but Collier didn't let go. ”So that means you trust me now?”
She laughed. ”If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't be staying with you tonight. You know what won't be happening, so it must not bother you-”
”It doesn't,” he said before he could think.
”Look, I have to go seat these people! I'm the boss, remember?” She whisked away.
Her body's outline in the ap.r.o.n was killing him, and whenever she appeared behind the bar to get something, her cross glittered on her bosom. Collier felt so skewed. I have to go back to L.A. tomorrow, but I'm sitting here fantasizing about having a relations.h.i.+p with a Christian celibate...
At least the beer calmed his nerves. And now he wouldn't have to spend the night by himself in the room. She'd be with him the whole time...
He'd kept the cell phone open on the bar, hoping it would dry. NO SIGNAL it still read.
”Try these,” Dominique said. She'd reappeared with a plate. ”It's a misorder.”
It was a knockwurst with mustard dip, which seemed bland enough. ”Thanks.”
”How was your day?”
A mess...and terrific. ”Fine.” He didn't bother telling her the show had been renewed, because he'd never told her it had been canceled. ”Didn't really do much, actually. Went for a drive is all.” He skipped the other details.
”Have you been drinking coffee?” she asked. ”I smell coffee.”
Collier hesitated, then pointed to his cell phone. ”Oh, it's the phone.”
Her brow scrunched. ”Your phone smells like coffee?”
”Uh, don't ask.”
”How's the book coming? Finished yet?”
Had he even written a single word? ”Almost there. I have to fine-tune the last entry, Cusher's Civil War Lager.”
”People will think it's favoritism.” She tossed her head and laughed. ”But the joke's on them.”
Her cross dangled when she leaned and whispered, ”They'll think you're s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the brewer, but they don't know that the brewer is celibate.”
Again, Collier spoke before thinking. ”The brewer is beautiful. I'm falling for the brewer, celibate and all.” He reached to grab her hand again but one of the cooks called her away.
What a corny-a.s.s thing to say, he thought after the fact.
Collier ate the bland sausage and found he felt better; his stomach felt less queasy from Sute's horror story.
A shapely shadow hovered-the barmaid. She got him another beer, then noticed his plate. ”How did you like the Roadkill Sausage?”
”The what?”
”It's smoked possum and muskrat-a Southern delicacy.”
Collier stared. ”You've got to be kidding me! I just ate-”
”Relax!” she said. ”They're farm-raised and corn-fed. You've never been to the South before, have you? An even better Southern delicacy are the Smoky Mountain Oysters. Want to try them?”
Mortified, Collier shook his head.
”Hey, everybody! Look!” someone called out. Everyone was looking up at the TV.
”The results are in!” a voice-over announced. Multiple clips of Collier's show flashed on the screen. ”There's a new hunk in town! Justin Collier, the Prince of Beer, has just been voted the s.e.xiest man on the Food Network! Look for his brand-new episodes coming soon right here!”
Applause rose like the roar of a waterfall. Collier blushed. A bunch of women were whistling. When he jerked around, he found Dominique standing right next to him, clapping as well.
”I'm falling for you, too,” she whispered and walked back to her work.
Collier signed autographs for the next several hours, and he didn't even mind. When you're a star, it comes with the territory. A number of women made some rather brazen suggestions, but Collier turned them all down without regret. All the while, he kept watching Dominique as she busied through her duties, and he realized just how hopelessly in love he'd become.
Many beers were bought for him, perhaps a few too many, but one thought kept his head clear. During his autograph foray, he'd made a decision...
The dinner rush was over. It was going on ten o'clock when Dominique said, ”I'm almost done. Just give me a few minutes.”
”I'll wait for you outside,” Collier said.
His phone had finally dried out; the screen read READY.
While Collier waited for Dominique outside the restaurant, he called Shay's number. When the answering machine came on, Collier left a message that he wouldn't be returning to the show.