Part 9 (1/2)

Unedited Excerpt from Project Exorcism: Force of Attraction by Mandy M. Roth, coming soon to NCP!

Chapter One.

”Have a seat,” Marisa said, hearing the door to her exam room slide shut. ”Go ahead and gown up.”

”Ah, Doc, I knew you wanted me out of my pants. I told you yesterday that all you had to do was say the word and I would show you what a real man could offer you.”

Marisa cringed at the sound of Bradi's voice. The man lived to make her life h.e.l.l. He seemed to take great pleasure out of embarra.s.sing her whenever possible. There was something about him that made not only her blood boil but her body burn in ways it shouldn't. ”Lieutenant Commander Bradi, I thought you canceled your physical today.” She let her voice go hard, knowing full well why he was standing there.

He cleared his throat. ”I did, but since you went straight to the big boy about my file not being complete, I got a call telling me to get my a.s.s in here. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you, Doc? I mean, you don't have any certain pull with the Commander do you?”

Smiling, Marisa turned towards him, wanting to give him the impression that he didn't get to her, but he did.

Everything about the man got under her skin and she wasn't entirely sure it was in a bad way either.

Bradi seemed to take up so much room that he demanded attention. The man was pure muscle, at least from what she could tell. He'd never allowed her to examine him in the two months she'd been the s.h.i.+p's a.s.sistant physician. As far as she could tell, Bradi hadn't allowed anyone to examine him in well over a year. From his tight regulation black tee s.h.i.+rt, his upper body was sculpted to perfection. The lower half of him didn't look so bad in a 'great a.s.s, large muscular thighs and an even larger bulge between the legs' kind of way, but who was really looking at that anyway?

Who am I kidding? I can't keep my eyes off him.

Bradi pulled the leather tie out of his hair and she watched in silent wonder as waves of silky black strands spilled over his shoulders. His light blue eyes locked on her as his tongue darted out and over his bottom lip. The sight of his long tongue brus.h.i.+ng over his full lips, made her hands shake from a need to touch him. On more than one occasion, she'd wondered what it would feel like to have him above her, sliding in and out of her body while she caressed him.

He was so different from the men she knew. So wild. So free that the idea of not being close to him to see what it was he'd do next wasn't an option. He was certainly an individual in a sea of the same. She wasn't used to men with facial hair, the Commission frowned upon it, so Bradi stood out even more than normal. His goatee was well maintained, and it not only suited him, but added to the mystique behind him going down on her.

It'd be a cold day in h.e.l.l before she admitted that though.

”As much as I love the fact that you felt the need to show off your non-regulation hair, I don't need that down. I need your pants down,” she said, sure that her s.e.xual suggestion wasn't lost on him. ”You need to update your shots.

You're dangerously close to the expiration date on your old ones and G.o.ds help us all knowing the way you bed hop.”

”Is that an invite to hop into your bed, Doctor? Cause if it is, I will graciously accept it. But only if you promise to let me play doctor with you. I have the perfect thing to take your temperature with.” Bradi took a step towards her and grabbed his belt.

Marisa's pulse quickened and she had to look away. Her cheeks flushed. Crawling away from him wasn't an option. Standing there while he dropped his pants before her was what her job demanded. Wanting to see all that he had to offer was something her body demanded.

You hate him. Remember?

”I've been meaning to ask you about your heritage, Lieutenant,” Marisa said, doing her best to stay focused.

”My heritage?” he asked, taken aback.

”Yes, you aren't like other Corneusims I've met before.” Bradi laughed slightly. ”Why would I look like a h.o.r.n.y toad warrior from the planet Cornu?”

It was as she expected. The man had doctored his medical records. Whatever reason he had for hiding must have been a good one-to make him as desperate as he'd been. ”Hmm, just wondering. After all, your last blood scans showed traces of Corneusim DNA in it.”

Bradi mumbled under his breath and rubbed his strong jaw. ”Doc Graves is ancient. I bet his equipment failed again, or more likely he just mixed up the samples.”

Bradi was right, Dr. Graves, the s.h.i.+p's head physician was old, but not careless. She decided to fight this battle with him at a later date. Right now, she planned on immunizing him and drawing a sample of his blood in the process. ”Ready to bare it all, Lieutenant Commander?”

He dropped his pants to his ankles and c.o.c.ked an eyebrow. The absence of underwear gave her a quick flash of his front side before he turned around and pulled his tee s.h.i.+rt up. Her breath caught and her inner thighs tightened. Not erect the man was impressive. Staring at his rock hard a.s.s did little in the way of alleviating her need to touch him.

She licked her lips imagining her fingers digging into each cheek as he f.u.c.ked her. ”I would much rather have you remove my pants next time, Doc.”

”I'm sure you would,” she said wryly, trying to shake the l.u.s.t from her head. Grabbing her booster gun, Marisa moved up behind him. Placing one hand on his a.s.s, and confirming the fact that he was indeed rock hard, she released the Star Union's recommended dosage of immunizations. Bradi would now be disease free for at least another year and with the stories she'd heard about his prowess that was a blessing.

Bradi flexed his a.s.s slightly, and temptation ran through her. She clutched her hands tight to avoid reaching for him. ”Have you talked to Peter today?”

He stood quickly, pulling his pants up as he went. The second he turned to face her, he rolled his blue eyes.

Running a large hand over his chin, Bradi shook his head slightly. ”You always do that. You always toss Pete in my face whenever I make a comment that turns you on. What? Do you think I forget that you are engaged to my best friend?”

Marisa's jaw dropped. ”I do not toss Peter in your face every time you turn me on.” It hadn't come out the way she'd intended and she wished she could take it back.

”See, was it so hard to admit that I make you h.o.r.n.y?”

Yeah, must be the Corneusim blood in you. I've always wanted a toad.