Part 4 (1/2)
Lorelei stepped in front of him and put her hand out towards the wolf on the ground. The men stopped instantly.
”Please inform the Chieftain that the threat has been eliminated. I'll need you both to stand watch here for any more.
I'm not sensing any, but Stegian's tricks have gotten to us before.” The way her voice trailed off at the end left Sevan wondering who this Stegian was and why the h.e.l.l he had mutant wolves attacking his woman.
My woman? The thought of that made him smile. She would be his, of that he was sure.
”As you wish, Devi,” they said in unison, bowing their heads slightly.
Lorelei took him by the arm and the men gasped. He tried to jerk away, afraid that he'd somehow violated something sacred to them but Lorelei yanked him to her.
d.a.m.n, she's strong.
In an instant, she had his face cupped in her hands and was pulling his lips towards hers. Hearing the men's shocked responses, he tried to stop her, but he was too late. Her full lips met his and the world around him was lost.
The only feeling left was that of Lorelei's lush body pressed tightly to his. His c.o.c.k throbbed and his body ached to toss her to the ground and ravish her. When she raked her nails lightly down his back, he groaned in her mouth. She pulled back slowly, leaving his lips tingling. He dared a sideways glance at the men who'd arrived and found them with one knee on the ground and their heads bent. He looked at Lorelei and she smiled down at the men.
”You shall act as my witnesses.”
”Yes, Devi,” They answered, rising slowly to their feet. They looked at him and for a second Sevan almost checked to see if he'd sprouted markings as well.
Lorelei bit at his lower lip, leaving his c.o.c.k twitching and his body aching to find release in her. Bending down to meet her head on, Sevan gave into the urge to pick her up. Being face to face with her only made his hunger grow.
Now, the need to f.u.c.k her actually bordered on painful. ”I need to be in you.”
Pulling back slightly, Lorelei pushed on his chest and dropped to her feet. She glanced at the men before them and smiled. ”Bear witness that this man is not my mate.”
An uncontrollable urge to peel his s.h.i.+rt off hit him. It was so spontaneous that Sevan gave into it without a fight.
He pulled his black s.h.i.+rt over his head and turned his backs to the men, hoping to get Lorelei to speak with him alone. The men gasped.
Lorelei's smile faded. ”What is it?”
Sevan noticed her markings fading before his eyes to the point they were almost gone and his breath hitched.
”Say you were to find that mate of yours and things were to happen, you know, progress further.”
Lorelei cast a wary look at him. ”You mean we f.u.c.k?”
”Yeah, that will do. Say you were to find him and be intimate with him. How long would it take for your markings to fade?”
”I don't know. I've seen them fade instantly on women who simply stand next to their mates. I imagine they would....” She stopped suddenly and looked down at herself. Her blue eyes widened. ”No. You can't be him.”
Slightly offended, Sevan raked his hot gaze over her tight body. ”Why not?”
”Because you're human and ... and, well I don't know why but there is no way that you are my mate. Stegian and G.o.ds who brought us into the same dream plane are all mad.”
”Hold on,” Sevan said, putting his hand up. ”What do you mean dream plane? Are you telling me that,” he stared at her stomach and watched as the circular markings there began to regain their color quickly, ”Lorelei, what does that mean?”
She followed his gaze and covered her mouth fast. Shaking her head, she tried to run past him. Not wanting to let her out of his sight, Sevan grabbed her arm and pulled her to him being careful not to harm her. ”No. You will stay here and answer my questions.”
”No. You don't understand. I have to get to Christian.” Lorelei's blue eyes stayed glued to her stomach.
One of the men stood quickly and came to her. He stared at her stomach in awe. ”Devi, the legends are true.”
”What legends?”
The men looked at Sevan with nothing short of wonder in his eyes. ”The legends that speak of the powerful ones being given great signs when the time came for them to reproduce the next line of leaders.” He pointed at Lorelei's stomach. ”The symbols stand for fertility. When brought out as they are now, it means that now is the time that she is most fertile. Her body thirsts for the seed of her mate.”
Sevan let the man's words sink in. ”Why in the h.e.l.l are you trying to get to Christian?”
She looked at him like he was insane. Since the thought that she might be had crossed his mind, he let it go.
”Call me Sevan, Lorelei. I think we're way past pleasantries.”
”Fine. Sevan, I need to get to him so that he can a.s.sure the coming of the next line of leaders. It's not something that should require an explanation.” Instantly, it felt as though Sevan had been kicked in the chest. The idea of Lorelei running to another man to give her a child not only sickened him, it infuriated him. ”You will not let any other man touch you. You are mine. I have spent six months loving you and I am not about to let you lie with another man.”
The two men gasped and stared at him with wide eyes.
Lorelei shook her head. ”Don't give him that look. He's not my mate. He can't be my mate.”
One of the men moved behind Sevan and touched his upper right shoulder blade. ”Look, Devi. He carries you on him.”
”Huh?” he and Lorelei said.
Turning his head, Sevan strained to see what the man was pointing at. ”How is my tattoo of a woman with a black panther painted on her leg lying cuddled with a lion a symbol of Lorelei?”
Lorelei lunged at him, twisting him around fast and making a noise that was a cross between a yelp and a cry.
”Bollacks! Get the Chieftain now. Tell him that he'll need to perform a bond breaking ceremony immediately. Sevan cannot be permitted to stay on our planet any longer than necessary and I'm not about to allow him to remain bonded to me any longer than necessary.”
”Bonded?” Sevan asked.
”Would you stop asking so many questions? I'm trying to fix this.”
”Hey, lady, don't start yelling at me because I don't understand your lingo for soul mate haven here. I'm just trying to get by. You know, friendly alien relations.”
Lorelei snorted. ”b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, if I'm an alien what are you? Oh, I know. A lower life form.”