Chapter 29 (1/2)
Chapter 29
(Book 2 Chapter 17)Chapter 29 – Captivity? Are you silly?
Abruptly caught, he will become crazy
Finally here! The Royal capital!
I got the feeling that Tetsuya was arrested!
Back to a few minutes ago.
Tetsuya, riding his high-performance vehicles, arrived at the Royal capital. Then, the King (Ahah) exited the car. Normally they should be arresting Tetsuya. But that was not the case! The aristocratic knight who kept the gate advanced to Diethelm while smiling.
(Knight)「Ah, Your Majesty! Why did you ride an unknown vehicle? Oh but what your majesty does is always weird! Today as well! 」
That’s what he said. Did you understand? The Knight wanted to poison the king! However, Tetsuya thoughts already expanded further. Diethelm had a little talk with the knight then he called out to Tetsuya.「Oh, that guy. What’s his problem?」
Then, Tetsuya who saw the Knight made a small mutter. 「Ah, you’ll fall in love with his majesty」He’ll have to thank Tetsuya later.
(Knight)「Nice to meet you Tetsuya-dono. I am sorry this time for your trouble Majesty. As always your majesty, the first prince, the Queen, the Prime Minister, the leader of the knights, the representative of the imperial guard, and the grand wizard of the country all wanted to stop you. But thanks to Tetsuya. . . You’re truly the King of our country! Let me embrace you, Hilbert, King of Ingra.s.sia. 」
(Diethelm)「W, wow. By the way, did you just speak of a crime of Lese majeste?」
(Knight)「Yes, I did. What should we do! ?」
(Tetsuya)「Oi Your Majesty, then go and ask about it. About the Lese Majesty for example! Otherwise, I’ll make you drink some Tori sauce! 」
(Diethelm)「I understand already! Stop already! 」
Tetsuya asked this question because he was worried for the endeavor of the Knight. Then a little time pa.s.sed.
Just after which the issue arrived.
(Knight)「Everyone!Capture that boy! 」