Kami Sumeragi Yuusha no eiyuutan 《Ryokou Tan》 Chapter 7 (1/2)

Chapter 7 – Matcheless Item

Chapter 7 – Matcheless Item



Added to the material of the items.


(Tetsuya)「Uuu……What was I… A little while ago…」

After 10 minutes had pa.s.sed, Tetsuya was able to wake up. His figure seemed slightly more divine and intimidating than before. However, Tetsuya still had the scar left from the magic Sato fired.


〓G.o.d World, Asura〓

「Why did Tetsuya scar remain even after he drank the Elixir?」

「It was perhaps because he received the wound before?」

「Oh ~ I guess it was like this」

「Incidentally, he now wears the t.i.tle of Emperor G.o.d」

「That’s right~」

「How are his new skill, can we compete against him? And what about his martial art?」

「Let’s see… do you think the military strategist G.o.d supreme existence will be able to win against him? Since his status should be around the same? Well, he would win of course if they were on earth, but what about here? I think that even if he fought against the twelve of us, we wouldn’t be able to win.」


「Well, it’s a relief that we are safe for now. We should depart immediately.」

「Although it’s unfortunate, but I have to work in《Asura》and I can’t follow you.」

「See you Yusuke(Dog)」

(TL : I don’t know the name of the differents G.o.d, so I didn’t put them on.)


When he woke up, the first thing Tetsuya discovered was that, although the wound he received from the Mad Bear 《Berseker》disappeared, the wound he received from Sato’s magic did not. Next, he wanted to investigate the cause of the strange light emanating from his body. That was when he saw the status.