Kami Sumeragi Yuusha no eiyuutan 《Ryokou Tan》 Chapter 5 (1/1)

Chapter 5 – The 「Last」 story from World G.o.ds Creator’s hobby Tetsuya

Tetsuya was muttering to himself while falling. Everything he mumbled was nothing but disturbness.

In truth, the back of Tetsuya’s body had been cut by Sato.

(Yuki)「Consciousness&h.e.l.lip; not clear」

How much time had pa.s.sed?Maybe a few seconds. Maybe a few minutes. The awareness of Tetsuya was slowly disappearing.

Tetsuya apperceived light. He looked below him and noticed a Lake. He was heading straight for it .

And Tetsuya’s crash into the lake&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.. didn’t happen.

Before Tetsuya fell into the lake, the fall started to slow down.

(Yuki)「Why am I still alive&h.e.l.lip;」

It was his last thought after he got out of the lake before he lost consciousness.

〓G.o.d World, Asura〓

「Tetsuya had been loooosssttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!」

The screams of the G.o.ds reverberated within their world 《Asura》the moment Tetsuya had been hit by Mitsuteru’s and Satou’s magic.

(G.o.d #1)「Old man!! Put Tetsuya under Floating Magic!!And then Recovery Magic! If you don’t do IT, I will chop this old man’s treasure AV《Animal Video》!!!」

(G.o.d #2)「I, I undertand!!So Yusuke (Dog) Help me!!!!」

(G.o.d #1)「Make it fast!Tetsuya will probably become dust if he hit the lake!!!!」

(G.o.d #2)「I know!!《Floating》&h.e.l.lip; then it’s 《Recorvery《Heal》》。With this, is it good?」

(G.o.d #1)「It worked!!」

Thus, Tetsuya was saved, thanks to the G.o.d’s meddling.