Kami Sumeragi Yuusha no eiyuutan 《Ryokou Tan》 Chapter 2 (1/2)
Chapter 2 – Sealed
I’m sorry for the delay.I was out, and It made me not able to finish in time.
It was rewritten on 11/14
Cerise! Did the summon end?」
While the students from Cla.s.s 1-A were still stumbling about Cerise’s talk, the door behind Cerise opened and someone, looking like a n.o.ble or a King, entered.
(Cerise)「Yes, father. I was explaining to the Heroes right now.」
(King)「I see. I shall now go and greet the Heros.」
The man called father by Cerise faced toward the students.
(Hilbert)「I’m happy to meet you, Heroes. I am the King of Ingra.s.sia. Hilbert El Lord Ingra.s.sia. I’ll say it once again, but we are sorry that we had to summon you. We will have you save the world with your power, Heroes.I entrust this to you」
The king bowed toward the students.His face showed a drained expression. And, together with him, all the knights, the n.o.bles, and the Princess bowed to the new Heros.And there was one person who got excited by watching them.
(Hos.h.i.+na)「Naturally! We, heroes, will definitely save the world! Leave it to us!」
That one was Hos.h.i.+na. After a short while, he called out to the student.
(Hos.h.i.+na)「Well, Everyone! Because we are all Heroes, let’s save the world together! Wa have power! And with this power, let’s display justice!」
(Girl #1)「Yes, like Hos.h.i.+na! I will do it!」
(Girl #3)「Me too!」
(Girl #2)「M.. Me as well!」」
(Boy #1)「Because we have cheats!」
(Boy #2)「That’s right!Because we are special!」
Then, what would follow after this could only be one thing, war. However, everyone had an excited look on his face. Knowing that fights would be coming, Tetsuya became worried. As well as three other persons who were thinking the exact same things.
(Mana)「Tetsuya, what do you say?」
The head of the public moral, Mana, asked Tetsuya about his opinion with a little voice. They were next to Yuki and Yuzuha. Tetsuya also answered with a small voice. It was the start of these four’s meeting.
(Tetsuya)「I don’t know, but what everyone one said looked like a farce.」
(Tetsuya)「Well. What I mean is, they don’t know at all what is it to go into a real battle. I think that everybody here regards this world only as a game」
(Yuzuha)「To say that this is war… Indeed, coming from the successor of the Kanzaki’s style」
(Tetsuya)「This is not relevant to the current matter.But they don’t know.But I utter,『Fighting=Killing』.There is a big difference between a『Fight』 and a『War』. Regardless of if they go with their cheat or not, everything ends up with them dying.It is more likely to happen when they meet an unexpected situation. I am worried that they would not be able to understand and even more worried when unforeseen circ.u.mstances had spread in the world. And about that thing…」
(Mana)「What’s wrong?」
(Tetsuya)「I can’t move my body well since I came here. I feel like something is wrapped around my body, like chains.」
(Yuki)「On the contrary, my body feels lights.」
(Tetsuya)「It was something like that after all… ….」
(Hilbert)「Now, you can say 『Status Open』 and see by yourself how strong you are. Come out now and let us confirm everyone’s status」
(Tetsuya)「Everything will be over soon..」
(Yuzuha)「Maybe. But do you want us to bring you there, Tetsuya?」
(Tetsuya)「Before that, let’s check 『Open status』」
Tetsuya . Kanzaki Age 16
s.e.x M
Human Race?
Job Hero (Sealed)???(Sealed)
Sealed (effect: status reduced to 1/500, Can’t increase the Levels, can’t use any skills, no magics available (Do not include the skills granted by summoning magic), no rise of status from the job and no rise of status from the divine protection.)
Lv 1
HP 2500 / 2500 (Sealed)
MP 450 / 450 (Sealed)
STR 100 (Sealed)
AGI 80 (Sealed)
VIT 50 (Sealed)
INT 400 (Sealed)
[Appraisal Lv A] [Full understanding of the language of all human beings.]
Blessing of the Fighting G.o.d, Blessing of the Military Strategist G.o.d, Blessing from the G.o.ds of the other World.
The strongest Hero who became sealed after the summon
Yuzuha Sasaki Age 16
s.e.x F
Human Race
Job Hero
Status healthy
Lv 1
HP 20000/20000
MP 50000/50000
MP 50000/50000
AGI 130
VIT 100
VIT 100
[Wand technique Lv.D][Body technique Lv.E][Magic manipulation Lv.B]
[Magic Power UP Lv.F]
[Appraisal Lv A] [Full understanding of the language of all human beings.]Love]
[Five magical attributes (Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Light)][Recovery Magic][Barrier Magic][Holy Magic]
Blessing of the magic’s G.o.d
t.i.tle Hero
Mana Sakasaki Age 17
s.e.x F
Human Race
Job Hero, Master of the Sword
Status healthy
Lv 1
HP 25000/25000
MP 17500/17500
STR 200
AGI 200
VIT 90
VIT 500
[Swordplay Lv A][Body technique Lv D][Body strengthening Lv D]
[Sakazaki fencing’s style]
[Appraisal Lv A] [Full understanding of the language of all human beings.]
[Wind elemental magic] [Light elemental magic]
Blessing of the sword’s G.o.d
t.i.tle Hero, Master of the Sword
Yuki Hos.h.i.+no Age 18
s.e.x F
Human Race
Job Hero, Sage
Status healthy
Lv 1
HP 20000/20000
MP 120000/120000