Part 6 (1/2)
He handed the card back to me. ”Atrocious writing.”
”You and Wit agree on something.”
A car pulled up the bluestone driveway. ”That would be Steven,” Geary said. ”Let us greet him and get this interview of yours over with. After you.”
Ooh, the code-enforcement people weren't going to like this. Brightman had parked his Mercedes right behind me.
He was about five years my senior, my brother Aaron's age, slender and four or five inches short of six feet. He wore a yellow golf s.h.i.+rt, loose black slacks, deck shoes, and a rich tan. A real man of the people. He was cla.s.sically handsome, with an angular jaw, a straight nose, hazel eyes, brownish red hair, and an easy smile. Strangely enough, he did have that kind of young Jack Kennedy mojo.
He ambled up to me and extended his hand, looking me straight in the eyes. ”You must be Moe. I'm Steven Brightman. Tom, could you give us a few minutes?”
Okay, now I got it. Brightman had the gift. Without doing much of anything, he had made me feel like I was the most important person in the metropolitan area. It was like that inexplicable movie-star thing. Some of the greatest actors in the world came off flat on film. Whereas people on the set could never understand Marilyn Monroe's magic. The camera, they say, either loves you or it doesn't. With politicians it was the ability to connect with the crowd itself and individuals in the crowd at the same time.
”Let's walk,” he said, and guided me around the back of the house in the direction of the stables. ”So, I hear you want to talk to me.”
”Did you kill Moira Heaton?”
Right answer. No prevarication. No I'm glad you asked that.
”Were you having an affair with her?”
He hesitated. ”Technically, no, I wasn't.”
I tried rattling his cage a little. ”But you had slept with her?”
”Twice, yes.”
Right answer. Again, there was no oh, G.o.d, forgive me bulls.h.i.+t, no mea culpas about how he wasn't proud of what he'd done.
”She wasn't much to look at,” he went on, ”but she was still a very attractive young woman.”
”I hope I get a chance to find out for myself,” I said, not really believing it. ”Where?”
”Once in the office. Once at a motel under a.s.sumed names, obviously. It was good between us, but we both understood that it couldn't go anywhere. It had ended months before she vanished.”
”That August.”
”But you weren't married then.”
”Not then, no,” he admitted. ”A condition I have happily since rectified.”
”So why end it?”
”Actually, it was Moira who put an end to things. Politics were her pa.s.sion, not politicians. I suspect once she got over the thrill of it, she wanted to get back to the real world. In the end, I think I was more attracted to her than she to me. Have you ever been curious or fantasized about sleeping with a black woman or a Chinese girl or any sort of specific type of woman? When you finally fulfill your fantasy, you get beyond it. It was like that for Moira with me.”
”Do the cops know?”
”They don't. I'm afraid that I did lie about that one aspect of our relations.h.i.+p.”
I laughed. ”Don't worry about it. They probably didn't believe you. I wouldn't've believed you either. We cops can be such distrustful p.r.i.c.ks. But just because you slept with her doesn't mean you killed her.”
”Is that your opinion or theirs?”
”It's not theirs. You're a politician. They're not fond of you on general And me, I'm still making up my mind.”
”That's fair. Do you think she's-”
”-dead?” I finished the question. ”Yeah, I think she's dead.”
”I've always thought so as well. Moira was such a responsible person, so dedicated. She wouldn't just run off. When she didn't turn up after the first several days, I ...”
”I guess that's something else you neglected to share with the cops.”
He smiled that smile at me. ”I can see why you came so highly recommended, Moe. No, I kept that to myself. I played out the string by offering a reward and being so public. Did I think it would help? In the end, no. I guess there was some measure of faint hope.”
”Hey, Senator Brightman, you wanna save me the trouble and just tell me about anything else you might have conveniently forgotten to tell the police? To my mother's eternal regret, I never wanted to be a dentist. I don't enjoy pulling teeth.”
He laughed, but not too loudly or long. That was part of his gift. He knew just how to modulate his responses.
”You'd make a s.h.i.+tty politician, Moe. You know that?”
”That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Thanks, Senator. But you haven't answered the question.”
”No, there's nothing else.”
We were now standing just outside the stables. Thomas Geary was there waiting for our arrival.
”Satisfied, Moe?” Geary asked.
”Gentlemen,” Brightman interrupted before I could answer. ”You'll have to excuse me. I've got an appointment back in the city, and the rest of this conversation would be best carried on in my absence. Moe,” he said, offering me his hand, ”I hope you can find out what happened to Moira. I owe at least that to her family.”
”It wouldn't hurt your career either,” I added.
He smiled. ”Not at all. Like I said before, don't go into politics. Bluntness is not considered an attribute. So long. Thomas, we'll speak tomorrow. My best to Elizabeth.”
Both Geary and I waited until Brightman's slender frame faded against the vibrant orange of the late afternoon sun.
”He's a natural,” I said.
Thomas Geary smiled like a proud father. ”He'll do great things for this state.”
”Yeah, maybe. You know, Mr. Geary, I'm a little bit confused. I can see what Brightman gets from his relations.h.i.+p with you. Who knows, maybe you two even really like each other. But what do you get out of it? It can't be more money.”