Chapter 250 (1/2)
Looking down froures about the size of a hu around the city
The way they moved was similar to that of zombie in horror movies
(What in the world is that?)
Frouish it because of the distance However, as Arnold had said, these existences erous
While observing the said existences, one of it caught one of the civilians Moreover, the way it captured civilian was very uncanny Because srew from its body and coiled around the civilian’s body
And what’s surprising is that the bound captives are pushed inside its body
“That’s apparently a doll made of water”
Tenn as at Hiiro’s shoulder revealed the nature of that existence
“A doll?”
“And perhaps the practitioner isit somewhere nearby”
According to Tenn, this spell was a variant fro are water dolls created by the said practitioner of it
“But with this numbers, I don’t think they were commanded with a complex instruction”
“But they are attacking the citizens you know? Isn’t that proof they can distinguish their friends and foes alike?”
“Probably, I bet they were ordered to attack any person nearby”
“… certainly water dolls aren’t considered a ‘person’ And they haven’t touched the buildings since they arrived too”
That is to say that what Tenn said had a high chance it’s likely true
“Hiiro…what should we do?”
Camus inquired his orders from his sides Arnold and Ornoth had proe point,the sa these dolls
A the chakraht with Eunice, but apparently such physical attacks were ineffective against the water bodies of such opponent
“Even if I don’t do anything, those guys are there to stop it And besides, the Beast King is also there”
He saw the Beast King instructing the soldiers from his position
“Then…we just watch?”
“If you want to fight against them, you can do so I won’t stop you”
“What…will Hiiro do then?”
“Wait and see I have no obligation to help theo, even if I don’t help, those guys will do so about it”
Although the enemies were a lot, appearance-wise, they weren’t that skillful Theirto push the bound civilians into their bodies and let them die from suffocation which was easy to intercept due to their slow movements
Looking at one of the scene where they forcibly pulled one of civilians out of its body, there doesn’t seeed that the beast men could handle this matter alone
“Che, Hiiro is such a kill-joy”
“Whatever I just find it tiresome”
“Eeh, and here I thought we could try the power of the newborn Zangeki-chan~”
Since Tenn’s integration with 《Zangeki》, Hiiro hadn’t tested it in a trial run But that’s because he couldn’t find the opportunity to test it, although he heard so information from Tenn, H
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iiro hadn’t tried using it……yet
“Mu…this situation is certainly convenient to test it and also”
“They interrupted……Hiiro’s lessons”
It was exactly as Camus had said, when the enemy attacked, they took valuable hours of Hiiro that could have been used to train with Ornoth which caused hi that matter
“……yeah, a little angry because of it”
“Oh! Then you’ll do it?”
Tenn got thrilled as his sparkled with excitement
“Yup Let’s end this quickly so that I can continue my practice on 《Grand Red Aura》”
Ju joyfully, Tenn ian to cry in a loud voice