Chapter 173 (1/2)

Chapter 173: Their Respective Abilities

An ice-covered world spread across the field It was as if that area was an entirely different world However, this place should’ve undoubtedly been the inside of the crater in the 【Valaaru Wilds】

Norround, but currently, that earth was frozen, and the tes had dropped to the point where one’s breath would condense when one exhaled

And on top of that frozen field was Shublarz, her body covered with injuries She gazed in a mortified manner at her opponent, Rarashi+k, who had created the current state of the battlefield

“Just whowarriors ast the Gabranth, who had participated in the wars up until now” (Shublarz)

Shublarz believed that a beastth should have participated in the wars that had occurred up until now But no le personRarashi+k’s appearance surfaced from her memories

“Well, I suppose that should be the case This isin a war after all” (Rarashi+k)

“……seriously?” (Shublarz)

“Yeah, because I hate war” (Rarashi+k)

“……then why are you participating this time?” (Shublarz)

“Nahaha! You’re probably trying to extend the conversation like that in order to allow your body to recover, but that kind of strategy only works on underlings, you know?” (Rarashi+k)

As she said that, nu Shublarz

“Geez! At least let me have a conversation!” (Shublarz)

Although she frantically attee them, due to the sheer nuan to appear on her body

“Fuu, what are you going to do if the wounds leave scars on my body, I wonder?” (Shublarz)

“Even though I want to skewer those e boobs of yours?” (Rarashi+k)

Rarashi+k clicked her tongue as she pointed towards Shublarz’s chest Upon hearing that, Shublarz becained ould happen to her

“G-Geez, couldn’t we be a bit more peaceful about this?” (Shublarz)

“Peace……has already died out!” (Rarashi+k)

“I wonder if it’s just ly–!” (Shublarz)

Ice needles once again cae them successfully and stared at Rarashi+k as she panted

Shublarz hadn’t thought that she would have lost the initiative in the battle like this Although Rarashi+k hadn’t appeared to be all that strong at first glance, the power that she had contained within her was dreadful

In the previous battle, Leowald had suddenly used 《Binding》to fight, but Shublarz had a hunch that Rarashi+k’s 《Binding》’s poas stronger

She couldn’t word it well, but it could be said to be like a perfectly coordinated partner, oruse of a part of herself

Shublarz felt that Rarashi+k’s poielded both naturally and effortlessly She thought that while everyone, including herself,Leoas the top in ter》, Shublarz sensed that Rarashi+k was actually much better

“It’s boring if you just dodge it all! Here, 《Fang of Ice》!” (Rarashi+k)

Upon throwing nuical scalpel-like objects, the scalpels were covered in ice and transformed into enormous ice scalpels

“Wai-! You can do so like that!?” (Shublarz)

Shublarz froze after being startled, and, having thought that the attack would hit Shublarz directly, Rarashi+k snickered However……


Suddenly, the field that should have been covered in ice returned to its original earthly state Not only that, but it did so in an instant

“Wha–!?” (Rarashi+k)

Rarashi+k, unable to understand what had happened, unintentionally opened her mouth in surprise It was only natural Not only had she not deactivated her power yet, even if she had, she wasn’t capable ofall of the ice disappear instantly

Even so, everything, including the giant scalpels and the surrounding ice, had returned to the exact same state that it had been in prior to the start of battle

She looked around restlessly, atte to find the cause of the pheno And then, she turned her gaze towards the one person who appeared unfazed from the situation, Shublarz

She was s was that the slash wounds which had been carved all over her body had completely disappeared

“……what did you do?” (Rarashi+k)

“Fufufu, did you really think that I would tell you that?” (Shublarz)

Seeing Shublarz, who smiled like she had successfully deceived her, Rarashi+k scowled in annoyance

Shublarz had done so Rarashi+k understood that, but she couldn’t even begin to guess what Shublarz could have done to cause this

The reason being that Shublarz had si

Watching Rarashi+k’s battle, Hiiro’s face was once again dyed with the colour of surprise

(What……the ice suddenly disappeared?) (Hiiro)

Shublarz had likely done so, but as far as Hiiro had seen, he couldn’t understand what exactly it was

She had been in a defensive fight against Rarashi+k’s attacks While her body continued to bear nu her froround, which she had then splendidly avoided with e

Nothing unnatural had occurred……is what Hiiro thought If there was one thing that bothered him, it was that despite the fact that she had been in theRarashi+k’s attacks, her body had been eic power

(……don’t tell ic?) (Hiiro)

As he thought that, he realized that he wouldn’t be able to reach an answer based on conjectures alone, so he reluctantly used 『Pry』/『覗』to check her 《Status》

Shublarz Crusel

Lv 130

HP: 6000/6000

MP: 5035/5835

EXP: 2400111

NEXT: 74980

ATK 1100 (1150)

DEF 1011 (1133)

AGL 1009 (1089)

HIT 922 (1000)

INT 999 (1099)

《Magic Attribute》None

《Magic》Dance Magic (Ancestral Gathering Dance (Unlocked) | Dance of the Pure (Unlocked) | Enchanting Dance (Unlocked) | Ti Dance (Unlocked))

《titles》Dancer | Voluptuous Beauty | High Class Demon | Connoisseur of Wine | Monster Slayer | Ripper | boob-nee-sa Mistress | Capable Wo Lady | Cruel | Killer of the Unique | One who Exceeds | Man Killer | Likes to be Spoiled | Lonely One | ……Still a Virgin? | Fighting Woman | Overly Determined Person

Rarashi+k Fan’naru

Lv 138

HP: 7665/7665

MP: 786/786

EXP: 3421577

NEXT: 87020

ATK 1316 (1330)

DEF 1268 (1300)

AGL 1194 (1200)

HIT 1049 (1050)

INT 845 (880)

《Binding Attribute》Ice

《Binding》Frozen Fang | Severing Strike of the Ice Beast | Frost Inversion | Divine Frost Surge | Spirit Manifestation | Final Fang

《titles》Friend of Ice | Little Girl | Binge Drinker | Blade of the Wild | Researcher | Monster Slayer | A Weirdo born of a Weirdo | The Creator of Binding | Gabranth Fighter | One who can Influence Cause and Effect | Chibi-Usagi | One who Raised Many Disciples | Overly Determined Person

(《Dance Magic》……I see So it was a Unique Magic) (Hiiro)

Based on what he had read, 《Dance Magic》’s defining feature was, as its name stated, that it could manifest by dance alone

What interested hi a considerable a the dance, it seeic that allowed one to return the state of the surroundings back to hoas a short period of time earlier

For example, the wounds she had received Once she had finished her dance, it seemed that she was able to return to how she was prior to receiving the wounds (liberal trans)

However, naturally, there were restrictions She could only turn back the state of the surrounds up to one hour prior, and there was always a lie of the past space that she could project

Because it had been possible for her to return the entire area covered by ice back to its previous state, Hiiro was able to guess that her ability had an effect on an area of at least 30 metres in diameter

(In other words, rather than turning back tis were in froic really are cheats after all) (Hiiro)

Rather than causing the ice to melt in an instant, it wasreturned the area to its state prior to being frozen over