Chapter 95 (1/2)
Chapter 95 – Resolve
The htly knocked back, scowled at Camus
Desert Monster [ Guraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ]
As things didn’t go its way, a current of anger flowed through theirritation, it showed off the severed tail that swung huly from side to side
Camus [ Are you okay? ]
Jin-u [ C-Chief……I’m sorry ]
Jin-u’s face was distorted by pain as he apologized while bitterly thinking he had caused someone trouble
Hiiro [ Oi, what’s that? ]
Taken aback by Hiiro’s words, they glanced in the ht that met them had shocked them both
Desert Monster [ Gurururururu! ]
Sorown back
Hiiro [ Oi Oi, it can even regenerate itself? I guess the usual methods won’t work, huh ]
Silva [ How shall we proceed, Hiiro-sama? ]
Hiiro [Let’s see, I’ve got so in mind, but……]
Honestly, if all he had to do was kill it, Hiiro could soe it alone However, in this case, he had restricted hi a helper since the |Ashura Tribe’s| Chief Camus was the person expected to defeat the monster
Silva [ As I thought, ill be exclusively supporting Camus until the end? ]
Hiiro [ Hou, you seem to understand, huh Jii-san ]
Silva [ Nofofofofo! Well then, let us try our best to do that! ]
At that moment, the shadow at Silva’s feet twisted and coiled upward into his hand, taking the shape of, what appeared to be, a table knife
Silva [ Lets go! Chaotic Butler toss! ]
Silva flew up into the sky as dozens of knives rained down upon the monster However, the wall of sandthem
During this, Hiiro approached Camus and whispered to him
Hiiro [ Listen up – si its body beco the tail see to do with defeating hih Focus all your efforts into piercing the core ]
Camus [ ……Got it ]
As he took his hands away froaze
Hiiro [ When I give the signal, move forward ]
Camus [ Yes ]
Although Silva was still attacking, when the wall of sand suddenly collapsed, the monster was nowhere to be seen
Silva [Mu?]
Upon also noticing the situation, Silva furrowed his brow
Silva [ What is going on!? ]
Theitself upwards underneath Silva while he was still in the air It appears that the er on its tail pierced Silva’s body
Silva [ Muu! ]
As expected, Hiiro also opened his eyes wide upon witnessing such a sight Certainly, the ing its stinger into the body, it would release a paralysing neurotoxin that deprives the victi this, it would seem that the scorpion would then eat its prey, little by little A sied in Silva’s body
Of course, Caan to move in an attempt to try and save Silva However, Hiiro stopped hi his arm in front of Camus
Camus [ Hiiro……? ]
Hiiro [ Be still ]
Camus [ But……Jii-chan is…… ]
Hiiro [ Listen……be quiet and watch ]
Ca that he did not understand what Hiiro’s was talking about Why shouldn’t he try to save a wounded ally? Although he doubted Hiiro’s actions, Camus looked up and watched Silva and the monster
Desert Monster [ Gururururu! ]
Silva [ Gufu…uh… uu… ]
Silva looked like he was going through intense pain Looking at it, you would think the rabbed the tail
Desert Monster [ ……? ]
Silva [ Ku……Nofofo, did you perhaps think that I was taken out? ]
Silva, as just suffering a second ago, loosely puffed his mouth
Silva [ Shall I hold onto this dangerous thing? ]
As he said thus, Silva lifted his right hand, as if he were lifting a wineglass Following this, a black sphere appeared in his palripped the tail with his left hand Finally, the globe disappeared as it was absorbed into the tail
Silva [ Pool Ball…… ]
At that ular object appeared from where the sphere had been absorbed It was clearly caused by the black globe absorbed a o
The black rectangle quickly sliced apart thecut with a razor Once again, the monster’s tail was severed from its body
Desert Monster [ Gura-!? ]
Silva [ On account of this sultry embrace, kindly separate from me ]
The black rectangular object morphed back into a sphere and shot out like a cannonball
The monster’s body bent forward as the sphere superbly struck the monster’s stomach The attacked round without any means of protection
Silva, as stabbed by the er, nonchalantly left the location
Hiiro [ Oi, isn’t there so stuck in your stomach? ]
Silva [ Oya? How inconsiderate of me ]
Silva gently plucked the tail out of his body and tossed it on the ground
Hiiro [ Heh, you were fine after all ]
Silva [ I’ood suits… ]
Hiiro [ ……You’re basically unharmed……Seriously what in the world is your body made of? ]
Silva [ Nofofofofo! It’s because I am a butler! Nofofofofo! ]
After he spoke these words, Silva was dismayed due to the fact that he will be scolded by Ojousama about his tattered unifor in surprise as they watched the eeness known as Silva
Camus [ Eto…you are……fine? ]
Ca silent and asked thus However, Silva, who seemed to have his usual appearance, expressed a smile
Silva [ Nofofofofo! My apologies for having worried you! As you see, I’m quite well! ]
When Hiiro sa he bowed politely, he did not notice anything abnorh he wasn’t surprised at this inexplicable situation because he’d seen it before, it was different for the other two Still, Camus could now understand the reason Hiiro stopped hi Silva
Camus ( He was trusted…by Hiiro……That’s so )
As Cahtly envious of it
Hiiro disregarded the gaze of the pair who seemed to want an explanation since he did not have time to explain in detail Their top priority was to elied existence in front of them
Hiiro [ Jii-san, can you destroy that ain? ]
Silva [ Nofo? Most certainly! ]
Silva headed toward the ain after he said that
Hiiro [ Listen, I’ll say it again We will have a chance after this Promptly…Kill it ]
Camus [ u…un ]
He sed loudly before nodding
Imic into his fingertip
|Tracking| |索敵|
Hiiro ( With this, I can find it no matter where it hides )
In response to Silva’s knife attack, theto plan Following this, it then disappeared by once again diving into the ground However, this time, Hiiro’s senses were able to capture the monster’s position It was as if his eyes were capable of locating his target’s position via use of therh the sand with incredible velocity
Hiiro [ Alright ]
Hiiro quickly wrote a word and waited for thethis, Hiiro clenched his fist in anticipation And,
At the same moment the monster came out of the sand, Hiiro vanished He then reappeared next to the monster He had used the character |Transfer| |転移|, a tord spell he had set up before this fight He was thankful for his lvl 80 abilities as he was now able to instantly activate |Two-Word Chain| spells without having to write them on the spot
The monster’s eyes ith surprise when Hiiro suddenly appeared before it Following this, Hiiro pointed his fingertips at the monster Hiiro proceeded to shoot the other word he had written Nor such a quick foe, however, it was currently caught off-guard The situation was si car is unable to make a sudden stop
Hiiro ( In other words, it can’t avoid this! )
Hiiro activated the effect of the word he set up before teleporting close to the monster He used |Soft||柔| – the same one he had used before With this, the defensive power of the sand armor was nullified
Hiiro [ Next is this! ]
The back of Hiiro’s fist shone as he activated another word he had set up using ||Word Magic||
|Colossal Strength| |剛力|
He felt power gather in his right hand
Hiiro’s fist shot towards the face of the monster, upon i s away
It pluround and created a plume of sand With the defense of the sand armor nullified, in addition to the increased attack power froth|, the h the soft sand broke its fall
The monster rose unsteadily
Hiiro [ Here’s another one! ]
Hiiro used |Air Writing| to write |Hard| |固| and shot it at the sand under the monster Like the time with Camus, it has now been rendered unable to manipulate the sand
Hiiro [ Now! Do it! ]
Hiiro shouted at Ca the voice, Caripped the twin katanas in his hands
Camus [ … Daddy ]
Froed full-speed at thecore in the monster’s stomach was reflected in his eyes As far as Hiiro was concerned, the sand’s defensive force was practically non existence Furtherer erect a defensive wall as the sand had been rendered unusable due to the word |Hard| |固| If Cae However, if he attacked now, he would definitely defeat the monster
Camus [ ……kill…I will kill it ]
In that moment, the question of [Who was he to kill?] surfaced in hisface flashed before hiic scent tickled Camus’ nose
Camus [ …Daddy……? ]
Everyone thought it was over Thanks to Hiiro’s plan, they were perfectly prepared Although Jin-u suffered a little dae, no one was killed Above all, they were all liberated from the monsters terror
Watching from afar, the people of the |Ashura Tribe| were confident in their victory……………until just now
Involuntarily, everyone stiffened at the unforeseen spectacle reflected in their eyes
Hiiro [ That idiot! ]
Hiiro was the only one that, in response to that spectacle, had…actually, Hiiro couldn’t help but reveal his frustrations towards the author of such a spectacle
Because next to theclosely, the h it wasn’t that the monster somehow stopped the attack Actually, Ca assault
Camus [ ku… ]
His dual katanas trehtly No, it wasn’t just the katanas, it was Ca forward, his face was slightly raised Even though his eyes were set on the monster, Camus’ face was distorted by sorrow