Part 31 (1/2)
”Perhaps ten minutes ago. Before you rang for Parker.”
”How did he die? Where did they find him? He looked so well. He always seemed so strong. Oh! are you sure he is dead?”
She went towards the door. Nurse laid her hand on her arm.
”Miss Sophy, I have not told you all. Can you bear to hear it?
Remember, master is in the next room, and he knows nothing yet.
Come, you must help me to tell him. Now, be quiet, dear! It was no common death he died!” She looked in her face as if trying to convey her meaning by her eyes.
Sophy's lips moved, but nurse could hear no sound.
”He has been shot as he was coming home along Turner Street, to-night.”
Sophy went on with the motion of her lips, twitching them almost convulsively.
”My dear, you must rouse yourself, and remember your father and mother have yet to be told. Speak! Miss Sophy!”
But she could not; her whole face worked involuntarily. The nurse left the room, and almost immediately brought back some sal-volatile and water. Sophy drank it eagerly, and gave one or two deep gasps.
Then she spoke in a calm, unnatural voice.
”What do you want me to do, nurse? Go to Helen and poor Amy. See, they want help.”
”Poor creatures! we must let them alone for a bit. You must go to master; that's what I want you to do, Miss Sophy. You must break it to him, poor old gentleman! Come, he's asleep in the dining-room, and the men are waiting to speak to him.”
Sophy went mechanically to the dining-room door.
”Oh! I cannot go in. I cannot tell him. What must I say?”
”I'll come with you, Miss Sophy. Break it to him by degrees.”
”I can't, nurse. My head throbs so, I shall be sure to say the wrong thing.”
However, she opened the door. There sat her father, the shaded light of the candle-lamp falling upon, and softening his marked features, while his snowy hair contrasted well with the deep crimson morocco of the chair. The newspaper he had been reading had dropped on the carpet by his side. He breathed regularly and deeply.
At that instant the words of Mrs. Hemans's song came full in Sophy's mind--
”Ye know not what ye do, That call the slumberer back From the realms unseen by you, To life's dim weary track.”
But this life's track would be to the bereaved father something more than dim and weary, hereafter.
”Papa,” said she softly. He did not stir.
”Papa!” she exclaimed, somewhat louder.
He started up, half awake.
”Tea is ready, is it?” and he yawned.
”No! papa, but something very dreadful--very sad, has happened!”