Part 4 (1/2)
It was to this home, surrounded by green fields and nature's beauties that George Evans, the kind-hearted sailor, brought the unpromising prize whom he found floating upon the waters.
It was a beautiful, calm summer evening when the two stepped from the cars at the small village of Kirkham and began their pleasant walk of some two miles to their journey's end. The road lay over a varied country of hills and dales, on which the setting sun was throwing an additional charm of golden hues, lighting up the tree tops and gilding the quiet lake and brooklet with tints of changing glories, crowning the distant mountain with a chaplet of beauty, as the retiring king sank lower and lower in his chamber of purple and crimson behind a western cloud. The sailor was walking slowly with bowed head, holding the little brown hand of his _protegee_ tightly in his own, unheeding the departing splendors of the dying day, for his thoughts were busy and his face denoted a ”mind ill at ease.”
”Look--look!” exclaimed his little companion, pulling away her small hand from the weather-beaten one that was so gently leading her.
”_That_ is 'most as pretty as the sea: But it don't talk to me,” she continued, after a moment's pause. He _did_ look as she requested, but not where her finger pointed, for his attention suddenly became riveted upon the little upturned face beside him.
”If they could only see her _now_,” he thought; ”what eyes! But it will be all gone when we get there, and nothing but the old look of impishness will remain.” A smile pa.s.sed over his bronzed features as he continued to gaze at her who was hurrying on before to gather some flowers that grew by the road-side, and well might he be pardoned for any remark he might be tempted to make, for a more unlovely little image could not well be imagined. Her dress, which had originally been of very fine material, had lost the most of its beauty before coming to her, and what little might have been left disappeared during the night she lay asleep in the bottom of the dirty fis.h.i.+ng boat with the rain beating upon her. To be sure it had been washed and mended by the kind-hearted Cathreen on board the ”Bay State,” but even this process had failed to add new charms to it, for there were many more colors (added by the several patches) than were at first intended to be there. This outer article of apparel, with an apology for one other garment, was the sole covering of the little dumpy figure; and her hair, which was very thick and much longer than it was generally permitted to grow, hung in confusion about her sunburnt face.
They had now ascended a slight eminence which overlooked the valley, and before them was distinctly visible the blue lake with its green border, and a long line of struggling sunbeams lingering upon its bosom, while to the right, in the midst of the evening shadows, stood the neat white cottage with its numerous adornings; still nearer and plainly discernable in the broad light was a smooth white marble slab cold and chilling as the form which had for many years rested beneath it. This stone so motionless and still told the pa.s.ser-by that ”Henry Wood,” the former owner and proprietor of the pleasant home and those extensive fields had long ago ceased from his labors, and the soil which his hands had so productively tilled was now another's, yet they were not his who was now so thoughtfully looking over them. When _he_, twelve years ago, stood in the place of the buried husband, by the side of the widowed wife, the reservation had been made. The farm with all its accompaniments should belong to his future companion and _her_ heirs, of whom her only daughter stood first in the rank of all succeeding claimants.
One child had been born to them, a poor crippled boy of ten years, towards whom the father's heart always turned with all its fullness of paternal love.
”Come here, Phebe,” said the sailor kindly to the busy little girl, who had her hands full of gay flowers and leaves, as he seated himself on a stone by the roadside. ”Come here and see that house yonder! Don't you think you would like to live there? See that lake, it isn't quite as large as the one I found you on, but there is a boat much prettier, very much, than the one you took your lonely ride in. Tell me, don't you think you would like such a home as that?” he continued, seeing she was gazing thoughtfully on the scene.
”I'd like to go _there_,” she answered at last, pointing to the green hills that surrounded the lake.
”But who would feed and take care of you? Besides, why would you not like to live in that pretty house? There are flowers all around it, and smooth paths through the garden down to the meadow brook, and beside it you can walk to the lake where the bright little row-boat is fastened to the oak tree. Willie thinks it is very nice! We always go there together when I am at home, and while we are sailing I tell him all about my voyage, what I saw and heard, and what I hope he will see and hear some day.”
”Won't they make me scour knives and wash potatoes?” asked the child, eagerly. ”I don't like to do it, and I _won't_!” she exclaimed emphatically. ”Mother used to whip me because I wouldn't do it; but I would run away down to the sh.o.r.e and talk to the waves. Do the waves talk over there?” she said, pointing to the lake, around which the nightly shadows were densely gathering.
”If they do, they will tell you it is _very_ naughty not to do what those who are so kind ask you to do. Mothers have to do many things that are not pleasant, and every mother's girl ought to try to please her.
Don't you think so?” Phebe shrugged her shoulders, and drawing her hand across her forehead, replied quickly--
”Well, I don't like to scour knives, and I hain't got no mother.”
”But I want Willie's mother to be yours, and I think she will be very kind to you, if you are good and try to please her.”
A shadow pa.s.sed over his face, and he was silent for a long time. When he once more aroused himself to actual life it had grown quite dark and the child was nowhere to be seen. He called, but she did not answer.
Hurrying down the hill he called again; but the echoes were his only reply. For a moment a sense of relief came over him. He had pondered much how he should introduce his little charge to the family circle in her most attractive light, in order to avoid opposition as much as possible. But she was gone, and he could now go to his home with the expectation of a joyful greeting from all, unless it be save one. Then his great heart spoke.
No, he could not leave her to wander off alone to perish; he _must_ find her. Besides, Willie needed a companion. Poor lonely boy, he was denied the sports of other children, and was left alone with his thoughts and books so much that he was growing morbid and silent. This was pitiful in one so young, and it may be that he needed just such a play-fellow as this to draw him away from himself; and he would find her.
Hurrying on he did not stop until he had reached his own door, and to his great surprise he beheld Phebe in the little sitting room surrounded by the family circle, who seemed to be enjoying their strange guest to the utmost. He stepped quickly back into the deeper shadows and listened. They were evidently trying to find out something of her history, for Willie asked:
”But where did you come from? You can tell us _that_.”
”I came from way down in the ocean, where the pearls grow, that is what my beautiful mother called me Lily-Pearl for.”
A hearty laugh succeeded this answer, while f.a.n.n.y remarked, ironically:
”I should imagine she had sprung out of _some_ dark cavern; but there is not much of the appearance of the pearl family about her.”
”What made you come _here_?” inquired Mrs. Evans, kindly; ”did any one send you?”
”I thought I'd just come and see if you'd make me scour knives and wash potatoes; 'cause, if you would, I don't want to live here. I don't like to do it and I _won't_!”
”What a strange child,” remarked Willie. ”I wish I could keep her; I should like her _so_ much.”