Chapter 138 (1/2)
Chapter 138
Chapter 138
“We didn’t know that you had already arrived”
“What… that isn’t even a good lie Your subordinate Killion aiting to receive me, how could you not have known?”
Sha shook her head
“Did Killion truly e, it was not yet time for you to arrive”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve arrived 1,000 years earlier than as predicted”
Sha then spoke with L in her unique fashi+on which didn’t produce any sound
“Oh, so that’s what happened”
“What do you mean?”
“Killionthere for thousands of years in advance”
“Then I arrived earlier than expected, why is that?”
“I hadn’t expected the time flux to have shi+fted due to your influence Abaddon has also been influenced by such change, which is why she loses her memory from time to time”
“Ah, so the alignment of the time flux is off… will this civilization suffer from my presence as well?”
“Yes You put all of your knowledge into Skyfather, but after 66 billion years tied from your reality and the present Also, can I release this?”
“Will Abaddon not resist?”
“It is okay Abaddon’s o Now she only knows herself as Norn”
“Just who are you guys, and what are you doing in my house!”
L let
Norn out of the Rede in the corner of her living room
“By the way, how did you discover Norn’s location? Sha and I were surprised since even Metatron hasn’t found a clue regarding Abaddon’s whereabouts”
“Well, I haveNorn’s identity this whole time?”
“Naturally, if Abaddon were to be resurrected then it would be quite troublesome for us Still, I don’t think we can evade Metatron’s reach forever”
Sirasped the current situation
Skyfather was the vessel for Abaddon’s powers, so if he were topossibility that Abaddon would resurrect Sio all out to ensure Abaddon’s resurrection For this reason Sha and L had to hide Norn from Metatron
“What are your plans now, Johra? Oh, is that steak? It looks delicious”
“Uh… eat up, I prepared it for you guys”
“Oh, it’s steak cooked by the strongest God in all the universes! Regardless of the taste, it’s unique!”
L rushed towards the dinner table and tore into the ently at the table and with the fork and knife ate her steak following proper etiquette
As I watched
watched the two enjoy thea pillow on the sofa; however it had to be said that seeing our bizarre actions, her fear had lessened to a certain extent
“Norn, why don’t you come and eat as well”
“Do you think I’d eat food served by a strange burglar?”
“Norn don’t speak about things you can’t possibly understand You’d best come and eat this steak, such opportunities don’t come very often”
L chastised Norn while steak sauce dripped from the corner of his mouth However Norn simply shook her head
“Why are you here? If it isn’t for e between us? If that is the case then I can only apologize since I can’t recall anything”
“It isn’t a grudge”
Norn replied with a frown, “then why did you i construct”