Chapter 53 (2/2)
”Are you willing to just let it run rampant?”
It is not h Gods who created it, so the Gods should take care of this
”The High Gods have taken an oath to not directly interfere in this world Therefore it falls to us to deal with this harbinger of death
'Why don't their Messiahs come down to deal with it then?'
”Just look at Noradrianna, Messiahs also have their own limitations Perhaps it’s is only you who could stop this abomination
'So annoying, then why don't you guys try going?'
”I have little choice, the Golem of Destruction will eventually cae it because I am duty bound to defend this place
”Is it your excuse?”
”Lord, aren't you aware that the Golem won't stop until it destroys all life? It is sure to arrive to Necropolis eventually”
”dah Gods?”
The Red dragon didn't respond and si its position
”My mother said that if you stop this Golem she will offer you compensation”
”Ha ha ha, a reward for forward to it”
I decided I et some compensation since it appeared that I would anyways have to deal with it eventually
'Alpeon, take care of things while I'm away'
”Will you be leaving now Lord?”
”I have soon you should learn to exercise some patience”
”Lord, As we speak thousands are losing their lives!”
”Enough! Why are you trying to make it seem like their deaths are ive you perht it, but I move at my own pace”
The Red dragon returned to Noradriana's side, and after a short discussion flew North with his siblings by his side, seeking out the Golem by themselves They oefully uninformed of the Golem's abilities and would not be able to stop it Still, they would at least be able to delay it so some time for me to arrive and take care of it
'Lord, I've brought to your bedroom what you asked me for'
'Good job'
Taking with me my essentials, I flew to the North I knew Valenor would be angry if she found out I left to do this byher
I felt it was my responsibility to deal with any external threats to Necropolis and I knew that in the worst case I would revive with my Life Vessel
After a long flight, I finally spotted the Golem of Destruction in the distance The Allied forces were drowning it in uardians Still, it caused negligible da
'Gnoss how much time until the next explosion?'
'Maybe around four hours?'
'Ok, it's a bit tight but I should make it'
”Everyone get far away from it, I will deal with this monstrosity!”
I cried out to those that were attacking the Golem Thanks to
”damn, how troublesome!”
I flew up straight into the sky, higher and higher The air continued to thin out until I had broken past the World's atreen planet from space
'This should be enough'
I took out Excalibur and cast Gravity Rise on it several tiht ravity attributed ge its weight
Calculating its direction, I dropped it carefully and followed right behind it As it accelerated to great speeds, I followed it from behind, make sure to make some small adjustments in order for it to strike true
”It should be good form here”
After I was certain that it would hit, I slowed ic Excalibur proceeded to pierce the Goleh it was created with incredible Physical and Magical resistance, Excalibur was a very sharp and indestructible sword Coht and speed, it wasn't so that its defenses could withstand
A huge crater had forround where it had struck and the Golem had completely disappeared without a trace Excalibur had pierced deep into the planet's crust, resting in a pool of ma
”What incredible power”
Those who had been standing to the side and seen what had happened were stupefied No one had thought that the Golem which had resisted all their attacks would be taken care of by si a sword
I cooled Excalibur doith several Icewalls and brought it weight back to nor the dirt off it, I strapped it to my back and returned to the surface
”He did it!”
”Long live Necropolis!”
Cheers rang out as I departed with the four dragons in tow
”Tch How troublesome”
I muttered to myself
Upon returning I had to suffer fro because I had left without her She had truly been angry and worried about htly
When she had finally cooled down, I settled down to enjoy the show of Lorina's life
'Ha, only level 3! She still has to run away if she encounters five Field Mice
Lorina had just struggled to take care of four Field Mice which made her unhappy It was so pathetic of her to have difficulty facing such weak creatures
'Should I hunt a Prairie Boar next?'
She was ashamed about the fact that she had run away fro hard, she created an elaborate trap and gathered its favorite grass to attract it However, despite not understanding the trap, the boarit
Intelligence was the key to surviving in the wild The longer one wouldit would become It was the rule of this world, those that were smarter could level up more and rule over the others
'Hive her a weapon?'
”Johra what are you thinking about? Are you watching the woain?”
I nodded at Valenor's question
”Valenor, next tiive her some cheap weapon and armor”
”Are you helping her now?”
”I just want to give her some false hope!”
Although I said that, I indeed wanted to help her out a bit I was hoping that she would iher they climb the harder they fall This was all part of e
Later in the night the Red dragon arrived to my observatory
”Lord, my mother would like to see you”
Although he spoke bluntly, a measure of respect could be heard in his voice
”Do you want to go for a ride Valenor?”
”Sure, Polymorph!”
Cli on her head, we headed out to meet Noradriana
”Thank you for your hard work Lord! I heard that you ed to take care of the Golem of Destruction”
”Indeed, so why is it that you wanted to see me?”
It ive you my most prized possession
I stared at Noradriana as she began to ic spell in a soft voice