Part 13 (1/2)

*Well, we won't know for certain until we're at the gates,' Charlie replied.

As Liz retuned to look at the approaching convent, a sleek shadow darted out from the tree line, crossed the road and disappeared into the field on the other side. From the size of it, Liz took it to be a fox. Then with a rustle, another larger shape broke cover to sprint across their path after the fox. Even in the darkness, Liz could just make out the s.h.a.ggy blond coat of the mangy Golden Retriever they had encountered when they had first begun their trip. Liz hoped the dog would catch its meal, despite what she had witnessed the pack do to the man in the field, this starving dog had attacked and claimed the Dead woman's corpse without giving them a second glance. She wondered if they could somehow catch the poor beast. Just like Jackson was doing, it would be good to have a guard dog and this one either knew the difference between the living and the Dead or it was old enough to remember human companions.h.i.+p.

*Did you see that?' Liz asked.

*Yep,' Charlie replied, *looks like that mutt's decided to stick around for a while.'

Finally the high stone walls of Lanherne loomed before them and they waited by the first gate to be let in. Liz turned to make sure the Reverend was still with them and sure enough, they had pulled their cart to a stop just behind their own. She could hear the Reverend and his wife talking quietly in their cart. From the rhythm of the speech she thought they may be praying but each time she got a hold of a word, the rest would be s.n.a.t.c.hed away by the wind.

*When we go through, the gates will close behind us,' Liz called to the cart parked behind them. *We get checked for the Dead before we're let into the Convent proper and when we're in, the gate will then open for you to be checked.'

The praying sounds stopped abruptly as Liz spoke but there was no indication that they had understood what was going to happen. Looking up at the walkway she recognised the bulky shape of Phil at the winch. She could tell from the movement of his shoulders that his thick muscular arms were beginning to turn the handle that slowly opened the gate. With a creaking sound, the large gate before them began to swing open. Once it was wide enough Charlie urged Delilah forward with a gentle clicking sound. She did not need to be told twice. The faithful mare knew she was home and that a feed in a warm stable awaited her. Watching the gate slowly closing again behind them, Liz thought she caught a glimpse of the Reverend's dark s.h.i.+ning eyes watching her through the front view slit of his cart. As the gate closed with a *clunk' sound, the holding area was suddenly awash with torch light. Phil's smiling face appeared in a halo of golden flickering light.

*Clear,' he said, once he had checked none of the Dead had followed them in. *Welcome home Liz, glad to see you got back safe. We've missed you.'

*Glad to be home,' she replied with a smile.

Waving up to him, she jumped down from the cart checking the undercarriage for Dead hangers on. Seeing that this too was clear, she gave Phil the signal that all was ok and the inner gate slowly began to open. With each turn of the winch handle the gate opened wider for them. Liz could feel her tense muscles slowly relaxing more and more with each centimetre the gate moved. With a sigh the tension left her body. She had survived another trip among the Dead, to come home safe and sound to the people she loved.

Leading Delilah by her bit, Liz guided her through the inner gate. Once they were through, Phil began to wind the winch in the opposite direction, closing the gate behind them.

*Thank you for getting us home,' Liz said, patting Delilah's muzzle softly.

As if knowing what Liz had said, Delilah gave a gentle snort and pushed lightly against her hand.

*Elizabeth! So glad you managed to come back safe to us,' Lars said, walking up to unhitch Delilah and take her for a good rub down and feed, *and Imran and Charlie, are they ok too?'

*Yes Lars, it was a real s.h.i.+tty trip but we all came home in one piece. We'll be having a meeting about everything later. So come up to the Refectory when you're done with Delilah.'

*Oh, that doesn't sound like good news,' he replied, as he began releasing Delilah from her harness.

*It's not,' Liz said, just as a small body ploughed into her, almost knocking her to the floor *...Hey, hey, careful.'

The small body, all blond curls and happy giggles looked up at her.

*Lizzy, you're home! I've missed you so much. Did you bring me anything?' Anne said, throwing her small arms around Liz's waist.

*Perhaps... ' Liz said thinking of the box of cake mix they had found, *though Sister Rebecca will have to cook it first. Have you been good for Alice and Mohammed?'

*Yes of course,' Anne replied, though Liz doubted that she was being strictly truthful.

*Mmm... if you say so,' Liz said, ruffling her sisters hair *can you let everybody know there'll be a meeting in about an hour and ask Sister Claire to come out, we've got some new livestock for her'

*Oooh, what have we got? Not more goats I hope,' Anne replied, scrunching up her face.

*No, pigs,' Charlie said, as Imran pulled the small crate containing Stinky and Rat-bag out of the cart.

*Charlie! Imran!' Anne cried, running to the solider and throwing her arms around him Liz watched Charlie gather Anne up in his arms, giving her a tight hug and a kiss. For Anne, Charlie was the father she had never known and although Liz would never forget the love their real father had showered onto her, she too looked upon Charlie this way. She had already lost one father to the Dead and the thought of losing Charlie in such a manner made her feel physically sick.

*Hey, mind if I get a go?' a voice said walking into the orange glow of one of the torches.

Charlie looked up, a smile on his lips and a playful glint in his eyes.

*Mind if I say h.e.l.lo to Alice, pipsqueak?' Charlie said, patting Anne on the back, never taking his eyes of the beautiful woman slowly walking towards him.

Giggling, Anne made a kissing face and released Charlie to give Imran a welcome home hug too.

*h.e.l.lo' Charlie said, with a softness in his voice Liz rarely heard coming from him.

Alice was standing directly in front of him now, her eyes slowly taking in every detail of his face.

*h.e.l.lo,' she replied, almost whispering, and then she leant forward touching her lips gently to his.

Losing themselves in each others embrace, they kissed. In that moment there were no raiders, no murdered families, and the Dead did not walk. All the horrors they had witnessed over the last few days were washed away with that kiss and the world was full of hope again. As Liz watched two of the people she loved most in the world, find love themselves, she felt a warmth blooming through her chest. Perhaps things were going to be alright after all.

*Later,' Alice whispered in his ear, a smile on her lips.

Giving her a final squeeze and a kiss on her forehead, Charlie released her.

*Later,' he echoed, giving her a quick wink.

With a loud creaking sound, the gate inside gate opened allowing the Reverend's cart to enter.

*The O'Briens?' Alice asked, looking at Liz.

Liz gently shook her head and with that single gesture Alice knew the O'Briens were no longer alive.

*Oh, no...' she said, looking up at Charlie. *What happened?'

*Raiders got to them before we did, but that's not all. The Penhaligans are gone too,' he replied, hating to see to the mix of fear and sadness in Alice's eyes.

*So who are our guests?' Alice said, nodding towards the strange cart with its horse on the point of collapse.

*A Reverend, his wife and their new baby,' Charlie said, watching the cart pull up along side their own *Anne can you go get Sister Josephine. She should meet our arrivals.'

Nodding, Anne ran off to find the Mother Superior and tell everyone on the way there was a meeting later. The side hatch of the Reverend's cart opened with a bang as Ruth jumped down to the courtyard surface. Turning, she held up her arms for her husband to pa.s.s her their baby down. Ruth was shorter than Liz had expected and with her pale complexion, delicate face and clear blue eyes, Liz thought all she needed were wings to complete the look and she would be the embodiment of a fairy. A fairy though, that had given birth a few days ago, as Liz could see Ruth's stomach was still distended under her clothes. The Reverend pa.s.sed the baby to his wife, a little roughly in Liz's opinion and then jumped down himself. Standing next to his wife, the contrast between them was visually jarring. Towering over his shorter wife, the Reverend must have been well over six feet tall. The two new arrivals looked around at their new home, seeming to examine and take in every detail. Nathan was looking back up at the gates winch mechanism when Charlie walked over to him.

*Well, this is our home Reverend. Welcome to Lanherne,' Charlie said. *This is Alice.'

*h.e.l.lo' Ruth said, adjusting the baby in her arms so she could shake Alice's hand, while Nathan only nodded and gave her an odd smile, his attention firmly on Imran as he gave Liz a quick kiss.

*Welcome to our home,' Sister Josephine said, as she appeared from the shadows with Sister Claire and Nadine to greet the new family. *I'm Sister Josephine, the Mother Superior of Lanherne Convent, this is Sister Claire our farming expert, and this is Nadine, she'll need to check you for infection and lice, I'm afraid.'

*Mother Superior,' Nathan said, clasping the old woman's hands in his own, *I am the Reverend Nathan Moore, my wife Ruth, and our child. You need not fret, as I told the Sergeant, we are untouched by the d.a.m.ned. Our Lord has watched over us and judged us worthy of his protection. Our souls are pure.'

*Oh,' Sister Josephine said, a little taken aback by the strangers reply. *And does your baby have a name?'

Glancing briefly to his wife, the Reverend said *We have not yet decided what to name the boy... but the Lord will guide us when He is ready'

*And don't worry about lice, I was a nurse so I know we're not infested, but you're welcome to check if you wish' Ruth said, smiling from one of the women to the next.