19 Ch. 16 Youre Late Luc-chan & The Two Servant. (1/2)

In the previous chapter, another demon lord appeared while the heroes were fighting the villains. Moreover, there are two people killed terrifyingly in the match. Hazel Skyler, an assassin pro hero manage to killed Oba Chaco who is the snakeman. Their match ended in an unforeseen tragedic.

Even though Oba Chaco was a competent opponent but, he was blasted by Hazel. However, what comes after that was unpredictable. Grenade came out bluntly and then killed the exhausted Hazel, by her outbreak strike. Hazel died right after she killed Oba. Hazel has been helpless. No one makes it in time to rescue Hazel. The heroes could only watch the eyesore murdered right in front of their eyes.

Now, the demon Lord is another disaster for the heroes. Reus and Layla are now probably in the main hall. The other Ten Kamiryuu and the teachers are defending the students from merciless lizardmen Apolyon.

But they're not the main scene for the time being. Let's look at the pro heroes. The demon then speaks.

”Heroes!!! I heard this kingdom was protected by a demon! You there, if you know anything about this… bring him to me.” The black aura Demon Lord Eligos said it as he pointed his finger to Leo.

Leo is now retreating and gathered all his team including Mila. He's already breathing hard as he was fighting with the golems just now.But, Leo still could fearlessly in the frontline of the others then… he answered the demon Lord back.

”Demon Lord from another Kingdom, if you're here to look for a demon… you had come to the incorrect place. I don't know what makes you came here to ruin this kingdom or what but, what I've seen is, you're killing the people. And I won't let you go off that easy.” Said Leo while rising his huge blade towards Demon Lord Eligos.

”I see! So that means, we've not come to the right place right? Well, I guess I don't want to waste my futile trip just to get here. If we can't find the demon… we'll just have to clear the junks we found here HAHAHA!!!” Demon Lord Eligos wanted to kill them all in an instant.

”Like hell I let it happen.” Shouted the heroic Leo while, he is protecting his comrades behind him.

Demon Lord Eligos seems to have lost interest in the battle, as he saw the heroes are already looked fragile. The entire academy could feel his trembling dark power glowing from him in every corner. Demon Lord Eligos just stand there while watching the heroes and then…


It was the Demon Lord Eligos' spell. The heroes were being struck to the ground harshly as the ground that the heroes were being smacked cracked all over the whole ground. The heroes scream in pain as they feel there is a pressure from above them. It almost seems like Layla's Zero Zone but, it was more powerful compared to Layla's.

Now, the heroes can't get up. They were being pushed by Demon Lord Eligos' power. They could only scream in pain. Even the other Ten Kamiryuu and the teachers who are protecting the other students are having a hard time dealing with Apolyon. Apolyon had already killed two teachers and one of the Ten Kamiryuu. The member of Ten Kamiryuu who was killed by Apolyon is April Rin(the tenth in Kamiryuu).

Reus and Layla saw that happen from the main hall's window. Reus wanted to help them but, they were prohibited to exit from the main hall. The main hall is a place where all the students gathered for a meeting, assembly, or for special events. But, it is the huge and safest place as the building was made of magic steel and it could fit more than five thousand people.

Reus then looking for Layla.

”Layla! We can't let this thing go on. We must help them.”Reus said to Layla.

”But, we can't do anything without magic Reus-kun.” Layla was afraid and shaking in fear.

”Layla listen to me. We can help them trust me. You don't want this to continue like this right? You don't want to see people get killed right? I still have another way. So, please listen to this.” Reus tried to convince Layla.

”Reus-kun, look at there. Even some teachers had been killed plus the Ten Kamiryu's member also been killed. What else can we do without magic? You also know that our capabilities on physically compared to the villain outside. This is not something that we could handle. We should just pray for them and wait for the backup.” Said Layla who is about to cry.

”Answer me Layla! Just pray for them and wait for backup? Did you just trying to say just let them handle and wait for them to sacrifice themselves?” Reus-kun seems mad to the coward Layla.

”NO! I didn't…” Layla was about to finish her words but…

”The people outside are trying to protect us Layla. They can't do anything yet sacrificing themself. Moreover, with the state we're now…we can't get any backup without any action.”

”.....*Sob *sob.....” Layla listen to Reus-kun.

”So, here is the plan. I will make the explosion magic paper.”

”Wait what? How? are you trying to do as the pro heroes Hazel's ?”

”Yes. I've saw her movement and the magic paper just now…I feel sorry for her.” Reus-kun felt sorry for the Pro Heroes member death (Hazel Skyler).

”As expected from Reus-kun. You even could copy it from afar. But, isn't the magic was the highest rate?” asked Layla while they were sitting on the floor.

The other students seem to be afraid of the circumstance at that time.

”Yes it was. But, I have to try. Otherwise, we'll never know if it will work. Moreover, this is the only attack that we could use since, it is not using our magic but it was from a small magic circles that being drawn on the paper.”

”I see, that's why Hazel-san could use the magic earlier. I thought the villain's magic had been deactivated.”

”For now, I want you to gather everyone in this hall to draw this tiny magic circle on a paper.” Reus-kun ordered Layla as he gave a thousand of paper to Layla.

”That's mean… the more the paper…the powerful the explosion will be generated right?” asked Layla as she is thinking.

”Yup. So, quickly give it to everyone and draw this as much as they could, then put the paper into this bag.” Reus-kun pulled out a suitcase from the closet that was near to the stage in the main hall.

”That should be enough! Alright I'll give it to them.” Said Layla

As Reus-kun and Layla planned, they manage to calm down the panicked students and the teachers. Layla gives the paper to everyone and brief them for a moment. The students seem to understand their planed and, they do as what has been instructed. On the outside, Apolyon is still in the middle of ambushing bluntly with the other Ten Kamiryuu and the teachers.

”How long can we hold this?” one of the Ten Kamiryuu asked the teacher.

”Damn it, we can't fight this thing any longer without magic. Have any ideas?” replied one of the teachers.

”Tch, we've got no idea too. This assassinating villain was like a killer machine. If we didn't stop him here, there'll more students die.” Said Rhu to the teachers.

”Like hell we had another choice than protecting them to the death.” Replied one of the teachers.

They continue defense the main hall even though they're at a disadvantage. Reus-kun collects all the paper from the students then he put it in the huge silver luggage that he found in the closet. He then loosened the zipper of the luggage. Layla who is beside him, is wondering about that.

”Why did you loosen the zipper Reus-kun?” asked Layla to Reus-kun.

” You'll know it later.” Replied Reus-kun with a hope that, their plan will work.

Reus-kun immediately rushed to the outside, and opened the door.

”Everyone! Stay away from the villain!”

”Wait what!? Hey you! you shouldn't be here. It's dangerous sh*t. Go inside right now.” said one of the Ten Kamiryuu to the little Reus-kun.

”Nope, all of us will have to get inside now.” said one of the teachers that approached them from Reus-kun's behind.

The teachers inside the main hall hurriedly explained to the Ten Kamiryuu and the other teachers, who are still in the middle of fighting with the villain.Reus-kun took off his right shoe. Then he put down the luggage on the floor.

Apolyon stood his fighting pose as he is holding his killer knife. Apolyon was shocked when he saw the ten Kamiryuu including the teachers immediately entered the main hall. He thought that they were retreating but there's another boy left outside the main hall. It was Reus-kun. Apolyon then laughed out his ass.

”Hahahhaha!!! What is this? They left you behind and let the tiny boy against me? what the hell? This is the same as giving the fish to the cat hahahaha!!!”Apolyon laughed at Reus-kun.

”Yo villain … have you ever feel pain?”

”What with the chit chat boy? I won't let you off that easy too!” said the harsh Apolyon.

”Ahh, the other day you came too right?” Reus-kun is mentioning the incident on the ruined event on the other day.

”Huh?” Apolyon didn't know how to react but, he listen to Reus-kun before he killed Reus.

”I was a coward back then… your group came out and then,… kill, hit, broke the other's bone... I was afraid back then when I can't do anything. I'm afraid of pain.”

”Is that so little boy? Well, I can help you to over calm your cowardness!!! By killing you in an instant ahahahhha.” Apolyon said it with his evil eyes as he activate [ HEROES KILLER INTENSE ]

It was an aura that influence and make his opponent felt even afraid to be killed.

indeed, Reus-kun felt that intense but, he still dare to look at Apolyon's eyes. Apolyon licks his knife as he glares at Reus-kun. Everyone in the main hall shout to Reus-kun. They see Reus-kun on the verge of death since Reus-kun was stunned by the killer intense. But, the ten Kamiryuu and the teachers are helpless. They can't do anything but stick to Reus-kun's plan. Reus-kun grab tightly to his shoe in his hand while looking at Apolyon.

”But, I've changes villain. I'm not the same as before anymore.” Reus-kun fiercely looked into Apolyon's eyes.

Abruptly, Reus-kun could copy that skill of Apolyon Heroes Killer Intense but, he change the intense aura into [ VILLAIN HUNTER KILLER ] as he glared to Apolyon. Everyone in the main hall was amazed and astonished by that. They saw Apolyon also trembling in fear to Reus. Reus-kun's ability is something troublesome as a hero when it comes to copy one's skill.

Since it doesn't require any magic so that's why, Reus-kun could copy Apolyon's skill.

”The fu*k are you trying to copy my style little boy!!!”Apolyon was mad at the same time he also feared a little.

”Villain yo,… today… I'll let you feel the pain as you killed the others!” Reus-kun determined to sacrifice everything.

” ARHHH!!! [ SHADOW WALK ] ” Apolyon makes his first move by charging towards Reus-kun.

Apolyon turns into a dark shadow and then he spread into countless of shadow. Apolyon is cornering Reus-kun. The area which Reus-kun and Apolyon is now, are outside a huge building where there is no roof that covers them. And it is on the first floor of the building. No wonder that Apolyon could reach to the first floor since he was a lizardman race.

Now, Reus-kun almost been completely cornered by the shadow that was spread by Apolyon. The shadow that charging towards Reus-kun, is Apolyon's special skill.

Apolyon swivels into a shadow and he could separate the shadow as he desires. While Apolyon almost covers up Reus-kun using his dark shadow, Reus-kun immediately tosses the shoe to the sky as much as he can and, at the same time he grabbed the huge luggage handler. Reus-kun knows that he'll be killed at any time in the shadow of Apolyon. So, he puts an end by smashing the luggage to the ground as Apolyon has fully cover-up Reus-kun. The countless explosion magic papers seem to lured out from the luggage and fly in the air.

Layla shed tears while seeing Reus-kun at the outside, who is striving to stick on his own planned and sacrifice himself. The teachers believed that Reus-kun will only throw the luggage but, it seems like Reus-kun make a change of his real strategies. The Ten Kamiryuu was desperate at this but, the teacher convinced them to calm down. There's nothing they could do but to let Reus-kun do as he exactly instruct.

”.... I've never regret being a Goryu rank…” Reus said in a lower voice as he quickly does the magic hand sign while he is in Apolyon's shadow.

” [ HAPPY BUDDHA GOD HAND ] ” Reus-kun finished his magic hand sign with a clapped.

Then, a great massive explosion happened in front of the main hall as the ground shaken hardly. The explosion was five times powerful than Hazel's. Students inside the main hall were blown away as the impact of the tremendous explosion was too powerful and it left great waves to all the area. Whole academy shaken by this tremendous power as the villain and demon Lord Eligos were all stunned for a moment.

They looked up in the air. There was something flickering. It almost like a firework. Actually, it was Reus-kun shoe. Right after he activates the Happy Buddha God Hand, not just the papers blow up in Apolyon's shadow but….

Reus-kun had already planned this from the starts. The shoe that he threw away was for giving a signal to the town or for Capital Army for help. He put a paper inside his shoe yet, he added some colorful red berry color added with yellow laguna color flame powder to make it like a fireworks. Reus-kun learned this from the past. Backup will come over when they saw that color wherever they are because, that is the sign of Reingard's backup call for help.

Layla who was also blown away to nowhere in the main hall, fall to the ground and cried a lot. She was really sad about Reus-kun. Reus carried the burden on his own plan, and sacrificing his own body just to stop the villain from killing anybody. Everybody in the man hall suffered a little wound yet, they still survive. The Kamiryuu and the teachers get up and look out the window. They saw nothing left but, only a gigantic damage impact on the cracked ground. The beautiful gardens at the outside of the main hall had completely destroyed.

It seems like, Reus-kun manage to eliminate Apolyon together with himself. The atmosphere changes out of sudden to be peaceful for the time being. At least, the others are safe for now. Grenade and the other villains were shocked as they looked at the sky.

”What is that?” asked Grenade while staring at the firework.

”Arh!!!!!” shouted the demon Lord Eligos.

Demon Lord Eligos seems mad out of sudden. He despises the sound of an explosion. Then, he release tremendous power from his body. However, pro heroes and Mila was the one felt the impact as demon Lord Eligos' Gravity Hammer is getting heavier than before. Mila and the others scream out of pain again. The ground begins cracked and damaged more as the heroes were being smashed to the ground mercilessly.

While on the other side, Lylia and Seren felt the enormous wave too. Yet, Lylia didn't care about the explosion. She was glaring at her best friend's incomplete dead body. Lylia's heart is now full of despair, revenge, sadness, madness, anger, and greedy of power.

After staring at her best friend for a while, Lylia then gets up. Seren was surprised and tried to stop Lylia who was about to walk to where the villains are now. But, it was futile. Seren can't stop Lylia right after she saw Lylia's dead eyes. Those eyes were the eyes of those who seek for revenge. Seren fell to the ground as she suddenly trembling in fear of Lylia's appearance. It looks like a tremendous power glowing up inside Lylia's body.

”Who is this kid?” asked Demon Lord Eligos to Namtar.

” Huh? the heck is wrong with this kid huh?” One of the four Namtar is looking at Lylia.

Lylia's uniform is blooded. But, it was not her blood. It was the blood that wiped on her uniform as she sits on the ground earlier. Then, one of the Namtar charging towards Lylia. The pro heroes and Mila shouted to Lylia. However, it was useless. Lylia can't hear anything, she was in the dilemma of anger.

Unexpectedly, Lylia abruptly disappears in a blink of an eye right after earth element Namtar attacked her. Everyone on the ground was astonished by the tremendous speed of Lylia. Lylia is now, behind Grenade. Lylia crawled like a wild beast. Her eyes change completely into dark red color. Grenade turned around to look for Lylia but, that was a mistake action from Grenade. It gives Lylia the chance to grabbed Grenade's neck. The tremendous speed and strength were demonstrated by Lylia's unpredictable move. Lylia dashes towards Grenade at a tremendous speed. Then, Lylia immediately strangled Grenade's neck.

The sound of a broken bone ” …*KRAKKK…” heard by the villains and the pro heroes. It was Lylia, who had grabbed tightly to Grenade's neck right after she jumped over Grenade. She didn't give a chance for Grenade to speak or scream out loud. While grabbing the broken neck of Grenade, Lylia strikes down Grenade's whole body to the ground. Booom!!! The scenes become more terrible. Everyone was stunned by Lylia's actions. She becomes wild out of sudden.

Grenade was being smashed deeper to the cracked ground by Lylia harshly and, Grenade died instantly. Grenade's condition is helpless. Her head was broken apart and bloodshed come out from her whole body. Lylia who is still grabbing Grenade's neck, pulled out Grenade's head as she separate Grenade's head from its body. Lylia then, throw away Grenade's head. At that time, everyone is able to use their magic normally. Yet, Lylia is still fiercely glaring at the villains.

Indeed, Namtar and the Demon Lord Eligos were surprised by Lylia great action. After seeing that Demon Lord Eligos released his Gravity Hammer as it loosened the pressured on the pro heroes and Mila.

”Wait!!! Are you saying that this kid is a demon?” asked Demon Lord Eligos as he pointed to the wild Lylia.

”No my lord.” Replied one of the four elements Namtar to Demon Lord Eligos.

”But, how did the kid could use her power while it was still under Grenade's magic!?”

”I don't know that either my Lord. This kid…”

”Moreover, I could feel the black mana from that kid.”

”Bla..bla…black mana?” Namtar was shocked.

Lylia charges towards one of the Namtar that was the nearest one. She aimed the water element Namtar while Mila helps the other pro heroes to get up and bring them to the main hall. Lylia now withstand to water element Namtar. Lylia moves wilder as she avoids the Namtar's strike. Suddenly the tankers ( Daal and Ru). They are charging towards Lylia while another two magma golems also charges towards Lylia.

Lylia didn't panic yet, she dashed through them and landed countless punches on them. She climbed on their body and jumped over and over. She left countless scratch on them but, it no damaging them. Namtar laughed to the crazy Lylia who's using a various way to damages the immortal tankers and the boiling magma golems yet, nothing is changing. Lylia then retreats she backflips in the sky backward and landed safely on the cracked ground. Lylia is still in her lost consciousness or, dilemma by the madness in her heart.

The Demon Lord Eligos seems not to satisfy with Lylia. He feels strange that a human like Lylia possesses black mana as a demon had. He then rise up his hand.

”[ BLACK EATER ]” Demon Lord Eligos unleashed his tremendous power.

A shadow comes out from Eligos' right hand and, created its own shape. The black shadow has its own red eyes and had the same shape as the black sphere. It had fearsome sharp teeth and it eats everything it touched.

Eligos stand right where he was and, wait for Lylia to counter him. He already stands his fight pose. The power that glowing up from Eligos, could be felt by the entire academy.

In the main hall, everyone is being treated. Layla helps the medics and healed the students who are injured. Mila and the pro heroes are in a building where they are safe for now.

”I'm sure, that they'll send Captain this time.” Said the injured Leo.

”Hoho, thanks to the one who makes the signal. If it is not, we would die here in vain.”

”I wonder what was the mega explosion earlier?” asked Mila out of wonder.

”Well, least we could use magic for now. It might helpless to get into the battle again with our condition. But, least we healed ourselves for now.” said Isabelle.

”Understand.” Mila replied.

Not long after that, Gil and the others bring the medical herbs and the emergency kit to Mila and the heroes. They're now being treated fully.

However, the battle between Lylia, magma golems and the tankers are still ongoing. It might be an endless battle. Lylia tried to avoid from being frozen by Namtar while she has to counter the tankers and golems back. Then, suddenly someone comes to the academy and, strikes down a thunder to the middle of where Lylia is fighting. Lylia , tankers and the magma golems were blown away to nowhere.