7 Ch. 7 Hell Training (1/2)
The next morning I got up early and headed to the Hero academy center as my usual time. Although the tragedy of yesterday still haunts us, the school is still open. Today we're having our training combat session for our lessons today. After arrived at the school, Raph-chan is waiting for me in the inside waving at me as she gives a signal to come there.Then When I was about to go meet with Raph-chan, Gil is on his patron to greet every student who's entered the academy. He noticed me when I was watching him.
”Good morning Miss Lylia. It's good to see you in good condition today. You must have been getting well recently right?”
”Good morning Gil, more or less. I think I'm getting well already. So you're on your patron today huh?”
” Yes . It's the job of a hero. President Mila is not feeling well today. So ,she asked me to replace her job for the time being .”
President Mila is our school's student president. Usually , she'll be in front of the gate to greet every one who comes to school. But, not today. Moreover, everyone knows about president Mila. She is our number one top rank at school. Luckily she was not here when the villain trapped us like the other day. If she were there at the time , we might be able to save the student and teacher. Because , her level are really Godly . The other student gave her the title of Goddesses. She's an orc. But her appearance is totally the same as a normal human. She's the hottest lady and our school's proud of. Nevertheless, she's a paladin fighter. She was given the title goddesses because of her insane number of levels. She is ….a Kamiryuu rank , level 6423. But don't mistaken for this, she's not the same age as me. She's our senior and the student council.
”Is that so. Well, I better get going now, my friend is waiting for me over there.”
”Sorry for interrupting. Well then, see you later Miss Lylia.”
Gil continues his patron task while I rushed to Raph-chan. Raph-chan was holding a notice paper . She shows me the notice and explained it.
”Lia look at this. This an announcement of rank event which will be held after 3 months of holiday.”
”A holiday already?”
”Did you forget? It's summer time Lia. We'll be on a holiday next week.”
”Whatever it is. But hey, why do they list the top ten rank on the notice? Kamiryuu should not be competing below their rank isn't it?”
”Yes, that's what makes it special this year. The president council had their meeting 3 weeks ago and they decided to let students freely challenge anyone . You can also challenge a Kamiryuu. There was a news said that, Kamiryuu will not challenge anyone below them but they only can accept a challenge from lower students or challenge in their same league.”
”Wait a minute. Is that for real?”
”Yes, the top ten who's on the list are the one who's ready to accept any challenge.”
”I'm in!!!”
”Nice Lia, I also join this battle. It seems like there is a plenty of time to train within 3 months of holiday, I suggest that lets us both practice together. How about it? Don't you also want to raise up your rank to Eiryuu?”
”Of course , I'm so happy and always welcomed you Raph-chan”
While both Raph-chan and I'm so excited to train together suddenly Seren and Layla interrupt.
”I am also joined the training!!!” Layla said to us.
”Oh my oh my, it looks like my rival needs me to train with her.What can I do? I supposed I'll have to train with you too bastard Lylia.”That maniac queen said like she also joined the training
”Hey you two, I didn't remember said about training with the two of you.” I was mad.
”Don't be like that Lylia, isn't the more are the merrier? Right Raphtalia?. Layla said that as she is trying to convince the kindhearted Raph-chan.
”Ehhh???, hmmmmm maybe. Hehhehe” Raph-chan didn't dare to reject them.
”Hmmmm, alright alright. Seems you all are joining the competition let us train together.”
”yessss” both Layla and Seren happily said it.
”But , we didn't have a place to train together.” Layla showed some gloomy expression.
”hmmm??? What about we train at my house? you can stay for 3 months there. My room is large , it can fit all of us there? If you all agree, I'll tell Luc-chan after get home.”
”That's a nice idea Lylia. So, we just have to pack our clothes and some other stuff for 3 months. I think my parents will allow me to stay at your home.”
”Me too, don't worry, I'll pack as many sweets from my home to your house. We could eat until the next day ahhaha” said Seren
”I'll stay at your house too Lylia. But I never gone into your house Lylia. Where is your house actually?”
” Ahhh I'm also wondering that Lylia.” Said Seren
”Hehe, I'm sure you all be fun at my house . well actually I lived in the forbidden forest.”
”…..” they're looking at me
”…..” they're still looking at me
”I'm not joking, I really lived there.”
”Okay, that's fine. You'll have to lead us the way to your house this Saturday alright ?”
”I was fine with the forest. I don't care it's far or what, as long as there is food I'm willing to stay there.” Said Layla
”of course, you'll eat the most delicious food ever when you all arrived there.”
Then we all agreed. So after going back to home I tell everything to Luc-chan about the holiday and training. He agreed that my friends can come and stay in my room but with one condition.
”They must pay 50 silver for one month. The payment including their life supports and my services.”
So I agree and tell my friends at school the next day. We gathered and planning a place to meet this Saturday. So, I could lead them to my house. On Saturday, the day we start our holiday, Raph-chan , Layla and Seren already arrived at the outside road. They bring their gigantic luggage for 3 months holiday. I was waving my hand from afar and rushed to them.
”Hey guys, you all look so high spirit.”
”Hehe, for training…. I ready for this.” Seren said like she was motivated by something. But I know what she's into.
She just wanted to see Luc-chan again as she fell in love at first sight to him on the other day.
”I'm looking forward to your house Lylia.” Layla's gentleness always expressed on her pretty elfs face.
”Lia, are your house still far away from here?” Asked Raph-chan while Seren doing her own stuff besides her.
”Well, actually there was a shortcut that will lead us to go through to my house in a short time. But, Luc-chan told me to guide you all using the usual way.”
”What do you mean by the usual way?”
”It's a long way to my house but it's more safer than the shortcut ones.”
”Ehhh, this place sure can be dangerous sometimes. I wonder how'd you over calm your fear living in a such scary place.”
I smiled and then lead them entered the forest. We begin our trip first by a walk through the river which is not too deep but Layla was too afraid to walk pass it until she's about to cry. It's a funny scene when they pass it.However, we manage to pass over the river safely. Then we have to walk through into the dark cave. There's too many bats up there clinging on the ceiling. The confidence Seren before are now being feminine ahahahaaha. She's actually a girl that afraid of dark places especially the cave.
She grabbed my cloth tightly and never release it until we got out from the cave. What I really surprise is Layla didn't afraid of anything since we walk pass the obstacle along our way . I think she lives in places that similar to mine so that's why she could get along with things around her. After 2 hours of walking, we finally arrive in front of my house. And there he is, Luc-chan waiting for us outside the door. He is smiling at us somehow with his usual gloomy face. That coward Seren suddenly powered up and rushed to where Luc-chan's are. She pissed me off, I was the one who carried her luggage all the way here.
” Welcome Lylia's pretty friends and welcome home Lylia.”
”Hey Lylia , did he just called me pretty?” said Seren to Lylia.”
”I was about to vomit when you said that.”
”HAhahahah, your little friends also quite funny Lylia.” Said Luc-chan
”Don't listen to her Luc-chan , she's just some piece of sh*t .”
”Well, take off your shoes and you'll better take a shower. I'll go prepare some foods. You all must be hungry from walking along the way to get here isn't it?
”Oh no, my darling-sama, this is just like a training for me.But I wonder how did Lylia could get used walk along those long way. Hmmm ” Replied the Seren who's so amazed by Luc-chan's appearance.
”Thank you so much … errr?” Raph-chan didn't know what to call, but she always called him Maou-sama when she talked to Lylia.
”Maou….you can just call me maou.”said the smiley Luc-chan.
”Yes, Maou-sama.” Raph replied.
In that evening, I showed them my room and arrange for their place. After that, all of us take a shower. It feels a bit more merrier when I had some people in my shower room. We all peacefully sit on the bath tub. We started to talk to each other and laugh happily. Then….again Luc-chan never change…. He came in out of nowhere and tell us…
”Girls, I've taken away and washed your smelly cloth including the underwear and bras. You can take it tomorrow afternoon at the clothesline.”