Part 34 (1/2)

A pale submerged luminescence was moving along the Ygah, making its way north against the current. The radiant cloud wavered beneath the water, its pure light dulled and colored by the muddy ripples of the river.

”It looks like a ghost,” she marveled.

”It is, of sorts. That's the River Phantom.” In answer to her mute inquiry he explained, ”A school of zephusa fish, native to the Ygah and seen nowhere else in the world. I've read of such fish and their ghostly light in the water, but never imagined that I'd actually see it.”

He was smiling, much the same sort of smile that had marked his first glimpse of Lanthi Ume rising out of the sea. She was smiling herself, and the thought came unbidden, If only it could always be like this. If only it could always be like this.

A tiny pinp.r.i.c.k broke the trance. A high-pitched humming filled her ears. She slapped reflexively, squashed the target, and saw her own blood mingled with insect remains smear across her wrist. A grunt of disgust escaped her.

Twilight. The Hour of the Mosquitoes.

”They're eating me alive!” she complained. ”Why do they seem to single me out?”

”Discriminating palates,” Girays approved heartlessly.

”Oh, laugh all you please, but you wouldn't find it quite so funny if you were the one covered with itchy red lumps that you didn't dare scratch. The captain recommended dosing myself with marukinutu. marukinutu. I'm almost desperate enough to try it. What do you think?” I'm almost desperate enough to try it. What do you think?”

”Let me be certain that I understand you. You are asking for my advice?”

”I don't promise to follow it.”

”Good, that rea.s.sures me that I am confronting the real Luzelle, and no subst.i.tute. Here's my opinion, then. Stay away from the marukinutu. marukinutu. It's addictive, and its efficacy as an insect repellent remains unproved. I wouldn't be inclined to accept Jhiv-Huze's word on the subject-in all probability he's simply seeking a companion in debauchery.” It's addictive, and its efficacy as an insect repellent remains unproved. I wouldn't be inclined to accept Jhiv-Huze's word on the subject-in all probability he's simply seeking a companion in debauchery.”

”Sometimes you sound very like my father.”

”Who could not have been wrong one hundred percent of the time, but that's another day's debate. I've a vial of Urq's Universal Unguent in my valise. Take it, apply some to the bug bites, and see if it helps. I believe Jhiv-Huze intends to dock briefly tomorrow at Pijji Camp, and you may find that the Ygahris there can furnish native concoctions far more effective than anything offered elsewhere.”

”All right, I'll try it.”

”Did I hear you correctly? Where did all this sweet complaisance spring from? You detest my suggestions. You enjoy nothing more than the satisfaction of rejecting them.”

”No, not at all. Well-” She thought a moment and amended, ”Maybe that was somewhat true when I was nineteen. A little little true. But years have pa.s.sed since then, and some things do change. I'll prove it. Have you any more advice to offer, if I ask?” true. But years have pa.s.sed since then, and some things do change. I'll prove it. Have you any more advice to offer, if I ask?”

”The fund is inexhaustible. What's the subject?”

”An awkward one. Tonight, you see...” She stirred uncomfortably and forced herself to continue. ”Everyone other than the captain sleeps in the main cabin. I suppose I could manage that, if only it weren't for that boy, that Oonuvu-”

”What, the little Ygahri stoker? A trifle. He won't be there. For that matter, neither will I. You shall not lack privacy.”

”Girays, I couldn't turn you out of the cabin to sleep on deck, it wouldn't be fair. I appreciate the gallantry, but-”

”The matter is not open to discussion. I'll do well enough, never fear. As for the stoker, do you imagine that I-or any other Vonahrishman of honor-could actually permit you to share sleeping accommodations with a male native? The notion is absurd.”


”Oh, I know the word annoys you, and perhaps it was ill chosen. But I trust that your modern pa.s.sion for independence doesn't blind you to the simple reality of the matter. I would not allow the Ygahri boy to intrude upon any Vonahrishwoman, much less you.”

”Perhaps M. the Marquis would be so good as to explain the relevance of nationality?”

”The explanation is self-evident. Will you pretend otherwise?”

”But we poor mortals do not all share in His Lords.h.i.+p's ability to simplify. His judgments are based upon the broadest possible generalizations, the creakiest prejudices, and these suffice. Vonahrishwoman. Ygahri boy. That's all he needs to know.”

”Self-righteousness hardly becomes you. Bare moments ago, you yourself were complaining of this troublesome native.”

”You didn't think to ask why. It never even occurred to you that I might have some specific objection beyond the mere fact of his race.”

”You need none.”

”That's unfair, that's narrow, that's”-she groped for an adjective likely to dent his complacency and found one-”irrational.”

”Instruct me, then. Describe the countless virtues and achievements of the Nine Blessed Tribes. Remind me of the great Ygahri contributions to art, literature, architecture, science, law, and philosophy. Somehow they have slipped my mind.”

”Oh, sometimes there's no talking to you!”

”Your speech seems unimpaired, but I'll try to make it easier. Explain the stoker's offense, if you will.”

”Well, he rifled my belongings.”

”Little brute steal anything?”

”I believe not, but the bare thought of him touching my things-” She grimaced.

”Inquisitive as monkeys, some of these natives.”


”No disrespect intended. Monkeys are very engaging creatures. Has he done anything else?”

”Not exactly. He stares at me-”

”Understandable. Can't really blame him for that.”

”I don't like the look in his eyes, or the way he uses his hands.”

”Has he touched you?” Girays's face hardened.

”No, he only touches himself. Not what you're thinking, nothing so obvious. And once he licked-well, never mind. The point is, I can't abide him.”

”You won't need to. I've already promised that you'll have the cabin to yourself. I'll make my wishes known to little Oonuvu, and if he proves uncooperative, I'll whip him b.l.o.o.d.y.”

”You wouldn't. You're too civilized and too decent.”

”You didn't think it was in me to carry a gun, as I recall.”

”Well then, how do you plan to make your wishes known to little Oonuvu, unless you happen to speak Ygahri? Anyway, better take care. Damage his stoker, and the captain is likely to put us both off his boat.”

”Then I'll pay the captain to keep Oonuvu out of the cabin. Better?”

”Much. But if anyone pays Jhiv-Huze, it ought to be me.”