Part 17 (1/2)

And now at last we reach the entrance to the king's own apartment. Two armed sentries stand guard there, but they admit us without hesitation, for they know that His Majesty has summoned Nevenskoi.


Please don't do that. We are pa.s.sing through the door into the king's private antechamber, all hung in blue damask. The servants in their livery of blue and silver bow low before His Majesty's favorite, the famous, talented, and n.o.ble Rhazaullean mage. They respect and even fear Nevenskoi- NitzNitzNitzNitzNitzNitzNitz.

And now they usher us through into His Majesty's study, haunt of the elite. Loveliness, we have arrived. I could almost wish those Neepers back in Flenkutz might know that little Nitz is alive and hobn.o.bbing with royalty. Oh, if they could see me now!

Wanna see! Wanna see!

Soon. Remember your instructions. Remember- Remember!

Nevenskoi raised an experienced hand to his black wig, which was properly positioned; ran an expert finger along his dyed moustache, which was properly groomed; squared his shoulders and marched into the king's study.

King Miltzin IX, attired in a gorgeously patterned brocade dressing gown inappropriate to the hour, sat at a desk whose surface supported a very large, beautifully crafted model comprising miniature buildings of eccentric design lining small boulevards starbursting from a central plaza. His Majesty was not alone. Beside the desk stood a stout, foreign-looking gentleman with a broad face framed in greying whiskers. It was the square cut of the beard and sideburns, Nevenskoi decided, that marked the stranger as a foreigner. That and the bristling luxuriance of the moustache, together with the sea-sable frock coat lapels so alien to Hetzian tastes.

Both men turned to the door as Nevenskoi entered.

”Ah, there you are at last, my dear fellow,” observed the king.

”Sire.” Nevenskoi bowed deeply.

”Come over here, my friend, you must see this, it is quite remarkable. Look at this!” Mad Miltzin's gesture encompa.s.sed the model metropolis. ”Have you ever seen the like? Is it not splendid?”

”Very fine, Sire,” Nevenskoi replied neutrally.

”Very fine? That's all you can find to say? Bah, you are tepid as yesterday's tea. Nevenskoi, use your eyes! Don't you see what this is is?”

”It is an excellent model, Majesty, a miniature representation of a handsome city, no doubt a very excellent city-”

”It is not simply a city.” Miltzin controlled his visible impatience. ”It is the the city, Nevenskoi-the city of the future! Only look at it. You are gazing upon the shape of things to come! The architecture, the advanced features, the design of the streets, the indescribably scientific methods of waste disposal, the inspired use of water power, steam, necromantic exploitation of ghoststrength, gaslight, rational use of vibrational vertices-it's all perfect, quite perfect, and quite killingly modern! I've never seen anything so modern in all my life. It's all city, Nevenskoi-the city of the future! Only look at it. You are gazing upon the shape of things to come! The architecture, the advanced features, the design of the streets, the indescribably scientific methods of waste disposal, the inspired use of water power, steam, necromantic exploitation of ghoststrength, gaslight, rational use of vibrational vertices-it's all perfect, quite perfect, and quite killingly modern! I've never seen anything so modern in all my life. It's all here here, Nevenskoi. The answer, the truth, right there in front of us!”

”Answer, Majesty? To what?” Nevenskoi hazarded.

”What's to become of us and our world? Where shall we go, how shall we live, what will we do? Such little questions as those, my friend! And now they're answered, our path is plain before us, impending reality sitting right there on my desk. I tell you, we are privileged! I can hardly wait to begin!”

”Begin, Sire?”

”To build, man, to build! I've already selected a site-sweetest tract of marshland you can possibly imagine, not far from Gilksborg-and I'm ready, willing, and eager to commence! When I think of the future and its wonders-when I contemplate the ideal world awaiting all mankind, the universal benefits that I shall bestow-I confess, Nevenskoi, such delight pierces my heart that I could weep with it! Ha, but it will be tremendous! Only look look at the extraordinary details adorning my model here. Well,” Mad Miltzin recalled, ”to be perfectly accurate, it's actually Zelkiv's model.” The king's nod recalled the existence of the silent foreigner. at the extraordinary details adorning my model here. Well,” Mad Miltzin recalled, ”to be perfectly accurate, it's actually Zelkiv's model.” The king's nod recalled the existence of the silent foreigner.

”Revised to incorporate several original concepts belonging to Your Majesty, and greatly improved thereby,” the stranger observed gracefully.

”That's certainly true. There's a great deal of me me in it.” The king nodded. ”Nevertheless, honesty compels me to acknowledge Zelkiv here as the master architect. He is quite the clever fellow, Zelkiv is. Just like you, Nevenskoi. Moreover, he is your Rhazaullean countryman, and so I think it high time the two of you were introduced. n.o.ble Landholder Frem Zelkiv, meet my good friend, the talented and entertaining Nevenskoi. No doubt you two northern compatriots will have much to speak of!” in it.” The king nodded. ”Nevertheless, honesty compels me to acknowledge Zelkiv here as the master architect. He is quite the clever fellow, Zelkiv is. Just like you, Nevenskoi. Moreover, he is your Rhazaullean countryman, and so I think it high time the two of you were introduced. n.o.ble Landholder Frem Zelkiv, meet my good friend, the talented and entertaining Nevenskoi. No doubt you two northern compatriots will have much to speak of!”

The king's introduction abolished the social disparity between the n.o.ble landholder and the unt.i.tled adept. Zelkiv extended a cordial hand. A torrent of rapid Rhazaullean poured from his lips.

Nevenskoi went cold, and his mouth went dry.

Badness? asked Masterfire. asked Masterfire.

Extreme badness. I don't understand his language, to me it's all gibberish.

Gibberish bad?

Gibberish very bad, so bad that I-Nevenskoi's mind swirled, and a fresh idea shot to the surface. He took care to compose his face before remarking aloud in his accented Hetzian, ”Much though the music of my native tongue delights my ear, I cannot forget that His Majesty Miltzin regards our Rhazaullean as so much northern gibberish. His Majesty is generous beyond measure, yet I would not presume too selfishly upon his patience, and must therefore express myself to the best of my limited ability in the king's own language.”

”Ha! But what a pretty courtesy! Well said, Nevenskoi!” exclaimed the king.

The n.o.ble Landholder Frem Zelkiv flushed a little at the implied rebuke and his demeanor cooled, but he conceded with apparent good nature, ”Patriotic sentiment temporarily overcame my sense of perfect propriety, Sire. Fortunate am I that my countryman, burdened with no such excess warmth of feeling, stands ready to correct my error.”

Nevenskoi murmured the appropriate disclaimer.

”We shall drink vouvrak and speak of Rhazaulle another day, my compatriot,” Zelkiv promised frostily. ”We shall share a thousand memories of our home.”

Home. Shall I tell you of the flat above my father's shop in Flenkutz? Aloud Nevenskoi replied correctly, ”Home is enshrined within each Rhazaullean heart, Landholder.” Aloud Nevenskoi replied correctly, ”Home is enshrined within each Rhazaullean heart, Landholder.”

”Ah, my two favorite northern geniuses revel in one another's company, just as I antic.i.p.ated,” Miltzin misinterpreted cheerily. ”But I did not bring you here to reminisce, gentlemen. That vouvrak you Rhazaulleans so unaccountably relish must wait, for there is business at hand. You are here to experience the wonder of each other's talents and accomplishments. Zelkiv, you must demonstrate the features of our marvelous model to Nevenskoi here-he's certain to appreciate our work. Go ahead, man, show him!”

For the next half hour Nevenskoi stood silently absorbed as the n.o.ble Landholder Frem Zelkiv displayed the various futuristic features of his miniature city. There were aqueducts and fountains with real running water, tiny gaslights that glowed, moving mechanical stairways connecting the levels, gla.s.s-enclosed aerial walkways accessible by modern steam-powered lift, cleverly concealed chutes descending to the subterranean waste-disposal units, an extraordinary vibrational vertexia with moving parts, miniature boilers producing real steam, working windcatchers, an elaborate system of signal lights capable of transmitting messages clear across the city, an icehouse sheltered beneath an insulated silvery dome, and much more, all of it remarkable as the king had promised.

The demonstration concluded and Nevenskoi excreted the requisite admiration, in this instance sincere. His listeners basked briefly, and then Mad Miltzin decreed, ”Your turn now, Nevenskoi. Come, astonish us, man!” His tone waxed conspiratorial. ”You have brought our green friend, eh?”

The adept inclined his head.

”Ha, excellent! Then loose him at once-awaken our wonder, entertain us!”

Entertain! This is my great work, you nitwit, this is my life! Nevenskoi hid his indignation behind a deferential smile. His silent voice turned inward and elsewhere, as he inquired, Nevenskoi hid his indignation behind a deferential smile. His silent voice turned inward and elsewhere, as he inquired, Loveliness, do you hear me? Loveliness, do you hear me?

Hear you! returned Masterfire. returned Masterfire.

Then come forth, my beauty, to dazzle the world.

A thin, serpentine tendril of green flame slithered out of Nevenskoi's breast pocket. An audible gasp escaped the watching n.o.ble Landholder Zelkiv.

”See? Didn't I tell you?” Mad Miltzin exulted. ”But this is a trifle, this is nothing! Only wait until you see what my Masterfire can do!”

Embrace me, Nevenskoi commanded mutely, and the fiery serpent stretched, lengthening to loop itself about its master's body again and again until the adept stood lapped in endless coils of living flame that consumed nothing.

Enfold me.

The green coils swelled and merged, reared up and roared, enclosing Nevenskoi within a whirling column of flame.

The n.o.ble Landholder Zelkiv's face was a study in disbelief. Seeing this, King Miltzin loosed a gratified giggle.

Big! declared Masterfire. declared Masterfire. I am BIG, I am huge, I am great, I am wonderful- I am BIG, I am huge, I am great, I am wonderful- True indeed, my sweetest.

I am grand, I am glorious, I am tasty and delicious- You are all of that and more, but now you must dwindle again. Shrink, my beauty, reduce yourself to the tiniest spark- NONoNoNoNoNoNo!

Only for a little while, and then, I promise, you will stand taller than you have ever stood before.
