270 It goes on 5 (1/2)

”Honestly, I don't want to go.”

”But you have to, Your Majesty.”

”Can't we just leave as a task for the future generation?”

Jackson shook his head fiercely, then turned cold and spoke in an even colder voice.

”Do you want your children to go?”

”I mean, shouldn't they also have various experiences?”

”And you wish to take the blame for it?”

Joonbum thought about a few faces and frowned.

”But it's too much.”

”Then, how about you don't go?” Jackson snapped coldly. Joonbum frowned again.

”Monsters will keep coming over from the Gate. We can defend the Gate and put up a wall, but there will be problems. Just like how we advance in technology, the monsters will evolve too. It's better for us to wipe them out now. And there are people out there too. YOUR people. Rescue them. And there should be remnants of advanced technology buried somewhere within that place. We'll need it.”

”I agree with Jackson. Besides, there are rumors spreading that beyond the Gate is a Demon World. People are already saying that you will stand up to lay waste to the Demon World and save mankind.”

Joonbum looked dumbfounded. He turned slowly and glared at Jackson. Jackson shook his head awkwardly.

”I didn't have anything to do with that.”




”I… just explained that it's a Demon World out there.”

”DEMON WORLD?! That's Earth! My homeworld! You saw the video! That place was less dangerous than here!” Joonbum shouted, but Jackson just shrugged. Joonbum frowned again.

”Well, I'm sorry Your Majesty, but I had to.”

Joonbum glared at Jackson. Jackson coughed and took out a cigarette.

”I just couldn't find a better example to describe it. How do I explain to the people that the place where monsters pour out from is your homeworld? If I do that, the remnants of Horun fanatics will start spreading propaganda about you. The world believes in you, but we cannot ignore the existence of religion. It still stays deep within the hearts of the people. We cannot give them an excuse to overthrow us.”

It was as Jackson said.