26 New beginning (1/2)
Joonbum rolled around in his room with excitement.
”Have I gone mad? Baekgu, Heukgu, Gumdong, Urlook! What do you guys think?”
Joonbum cackled as he thought about what he did back at the café. A sense of victory surged within him as he thought about Youngah and Seohee waiting for him to come back from the restroom.
His heart was pounding with nervousness as he started the car, as if he was running away after he had stolen something. He even turned off his cell phone.
It had been two days since his small revenge. He was looking at wolf clubs which had started moving around. He couldn't stop smiling.
”I can't even put my feelings into words! Isn't it so, you pigs? Baekgu, Heukgu, Gumdong, Urlook! Hehehe. They stopped uploading for the past two days. Were they shocked?”
He felt his old feelings melt away at the revenge. His expression brightened overall.
'I guess I changed a bit.'
It seemed like he had changed. He remembered he couldn't fight back against anything that oppressed him before.
”You cute little puppies. Eat well.”
He moved to prepare the milk bottles and gave them to the cubs. Their cries slowly died down as Joonbum rubbed them as they kept drinking the milk. Watching them made him feel calm and relaxed. It also made him smile.
”These guys are growing so fast. Look at how fat they've become!”
They were growing really fast to the point where Joonbum could see how much they had grown in just one day. The only problem was that Galfus paid no attention to them other than just taking a peek at the basket from time to time and then moving herself away to take a nap.
”I guess you guys have your own problems too,” Joonbum mumbled as he thought about Galfus.
”Hey, this is for you.”
His mother brought him a cup full of black liquid.
”It's red ginseng extract.”
Joonbum gazed at the cup while his mother told him to drink it. Joonbum remembered its bitter taste and frowned.
”You can have it instead.”
”I already did. That's yours. Go ahead.”
Joonbum started drinking and his mother turned her eyes to the cubs.
”Are you going to raise them?”
”Just for a while.”
”Well, they're okay for now, but you do remember that the landlord said no pets?”
”I remember.”
”And our house is too small for four dogs. So before you become too fond of them… you know?”
His mother was not happy to even suggest that, but they could not breach the contract with the landlord. She did not want to risk it and fight with the landlord. Joonbum changed the topic to avoid any gloomy thoughts.
”It will be only for short while. Oh, I got a new contract by the way.”
”Again? That's awesome!”
His mother brightened up at the news. She was more excited to see her son speaking so proudly than the actual news.
'Isn't she curious about the amount?'
He thought about it and remembered that he couldn't say the amount before because he was embarrassed in the past. It was so little that he avoided saying the amount. But it was different now. He even wanted her to ask him how much he would get. Joonbum continued.
”Hey Mom, shouldn't we move to a new home? I think I will have about one hundred million won by next month…”
His mother blinked, confused at the amount. She did not expect that Joonbum was earning that much.
”Are you sure? But… really?”
He knew why his mother doubted him. It was only while ago that he had no money in the bank. He currently used a lot to make his videos, but the speed of the money coming in was faster than his spending. He now even had close to five million subscribers. If he reached the five million threshold, he could easily earn a hundred million won per month with advertisements.
There were also all kinds of short-term contracts and sponsors coming in. The bank account was full of money. It was a bizarre experience.
”Don't you think we should save it for now? I understand you're doing well, but just in case, you know. If… nevermind. You should know better. If you decide to move, then it's okay. I guess we can spare some for luxury.”
She was worried, but she stopped speaking as if her worries might get in the way of her son's success. He felt her love and care from all those words.
”Mom, I have to go.”
Joonbum stood up as he checked the time.
”Okay. Going to shoot again?”
”Yeah. It might take me a while this time so don't worry.”
”Okay. Take care of yourself.”
Joonbum picked up the basket, feeling the weight of the cubs. He got into the car and started driving. It was good to drive at dawn with so little vehicles out on the road.
'It would be great if the air was clean like that place.'
Time passed by quickly as he considered and chose contracts and supplies, keeping him busy. But he could not stop thinking about the other world. It was a brutal and merciless place, but he wanted to go back fast.
'Let's go!'
He sped up his truck, quickening his return.