10 Reinforcing and expanding (1/2)

”Whew. Finished one.”

Joonbum sighed in relief as he locked the chain with the padlock wrapped around the wolf's muzzle. He started moving faster, reinforcing the chain by wrapping it around its head so it would not come off. He wiped his sweat off and stepped back to look at the wolf once again as he finished locking down the wolf's most dangerous weapon.

”It sure is damn big. I don't think anyone will believe that this is the smallest of the bunch.”

Joonbum shook his head at the thought. He then stepped closer to examine its broken legs. There were two broken legs, one in the front and the back.

”It was a clean hit.”

The wounded area did look weak compared to the other spots. Both shin parts of the leg bone had snapped in half. There was also some swelling in the hind thigh.

'Let's do the legs first.'

Although it was the thinnest part, it was still thick, thicker than most adult thighs. The sight of such a majestic leg dangling own its own was a terrible view to behold.

”God, this is going to be one hell of a job.”

He moved the leg to position the bones together and started to work on the plaster cast. A similar process was done both sides where he created a leg cast to stabilize the leg.

”Hell of a job.”

He shook his head while drenched in sweat and plaster powder.

”Didn't think learning this in the army would come in handy.”

There were more things that had to be done. After the casts had dried up, he brought wraps and a wooden stick so that the wolf could not move it around when it was awake. He also examined its entire body and applied disinfectant on all the wounds.

”This should work.”

After applying the widely-used red medicine, he examined the wolf for the last time. Its big belly moved as it breathed and he seemed to have missed none of the wounds.

”It sure is damn big.”

He said it once again before taking off the lock and chain wrapped around the muzzle. He took up his things and retreated into the distance.

”I should eat something now.”

He turned on a stove and poured water into a pot. After having a cigarette, the water was boiling. He opened an instant noodle packet and started cooking.

”Whew, a meal after hard work!”

After eating some, he took out a soju bottle from the cooler. Then he started drinking the noodle broth and soju repeatedly, shouting in awe every single time.

”Oh, you're awake?”

He heard a low growling coming from the wolf. It seemed that the wolf was confused at the strange feeling coming from its treatment. But after a slight hesitation, it turned its attention to the basin and started drinking water. She then continued to munch down on a ten chickens Joonbum had prepared beside it.

”Good good. Just make sure you don't howl okay? We don't want any trouble.”

Wolf stopped at Joonbum's words for a moment and started sniffing. Time passed by quickly while watching the wolf and Joonbum started feeling sleepy.

”Okay, it's time soon… let's pass the night quietly.”

He set up some traps around the area just in case and hopped on the truck. After making sure rifle was beside him, he closed his eyes.

Chapter 7.

”Five hundred thousand…? Over five hundred thousand watched?”

His brain froze at the counter, then realized what it was showing. Shouts of joy and excitement followed. He screamed like a madman. He didn't care if the wolf watched him or not.

”Five hundred! Five hundred!”

He screamed the number multiple times. His body shook in excitement. It had been only a week and the counter was still going up. It was gaining speed as it was starting to go viral.

”Ahh!” he moaned. The first response on the day he uploaded it was not great to say the least. There were a bunch of insults and not much else. He couldn't even bear to check the counter after that. But now-

-This is one heck of a well-made fake video!-

-Is this the new trend to upload this kind of video to a private channel?-

-It's refreshing. Most videos are fake these days anyway.-

-The wolf seems to be too much.-

-WTF OTHER WORLD LOL. Youtuber the other world traveler LOL-

-He ran out of content.-

-Didn't expect this but it's still interesting, I guess?-

-This is too high of a quality to be fake though.-

-This is some well-made computer graphic!-

-Omg this guy is at the top of the faking level.-

-It seems so real! Just like the movies!-

-It feels so real. It's raw, but it does feel realistic. Just look at the wolf!-

-Wow, didn't know you had this kind of talent! Keep this up man! Great job!-

-Hah you got some talent there! But it's not like you.-

-This one's good! But start talking. And show your face too. I need to see you to feel better by comparing.-

-YEAH! We need to see you in the video!-

-Where's the live broadcast? I will shoot out donation if you can. Can't? Because it's fake!-