Part 30 (1/2)
There was a moment of strained silence.
”What's up with Hippo and you?”
”He's p.i.s.sed that I went to Tracadie.”
”I doubt it's you. You're just handy.”
”He asked me not to make contact.”
”Bastarache is a flesh bandit. Hippo thinks it reflects badly on all Acadians.”
I didn't trust myself to answer.
”Don't let him get to you. Hippo'll never say it, but your finding Cormier's thumb drive impressed the h.e.l.l out of him. Once Lesieur cracks it, we'll be able to reel this dirtball in.”
”If I hadn't found it, CSU would have.”
Ryan knew that was true. Was trying to be nice.
”If you want to knock off, I understand,” he said.
I shook my head. But I'd already lost Ryan's attention.
”I have court tomorrow. If we don't finish today, we'll wrap up on Monday.”
With that, Ryan disappeared down the hall. And proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the day.
Fine. I could concentrate on Cormier's b.l.o.o.d.y files.
Only I couldn't. All afternoon, I kept seeing Obeline. The gazebo. The breakwater. The shawl.
Leaden, I forced myself through file after file.
Pets. Brides. Kids. None of them Phoebe. None of them a cold case MP or DOA.
At six I gave up.
Inching home through rush hour traffic, I worried about telling Harry that Obeline was dead. My sister feels things intensely, emotes unabashedly. Joy. Anger. Fear. Whatever Harry's reaction, it's always over the top. I was dreading the conversation.
At the condo, I parked underground. A light indicated the elevator was holding on three. I trudged up the stairs.
Both the outer and inner front doors were open. Runners crisscrossed the lobby floor. Winston, our caretaker, stood on one of them.
”Someone moving?” Not really interested. Thinking about Harry.
”Three-oh-four,” Winston answered. ”Transferred to Calgary.”
I rounded the banister, started toward my corridor.
”You thinking about selling?”
I turned. ”What's funny?”
”Couple guys wandered in here this morning. Asked about your place.”
I stopped. ”Asked what?”
”How many rooms. If the backyard was yours.” Winston shrugged, thumbs hooking his jeans. ”The usual.”
I felt a tickle of apprehension. ”Did they leave contact information?”
Winston shook his head.
”Did they use my name specifically?”
Winston gave the question some thought. ”Not sure. It's been a zoo here today. They're probably gawkers. We get a lot of those.”
”Release absolutely no information on my condo.”
Winston's smile crumpled. His arms came up and crossed on his chest.
”I'm sorry. I know you'd never do that.”
Winston ran a finger and thumb along the corners of his mouth.
I smiled. ”Thanks for telling me.”
”That sister of yours is a hoot.”
”Isn't she.” I made the turn toward my hallway. ”I better feed her or she'll start gnawing the woodwork.”
Still wounded, Harry had declined partic.i.p.ation in restaurant selection. I took her to one of my favorites. Milos is pricey, but this wasn't the night for counting coins.
Conversation upon departure went something like this.
”Is the fish fresh?”
”Still swimming.”
Upon arrival.
”Where are we?”