Vol 1 Chapter 8 (1/2)
Chapter 8
I dropped a heavy sigh. Presently, I was rocking about inside in the Aquarain family carriage. With an unchanging scenery outside the window, the carriage was running steadily up the mountain road. And next to me was my beloved Cecilia.
Our destination was the mountain village, Dagaz, a 6-hour carriage ride from Minerva.
Just a little getaway, alone with Cecilia. ...Is what I would have liked it to be.
”Wheee~! My first carriage ride~!”
For some reason s.h.i.+ek was also here. He was hanging his head outside the window like a dog on the highway. As to how this all came about, let's go back a little in time to this morning.
“...Morning already?”
I got up from my bed in my rented room at the inn. Light trickled in through the window, signaling the start the of the day.
Looking at the bed next to mine, s.h.i.+ek was gone. That guy who always slept in the most awkward positions was suddenly missing.
I wasn’t woken up, and he didn't bother to wake me...where on earth could he have gone?
”Yeesh, after Hapyneth and Duke left it's been one thing after another...”
Since Hapyneth was abducted by Sophia-san, and Duke was taken by Raven, I alone was left to be s.h.i.+ek's guardian-c.u.m-playmate.
Back when we were in the Demon Castle, the three of us shared that duty. However, I can't help that they're already gone. They won't come back no matter how much I might complain.
Today I had promised to meet with Cecilia. I made myself presentable, then left the Inn and headed to the Aquarain family mansion.
”I'm so sorry. I was suddenly called in for work. And after I was the one that invited you over for tea, too.”
...Is what I heard upon arriving at the mansion. Apparently some cleric work came in for her to do. She was already getting ready to leave in the carriage. Some bandits had descended upon a mountain village, and although they were chased off, a large number of serious injuries had been suffered.
The bandits could attack again at any time, and with no trained clerics in the vicinity they wouldn't be able to recover in time. That is what Cecilia reasoned from the information she was given.
”It can't be helped if it's for work... Oh wait, I know! Take me with you!”
I had already been looking forward to spending all day with Cecilia since yesterday, so why not? Not only that, I wanted to be useful to her as well.
”...But, this is a job I have accepted. I couldn't possibly impose on you, Youki-san...”
”Oh my, I'm sure it would be fine, wouldn't it dear?”
As Cecilia was being reluctant, Celia-san suddenly appeared from behind.
”It could be dangerous if bandits appear again. I'm sure my Cecilia would be fine by herself, however, just in case, please take Youki-kun with you.”
Cecilia thought about it for a moment. Celia-san wanting someone to accompany her daughter was a big deal.
”...I understand. As Youki-san is a
lso capable of using healing magic, he should be sufficient as a bodyguard. I'm sorry to impose upon you, but would you please accompany me, Youki-san?”
She asked me as if she thought I might refuse, not that she had to be so formal about it.
This was a chance given to me by Celia-san. I'll make sure to show off all my good points, and trigger events to raise her approval.
“With pleasure, I would love to accompany you.”
After hearing more details, it looked like we'll be staying at our destination for a short while. Two, maybe three days lodging in the village.
Because of that, since I had no change of clothes on me, I had to run back to the inn to gather my luggage.
“All right, I’ll be right back.”