Chapter 3 (1/2)

I’ve been in the guild for a week.

I did well on quests, and even rose to rank D.

As usual, I came to the guild to report my finished quest.

“Hey, the pretty Ladies are over there ya’nno? That's why everyone's getting their requests processed over there. Why the h.e.l.l are you bothering to come over here?”

He asked me with obvious irritation.

I wondered the same thing.

“Well, when I first came here I was expecting something like a pretty Lady at the reception desk. But, I dunno, I just got used to Clayman as my receptionist.”

”'Got used to' my a.s.s! You're increasing the s.h.i.+t I have to do!”

His voice echoed throughout the Guild.

Clayman was the staff member that processed my registration when I first came to the Guild.

3 days after I registered, the other staff returned, but I still had him process my quests.

Since it's Clayman, despite his complaining he still did his job properly.

”Even so, it doesn't matter, work is work. Quit your complaining.”

There's no good reason not to come to him.

”No, this wasn't my job in the first place. The only reason I was there was because the rest of the staff took time off on the day of the Hero Parade.” He continued to complain while processing the oh-so-annoying quest.

And so, as he b.i.t.c.hed about work while still doing it properly, and me throwing in some side commentary, there was a sudden commotion at the Guild entrance.

“Huh? Did something happen?”

Clayman leaned over his desk to get a look at the entrance, and I also looked back to see the cause of the commotion.

“Excuse me, could you let me through please?”

My G.o.ddess Cecilia is here. All around you could hear people asking what the hero Cecilia-sama was doing in a place like this.

The general mood was similar to an Idol's concert from my previous life.

Even Clayman, the ever troublesome guy who always did things at his own pace, is a little taken aback.

She slowly made her towards me.

”Forgive me for not contacting you sooner.”

I and the guild members in my vicinity turned to stone seeing her lowering her head to apologize.

Only Clayman remained unfazed, his eyes languid as always as he watched the event unfold.

“Let’s discuss this further in my home.”

With a 'let us depart', she took the hand of my stone-like self.

And just like that she led me out of the guild.

After we left the guild was in an uproar, gossiping up a storm.

Upon exiting, we hopped into the carriage she came in. The coachman eyed me suspiciously, but lowered his head after Cecilia explained.

This is the first time I've experienced the b.u.mpy ride of a horse-drawn carriage.

”I had really intended to meet with you sooner, however between the Parade and the Parties it seems time managed to slip away from me...”

She apologizes and lowers her head again. It wasn't like I wanted her to apologize, but...

”Well, it was my first time outside the castle, and at long last I got to enjoy everyday life in another world. So I don't really mind at all!”

”...Well I'm glad you think of it that way.”

Somehow, she still seemed down so I changed the topic.

”Come to think of it, I'm impressed you were able to find me.”

”...At first I wondered what I would do. I had no idea what your disguised form looked like. And so I looked into guilds around here with recent new members.”

I see, that probably took a lot of effort.

”...Still I  was able to locate you sooner than expected.”

W-what’s this?

”You did not change your name, even your appearance isn't that different...just what were you thinking?”

”What are you talking about? I totally changed!”

When I was with the demons I already didn't look like much of one, I had the boring face of a human.

If I had to name a problem, it would likely be the splendid horns on my forehead and black wings growing out of my back.

”I put up with the pain, broke off my horns, and even removed my wings.”

I could grow them back if I wanted, however I have no intention to do so at the moment.

”...Be that as it may, my hero party knows your face. At the very least please wear some”

Like that, in the middle of our discussion on my disguise, the carriage suddenly stopped.

We appeared to have reached our destination, and at the coachman's proclamation we exited the carriage.

“...Geez, it’s huge.”

In front of me stood a large mansion. In front of the gate were two soldier-like people.

After exiting the carriage with Cecilia, I followed to enter the mansion but was stopped by the guards.

”My lady, welcome home...who exactly is this man?”

The guards had me at spear point. Hey now, are we really doing this?

”Lower your spears at once! He is my dear friend.”

They put down their spears. There was still some uneasiness, but they would not defy Cecilia.

I could feel the guards staring daggers at me while I accompanied Cecilia inside her mansion.

“Could you please leave the guild?”


That’s strange. What kind of situation is this?

I was invited to the mansion Cecilia lives in, and now we're in her room.

We both sat on the bed in a room that had the cleanliness you'd expect of a woman.

“...Forgive me. That was an insufficient explanation .”

I think that's more than just 'insufficient'. I wonder why exactly she wants me to leave the guild?

”The Demon Lord has now been vanquished by the Hero. However, the danger of all the demons still remains.”

Well, I guess that’s true.