Part 53 (2/2)
It's as plain as that nose on yer face, Mister.”
”May I read it?” asked the lawyer indifferently. Then, as Lon nodded, he slipped the letter deftly from the finger-marked envelop and read the contents with a smile. ”It's strong enough,” he said, replacing it. ”I, too, think she'll succ.u.mb to that. If you'll leave this letter with me, I'll see that she gets it.”
Everett put the envelop in a drawer and implied that the interview was at an end. But the squatter twirled his cap in his fingers and lingered.
”Lem says as how he'll take the gal and me in his scow to Ithaca. Ye can follow us when ye git ready.”
The younger man stood up, nodding his approval.
”That'll be just the way to do it, and I shall look to you, Mr. Cronk, to keep faith with me. Frankly speaking, I do not like your friend. I think he's a rascal.”
”Well, he be a mean cuss; but there be other cusses besides Lem, Mister.”
Brimbecomb flushed at the meaning glance in the squatter's shrewd eyes.
”All you both have to do,” said he bruskly, ”is to spend the money I'll give you--and keep your mouths shut.”
If Everett had noted the crafty expression on the squatter's face as the latter walked down the street, he would not have been so satisfied over his deal with Lon. After he was alone, he reread Cronk's letter. Later he wrote steadily for sometime. His communication also was for Fledra, and he intended by hook or crook to get it to her with the other.
There never had been greater rejoicing in the Sh.e.l.lington home than on the night when it was settled that Fledra was to marry Horace. It was decided that after the wedding the girl should have tutors and professors. A lovelight had appeared in the gray eyes when she promised Ann that she would study diligently until Horace and Floyd and all her dear ones would be proud of her advancement. How gently Ann encircled the little figure before she said goodnight, and how tearfully she congratulated Horace that he had won such a fond, faithful heart for his own! Even after kissing Floyd, and tucking the coverlet about his shoulders, the young woman was again drawn to Fledra.
”May I come in, Darling?” she whispered.
Fledra did not cease combing her curls before the mirror when she welcomed Miss Sh.e.l.lington.
”I simply couldn't go to bed, child,” said Ann, ”until I came to see you again. I feel so little like sleeping!”
Fledra turned a blus.h.i.+ng, happy face upon her friend.
”And I'm not going to sleep tonight, either. I'm going to stay awake all night and be glad.”
This brought Ann's unhappiness back to her, and she smiled sadly as she thought of her own tangled love-affair.
”I want you and my brother to be very happy.”
Fledra dropped her comb and looked soberly at the other.
”I'm not good enough for him,” she said, with a sigh; ”but he loves me, and I love him more than the whole world put together, Sister Ann.”
The young face had grown radiant with idealized love and faith, and through the s.h.i.+ning gray eyes, in which bits of brown shaded to golden, Ann could see the girl's soul, pure and lofty. She marked how it had grown, had expanded, under great love, and marveled.
”I know that, Dearest. I wish I were as happy as you!”
The pathos in her tones, the sad lines about Ann's sweet mouth, made Fledra grasp her hands in girlish impetuousness.