Part 35 (1/2)
”Our'n, Screechy. Weren't ye here lookin' for him?”
Through the darkness Lem could not see the crazed expression that flashed over Scraggy's face. She thrust her fingers in her hair and s.h.i.+vered. The blow of Everett's fist had banished all memory of the boy from her mind; but Lem lived there as vividly as in the olden days.
”We ain't got no boy, Lem,” she said mournfully.
”Ye said we had, Screechy, and I know we have. Now, get up out of that there snow, or ye'll freeze.”
The scowman helped Screech Owl to her feet, and supported her back over the graves to the toolhouse.
”Ye stay here till I come for ye, Scraggy, and don't ye dare go 'way no place. Do ye hear?”
Screech Owl uttered an obedient a.s.sent, and Lem left her with a threat that he would beat her if she moved from the spot. Then he crawled along the Brimbecomb fence, and saw Lon leaning against a tree, some distance down the road.
After Everett's departure, Ann tripped into Floyd's room in a happier state of mind than had been hers for several days. It had been her habit to kneel beside the boy at night and send up a pet.i.tion for his recovery. Now she would thank G.o.d for his goodness to her,--Everett had come to be more like himself, and Floyd's welcoming smile sent a thrill of joy through her. As Ann entered, Fledra looked up from her book. Her pale, beseeching face drew Miss Sh.e.l.lington to her.
”Fledra dear, you study too late and too hard. You don't look at all well.”
”I keep tellin' her that same thing, Sister Ann,” said Floyd; ”but she keeps mutterin' over them words till I know 'em myself.”
Miss Sh.e.l.lington turned Fledra's face up to hers, smoothing down the dark curls.
”Go to bed, child; you're absolutely tired out. Kiss me goodnight, Dear.”
Fledra loitered in the hall until she heard Miss Sh.e.l.lington leave Floyd; then she stole forward.
”Will you come to my room a little while, Sister Ann?”
Without a word, Ann took the girl's hand; together they entered the blue room.
Fledra wheeled about upon Miss Sh.e.l.lington, when the door had been, closed.
”Do you believe all those things you pray about, Sister Ann?” she appealed brokenly.
Ann questioned Fledra with a look; the girl made clearer her demand by adding:
”Do you believe that Jesus hears you when you ask Him something you want very, very bad?”
She looked so miserable, so frail and lonely, that Ann put her arms about her.
”Sit down here with me, Fledra. There! Put your little tired head right here, and I'll tell you all I can.”
”I want to be helped!” murmured Fledra.
”I've known that for sometime,” Ann said softly; ”and I'm so happy that you've come to me!”
”It's nothin' you can do; but I was thinkin' that perhaps Jesus could do it.”