Part 29 (2/2)
”And I'm goin' to love him always--even after we go away!”
”We ain't goin' away,” said Floyd.
”Who said so?”
”Mr. Sh.e.l.lington.”
”Last night.”
Fledra lifted her head and grasped the boy's thin hands in hers.
”You're sure it was last night, Fluke?”
”Yep, I be sure. I was layin' here with my face to the wall. When Sister Ann comes in nights, if I don't say anything, she thinks I be asleep, and she kisses me, and I like her to do that. Last night, when she'd done kissing me, Mr. Sh.e.l.lington came in, and then they talked about us.”
”And he didn't say we was to go away?”
Fledra rose in sudden determination, and in her excitement spoke with swift reversion to the ancient manner.
”Flukey, ye be the best da----”
Flukey thrust up a reproving finger which stopped the oath.
”Flea!” he cautioned.
”I were only goin' to say, Flukey,” said Flea humbly, ”that ye be the best kid in all the world. Don't tell anybody what I said about my Prince.”
She went out quickly.
With her hand upon her heart, Flea halted before the library. She knew that Horace was there; for she could hear the rustling of papers. At her timid knock, he bade her enter. Her tongue clove so closely to the roof of her mouth that for a minute she could not speak. She held out her fingers, and Horace took them in his. His face whitened at her touch; but he gazed steadily at her.
”You've--you've something to say to me, Fledra--sweetheart?”
The hope in his voice rang out clearly. Fledra nodded.
He was determined she should explain away the black thing that had arisen between them.
”I didn't come to tell ye about what happened,” said she; ”but to say that, if ye don't smile and don't touch me sometimes, I'll die--I know I will!” Her tones were disjointed with emotion, and she felt the hands holding hers tighten.