Part 45 (1/2)
He was far from all right. And of course Taria knew that, which was why she'd asked. But there'd he time for debriefings back at the Temple. Time to think of the fallen, and mourn them, and find ways to honor those who'd made mistakes-and paid a terrible price to undo them. Time to come to terms with the loss of his friend. It was a journey he'd started in Torbel's sick house, but he still had a long way to go.
I'm not even sure it's a journey I can finish.
Knowing she'd let him, just this once, he lied. ”Yes. I'm fine. ”
She lifted an eyebrow. ”You need more rest. ”
”After the war. Taria...” Palpatine hadn't acknowledged what she'd done. What she'd sacrificed. It made him angry. ”You saved so many lives. And now...”
”No regrets, ” she said, under her breath. Her fingers tightened on his arm, and she tried to smile. ”How can there be? Obi-Wan...”
Then Master Windu returned, and the moment was lost.
”Right, ” Windu said, as Yularen toggled the bridge and told them he was on his way. ”1 think we're done here. Anakin!”
Anakin joined them. ”Master. ”
”You've spoken to your Padawan?”
”Yes, Master. ”
”Good. ” Master Windu smiled, fiercely. ”Then let's go. We'll hop a guns.h.i.+p over to Dagger and make best speed for home. ”
Turning, he headed for the hatch, Taria falling into step beside him. One warm, affectionate glance over her shoulder, and she was gone.