Part 24 (1/2)

”But-you're Jedi” Rikkard said, disbelieving, as though they were supposed to be invulnerable.

”Ordinarily that would make the difference, ” Obi-Wan said, with a faint smile. ”But Count Dooku, the Separatists' leader, was once a Jedi. He has certain... insights. Tricks to keep us under control. ”

Teeba Jaklin snorted. ”Sounds to me like you're trying to talk us into leaving our s.h.i.+eld up. Not very heroic. You want us to keep on sheltering you? Then ask. Straight out. ”

”Jaklin, ” said Rikkard. ”You can't...”

”What, Rikkard?” she demanded. ”What can't I? I'll tell you. I can't stand by and see these Jedi bring ruin on our heads. ”

”Who says it's up to you?” Rikkard said, offended. ”There's two of us chosen to speak for Torbel. ”

Jaklin looked like she wanted to shake him. Or slap him. Or cry. ”Are you stupid, man? I let them in. I offered them shelter. It's my doing we're trapped inside this bubble with dead and dying in the sick house and no hope of escape. ” Her dirty fist struck her chest.

”Every drop of bloodshed is blood shed by me. ”

Rikkard pulled her close. Despite their mutual exasperation and fear, even though there was aggravation on both sides, there was deep affection, too. Rikkard was hurting, feeling Jaklin's pain along with his own.

”I'll say it once more and this time you'll hear me, ” he said. ”We survived one storm because of them. And Jaklin, with their help we'll survive the storm they brought with them, not meaning to. ”

She wrenched free of him, then turned her burning gaze on Obi-Wan. ”If you go with those droids, what happens to us? Do they leave Torbel alone or do they punish us for sheltering you?

If we tell them we had no idea you were Jedi, will they believe us?”

”They're droids, Teeba Jaklin, ” Anakin said, before Obi-Wan could answer. ”Believing humans isn't a high priority in their programming. ”

”So whatever we do makes no matter? The damage is done? For helping you we're punished?” Stifling fresh grief, Jaklin stared at the straggle of frightened children on the village square. ”How is that right?”

”It's not, ” he said, fighting to keep her pain at a distance. ”Teeba, I'm sorry. ”

”You mustn't lose hope, ” said Obi-Wan. ”Don't forget, they need Torbel's damot.i.te. ”

”But do they need us to mine it?” she retorted, still staring at the children. ”They could kill us all and bring in miners from other villages. ”

”They could, ” Obi-Wan agreed, reluctant. ”But that would likely stir up trouble, which is the last thing they want. Besides, what you're suggesting would take time-and time is one thing the Seps don't have in abundance. ”


Sighing, Rikkard rubbed his hand across his scarred head. ”If we give the word to lower our s.h.i.+eld, can you promise me those droids won't open fire and kill every one in Torbel that's not a Jedi?”

”No, I can't promise you that, ” Obi-Wan said tightly. ”But we'd do everything in our power to prevent it. ”

”Then can you promise me, if we do hand you over without getting ourselves killed, that you and Anakin won't be put to death?”

A heavy silence, then Obi-Wan shook his head. ”No, Rikkard. I can't promise that either, but...”

”A moment. Tell me this, Teeb. ” Rikkard's eyes were fierce. ”What do you want?”

Taken by surprise, Obi-Wan stared at him. ”What do I- Rikkard, I want you and your people safe. I want to stop Lok Durd and his bioweapon. ”

”And you want to live, ” said Jaklin. ”Don't...”

”What if you can't have everything you want?” said Rikkard, a hand on Jaklin's arm holding her to silence. ”Who do you save, Teeb Yourself and Anakin? Us? Or the rest of the galaxy?”

Obi-Wan didn't answer.

Rikkard turned. ”And you, Anakin? What do you want?”

Anakin looked at the ground. He knew what Obi-Wan wanted him to say.

But we don't agree. Obi-Wan. I think giving ourselves to the droids should be our last choice, not our first.

”Rikkard, I can modify your storm s.h.i.+eld, ” he said, keeping his voice flat and unemotional, ignoring Obi-Wan's dismay. ”I can strengthen it and modulate its pulse frequency so the droids' weapons won't penetrate it. And with those modifications I believe we can hold them off until help gets here. At least, we can if you've got enough stored fuel. ”

Rikkard rubbed his scar-knotted scalp again. ”That depends on what you mean by enough, ” he said slowly. ”We have some liquid damot.i.te stockpiled. ”

”How much?”

”It should last us maybe a month. We can't store huge amounts, it's too volatile. ”

Stang. There was no way they'd last a month with the modified storm s.h.i.+eld running without respite. ”Can you make more if we need it?”

”No, ” said Jaklin, bitter with fear. ”Not unless you can wave your fancy weapon over what's left of the refinery and un-destroy it. Can you do that, Jedi?”

”I wish I could. ” Anakin blew out a sharp breath. ”You want to know what I want? I want surrender to lie a last resort. I'm confident our message reached the Temple and help is on its way. I think we can hold out until it gets here, if we're careful. Rikkard, I want us all to survive. And I believe we can. ”

Rikkard looked at him in silence for a long time, hope and doubt warring behind the shadows in his eyes. ”But you don't know. ”

”No, ” said Obi-Wan. ”He doesn't. ”

The coldness beneath Obi-Wan's politely detached voice almost made him flinch.

Now I'm in trouble.

”Rikkard, if it turns out I'm wrong we can still surrender, ” he added, not looking at Obi-Wan. ”If we reach the breaking point and no help arrives, we'll make it look like we were holding Torbel hostage and you managed to overpower us. Please- I know it's a risk, but I think it's one worth taking. ”

Teeba Jaklin looked at Obi-Wan. ”You don't agree. ”


”Oh, I agree it's a risk, ” said Obi-Wan, blandly furious.

”Is he lying about the storm s.h.i.+eld? Can he do what he says?”

No matter how angry he was, Obi-Wan was always fair. ”Yes, he can. ”

Jaklin eyes narrowed. ”Are you afraid, Jedi?”

Her belligerence made Obi-Wan blink. ”Teeba, we Jedi are taught that fear is dangerous. It can lead us down dark pathways, to ends we would not wish for ourselves or others. ”