Part 12 (1/2)

”Is that what happened to you?” said Anakin as they climbed inside the cage's insubstantial metal fretwork.

Rikkard's ungloved fingers tapped over his scars. ”It did. ”

”You're not helmeted now. ”

”I'm back to the refinery when you're settled, ” said Rikkard, clanging closed the cage door. ”I'll not be down here for long. ”

”I thought you were shorthanded. ”

”Shorthanded or not, someone still must take the lead, ” said Rikkard, staring. ”Teeb, you talk a great deal. Men learn best by listening.

”Sorry, ” Anakin muttered. ”Just wondering, I was. ”

Hitting the cage's pulley switch, Rikkard stared harder. ”Wonder on your own time. You belong to me until you don't. ”

”Teeb, ” Obi-Wan said swiftly, before Anakin reacted to belong. ”Up above I met Greti. Bohle's daughter. ”

With a growling grind of metal pulley teeth against metal cable, the cage began its slow, swinging descent of the rough- hewn shaft.

Strung lights glowed within grubby plastiseal housings, reflecting yellow against streaks of raw damot.i.te in the walls. The sounds of mining grew nearer and louder. All around them the ground pressed close.

”Greti?” Rikkard raised an eyebrow. ”What of her?”

”Worried, she seemed, for her mother's hurt hand. ”

”Worried she should be, ” said Rikkard. ”Bohle made a fool mistake and she's paying a steep price for it. ”

Life in Torbel was brutal, so the miner's harshness wasn't surprising, but even so... ”There's nothing you can do for her?”

”What we can do, we've done, ” said Rikkard, one shoulder lifting in a fatalistic shrug. ”Mining's no soft business, Teeb. You'll learn that today, along with how to swing a vibro-pick. ” His teeth bared in a smile. ”Mind now-there'll be b.u.mping to throw you. ” He yanked a lever beside the pulley switch. ”Keep your feet. ”

They were pa.s.sing the next level down, where suited figures were transferring chunks of raw damot.i.te from trolley trucks into a huge metal bucket suspended on bulky chains in another shaft.

”Keep your feet!” Rikkard said again, louder this time, as their metal cage shuddered and swung and banged against the wall.

Obi-Wan glanced at Anakin and shook his head in a small, swift warning. Yes, they could ride the Force and be as easy and unperturbed as Rikkard-but Rikkard knew them for farmers. If they weren't awkward and clumsy, they'd arouse his suspicions.

The metal cage bounced harder on its pulley ropes and they let themselves stagger, then tumble clumsily against each other. Anakin went farther, letting himself drop halfway to the cage floor. Amused, as hard men were often amused by a green one, Rikkard laughed.

”Keep your feet, I told you, ” he said, hauling Anakin upright. ”Ah well. You'll get your cage legs one of these days-if you stay. ”

They rode down four more levels, making sure to stagger at each rough transition. On every level suit-shrouded villagers pulled raw damot.i.te out of the soil. So much green mineral- planets and planets and planets of death, thanks to Lok Durd and Bant'ena Fhernan.

The air grew heavier and warmer, even though there was some kind of filtration system working. The shaft lighting flickered, throwing shadows that turned them into men of nightmare and deception. Inside their own protective suiting the sweat poured and pooled. Obi-Wan felt it stinging the blaster-bolt grazes he'd earned in Durd's compound. Compressed against his rib cage, his lightsaber felt like a weapon from another life. Almost a dream.

And then the cage b.u.mped to a halt, and Rikkard swung its door wide. ”Bottomed out, we are, ” he said, waving them ahead. ”Here's where we loosened the new chamber. Here's where you'll get your first true taste of Torbel. ”

53.Obi-Wan looked at the suited figures toiling in the three cramped corridors leading away from the cage platform. Through the Force he could feel the miners' grim, oppressive thoughts and fears.

”Arrad!” called Rikkard, waving at a helmeted-and-suited figure coming toward them from the middle tunnel. ”Arrad, to me!”

Reaching them, the figure pulled off its helmet. This Arrad was a young man, roughly Anakin's age, with broad shoulders made broader by his heavy protective gear.

”Arrad is my son, ” said Rikkard, one proud hand lightly touching the young man's arm. ”To be head miner after me, most like. He feels the damot.i.te better than I do, does Arrad. When he cuts himself I think he'll bleed green. Arrad...”

Unembarra.s.sed by his father's praise, Arrad stared at the newcomers with narrow-eyed suspicion. ”Father?”

”We've Teeb Yavid and Teeb Markl here, come back to Lanteeb after some years in the Core. They're staying to see if Torbel could be a home. Put them to work, but be careful. They'll get their legs if you don't rush them. ”

Arrad nodded, not terribly impressed. ”Yes, Father. ”

”Teeb Yavid...” Rikkard was scowling again. ”Arrad will give me tales of you, so mind. And mind this, too-not a finger you lay to the damot.i.te without your gloves on. Hole your gloves and you whip quick smart topside and fetch new ones. With your gloves on you don't touch your bare face. You're safe in the suits, and you're better safe with what Jaklin gave you. But you don't tease the damot.i.te, for it'll win. ” His stern gaze s.h.i.+fted to Anakin. ”You hear me, Teeb Markl?”

Anakin nodded. ”I hear you, Teeb. ”

”You listen to my son. He'll keep you alive on your first day with the damot.i.te. Arrad...”


”Best you stay with them till you can be sure they'll not kill a soul. ”

”Yes, Father, ” said Arrad, and pulled his helmet back on.

”I'll see you Teebs hours from now, ” said Rikkard. ”And then we'll know if you were born to be miners. ”

They watched him climb back into the metal cage and swing up the shaft and out of sight. When his father was gone Arrad turned and looked at them, resigned to his unwanted duty.

”You ever been so deep in a world, Teebs?”

He was strong, this young man. A solid presence in the Force. ”No, Teeb Arrad, ” Obi-Wan said, gentling himself until he close to disappeared. He hoped Anakin was paying attention. You see this, Anakin? You see what I'm doing? ”Farmers, we were. On the ground, not under it. ”

”Farmers, ” said Rikkard's son, his voice laced with disgust. ”You never used a vibro-pick?”

”Used a vibro-ax on Alderaan, ” said Anakin. Almost humble. Almost meek. Almost would have to be good enough today. ”Used other bits of machinery when we had our farm. ”

”Huh. ” Arrad looked up at the rocky ceiling, close to their helmeted heads. ”That's as high as the sky gets, down here. You can breathe through that? How bad are you sweating?”

”It's warm, ” said Obi-Wan. ”I'm sweating. ”

”Huh. ” Arrad's deep-set eyes reflected doubt and impatience. ”You feel panic coming, you tell me. There's been miners die of a sudden for want of wide blue. They choke on the close green. ” He thumped his fist against the nearby rock wall. ”Your heart needs to pump damot.i.te to live in Torbel. ”

”Until the drought came our hearts pumped growing grain, ” said Obi-Wan. ”Could be they can learn to pump damot.i.te instead. ”

”We'll see, ” said Arrad, turning. ”Follow me. Do what I say. ”

54.As their new master stamped off toward the nearest rock tunnel, Anakin rolled his eyes. They were pretty much all that could be seen of his face, between the low-sitting helmet and his suit's high-reaching collar.