Part 87 (1/2)

In the first const.i.tutional convention, which met at Iowa City October 7, 1844, and adjourned November 1, 1844, this county was represented by Thomas J. McKean, Samuel W. Durham, L. M. Strong.

The const.i.tution adopted by this convention was rejected by the people at an election held August 4, 1845, the vote being, for 7,235, against 7,656.

In the second const.i.tutional convention, which met at Iowa City May 4, 1846, and adjourned May 19, the county was represented by Socrates H.


At the election on August 3, 1846, this const.i.tution was adopted by the people by a small majority. It was presented to congress in December, 1846, and on the 28th of the same month an act was pa.s.sed for the admission of Iowa into the Union.

The third const.i.tutional convention sat in Iowa City from January 19 to March 3, 1857, and adopted a const.i.tution which was ratified by the people on August 3 following. In this convention Linn's representative was Hosea W. Gray.

In this county the vote on the const.i.tution was 1,307 yes, 955 no. In the state the vote was, yes 40,000, no 38,681. The result shows the first sign of a change in the political sentiment in state and county.

The republicans favored the const.i.tution, and the democrats opposed it.

Following are the members of the General a.s.sembly from Linn county from 1846 to date. In the Territorial Legislature, 1843-4, Robert Smythe was our representative in the House of Representatives, and William Abbe in the Senate.

J. S. Alexander, Marion, senator 26th, 26th extra session, 27th, 28th and 29th.

H. G. Angle, Cedar Rapids, senator 8th, 8th extra session, 9th, 9th extra session.

Ellsworth N. Bates, Cedar Rapids, representative 7th.

E. J. C. Bealer, Cedar Rapids, representative 29th, 30th, 31st.

A. Sidney Belt, Cedar Rapids, representative 11th.

J. W. Bowman, Marion, representative 33d, 34th.

I. P. Bowdish, Waubeek, representative 17th, 19th.

David Brant, Cedar Rapids, representative 26th, 26th extra session.

W. R. Brown, Viola, representative 18th.

J. P. Carbee, Springville, representative 10th, 11th.

J. P. Conkey, representative 5th, 5th extra session.

Jennings Crawford, Wapsie, representative 8th, 8th extra session.

Joshua Doran, Mt. Vernon, representative 22d.

William G. Dows, Cedar Rapids, representative 27th, 28th.

Stephen L. Dows, Cedar Rapids, senator 16th, 17th.

Charles G. Gitch.e.l.l, Walker, representative 23d, 24th.

John T. Hamilton, Cedar Rapids, representative 21st, 22d, 23d.