Part 78 (2/2)
Mr. Taylor is the second oldest merchant in Cedar Rapids, and has not moved more than a block from the time he came here to locate in part of the postoffice on the alley where the Masonic Temple now stands. In speaking of rents, Mr. Taylor says that he has been surprised at the way rents have gone up year by year.
Osgood Shepherd, of whom it is said that he jumped Wilbert Stone's claim, held this claim till 1847, when he disposed of his squatter interest in what became Cedar Rapids to N. B. Brown, George Greene, H.
W. Gray, A. L. Roach, and S. H. Tryon for the sum of $3,000.
When was the first Decoration Day celebration in Cedar Rapids? That is a question which many might find it hard to answer, and the story of the preparations for that day and of the day itself is so interesting that it is well worth a place here. There were comparatively few graves to decorate on that occasion. Not many of those who fought in the war had pa.s.sed over the great divide in the year 1873, more than thirty years ago. Men whose heads are silvered and their steps trembling were then young and they marched firmly to the cemetery to take part in the exercises on that first Decoration Day. Since that time many of them have been laid beneath the sod and their comrades have done for them what they helped to do for others.
The day was made memorable by an eloquent and beautiful address by the late Judge Hubbard, a man who always loved the flag and the men who fought for it. Patriotism was one of the subjects that always lay nearest his heart.
[Ill.u.s.tration: S. C. BEVER]
[Ill.u.s.tration: THOMAS GAINER]
[Ill.u.s.tration: E. D. WALN An Early Settler]
[Ill.u.s.tration: REV. ELIAS SKINNER]
The first meeting to arrange for the Decoration Day exercises was held May 8, 1873. The Cedar Rapids _Daily Republican_ of the following morning has the following interesting account of the meeting:
”The meeting called for the purpose of taking measures to suitably observe Decoration Day, took place at the City Hall last night.
”It was called to order by A. D. Collier, Esq., upon whose motion J. H. B. Otto was elected president of the meeting.
”On motion of Hiel Hale, A. N. Neidig was chosen secretary.
”On motion of Mr. Collier, a committee of five was appointed to recommend names to the meeting for the various committees to be appointed to make preparations for that day.
”The following persons were selected as said committee:
”A. D. Collier, Geo. A. Lincoln, D. A. Dingman, P. H.
Francis, Hiel Hale.
”After some time spent in deliberation the committee reported the following names to be placed upon the several standing committees. They also reported names of persons as officers of the day, the whole report being adopted:
”President of the day, Capt. Wm. B. Leach.
”Chief marshal, Col. T. Z. Cook, with power to choose his own a.s.sistants.
”Finance committee, J. F. Charles, Capt. Otto, George Wynn.
”Committee on grounds, Ed. Thompson, Ed. b.u.t.tolph, J. I.
”Flowers, L. M. Ayers, Geo. A. Lincoln, Geo. H. Rhodes, R.