Part 55 (1/2)
”James Ure and wife, Mary Ure, and ”Miss Margaret Ure.
”a.s.sociated with these fifteen charter members in word and work were John McGregor and wife, Jane Robertson McGregor, who later became members of the new organization.
”Of these persons, there are three still living--Mr. and Mrs. James Ure, who live at Denver, Colorado, and Mr. James Mitch.e.l.l, who lives at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. [Mr. and Mrs. Ure are now deceased, 1910].
”James and Margaret Ure were among the very earliest settlers in this community. They, with their parents, had come to Iowa in 1841, five years before the territory was admitted to statehood. Both were born in Scotland and came to America in 1838, settling near Springfield, Ohio, where they lived till they came west. In 1857 James Ure was married to Mary Kerr. She was born in March, 1835, in Mercer, Pennsylvania, where she spent her early childhood, later removing with her parents to Dubuque, Iowa. They began housekeeping on their farm just east of the grove, where they lived till April, 1892, when they moved to Denver, Colorado.
”In September, 1879, Mr. Ure asked for his certificate of admission, which was granted. He was one of the ruling elders elected at the time of the organization.
”Margaret Ure was born in Scotland in 1821. After coming to Scotch Grove she resided on the Ure homestead, now owned by Jas. Rogers. She was a woman of great abilities and was always liberal in giving of her time and means to the work of the church. The church building was not erected for some years after the organization of the congregation and her home was always open for the holding of services during this time. The pulpit furniture now in use was a gift of hers.
She removed to Cedar Rapids in 1884, where she died. She was buried in the Fairfax cemetery.
”James Mitch.e.l.l, one of the three surviving charter members, and who now resides at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was born March 3, 1821, in Buchlyvie, Stirlings.h.i.+re, Scotland. He came to America in 1851 and settled in New York state. July 8, 1853, he was married to Margaret McArthur and in July, 1855, came to Linn county, Iowa. Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l was born June 8, 1823, and died June 20, 1904, at the age of 81 years and 12 days.
”At the time Mr. and Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l came west, in 1855, the railroad ran no farther west than to Rock Island. At this point they, in company with Margaret and William Ure, were compelled to cross the Mississippi river on the ice. It was here that they received their first initiation into the life of hards.h.i.+p and peril that fell to the life of the early pioneer. While crossing the river, the wheels of their dray began to cut through the ice. There was danger of the ice giving way and all being drowned, but by means of levers and props they were able to reach the Iowa sh.o.r.e in safety.
”When Mr. and Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l reached Scotch Grove, they took for their home a small log house some five or six rods southwest from the present church building, and with the munificent sum of ten dollars with which to furnish their home, started to carve out their career in the new country.
With Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l there was little thought of what her spring hat would be like, or what she should serve when it came her turn to give a Kensington to the ladies of the community. It would probably be some days before any money would find its way into the family purse, and those ten dollars must be guarded with jealous care. True, potatoes could be had, and Mr. Ure and his family had proven that the potato could be used as the sole article of diet for at least three months.
”In 1898 they removed to Cedar Rapids, where four years ago Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l died. She was buried at Fairfax cemetery. Mr.
Mitch.e.l.l is now eighty-seven years of age. He was elected to the office of ruling elder in December, 1879, which he filled till the time he removed to Cedar Rapids. July 8, 1903, Mr. and Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l celebrated their golden wedding.
”John Mitch.e.l.l came to America in 1853. Margaret McGregor Mitch.e.l.l was born in Sterlings.h.i.+re, Scotland, September 8, 1831. In 1852 she came to America with her parents, settling in New York state. The following year she was married to Mr. John Mitch.e.l.l and in 1855 came to Scotch Grove. Here they settled in a small log house near the present church lot. Robert Ure, father of James and Margaret Ure, had, during the time of the gold excitement in California, built three of these houses, the first being erected without the use of a nail.
”Mr. Mitch.e.l.l entered forty acres of land west of where the Conley school house now stands. After the school house was built, preaching services and Sabbath school were held there, and Mr. Mitch.e.l.l was one of the most active in lending help and maintaining the services. He died January 17, 1896, at Norway; she February 3, 1892. Both were buried in the Fairfax cemetery.
”Alexander Johnson was born in Pennsylvania, his father coming to America from Ireland. On coming to Iowa he lived at Cedar Rapids for a time, where he teamed. Here he lost his first wife and was later married to Janet McKinnon, who was born in Bo'ness, Scotland, and came to America in 1845.
”Mrs. Johnson owned some land at Que's Grove, now known as Quam's Grove. This she bought from the government. Mr.
Johnson had money with which to build a house and they thus moved on the land, where they lived till the time of his death.
”Mr. Johnson was elected to the office of ruling elder when the congregation was organized, and was at all times an active and persistent worker in the church. He had become attached to his early church home and was reluctant to leave. It may seem strange, but yet it is true, that the place where a person spends the best years of his life, where he has toiled and labored to make a home, becomes in old age, after he is compelled to lay down his labors, the spot that is dearest to him. He had seen the community grow and develop, and as it had grown, his hopes had opened.
”Some time prior to his death, the members of his family wanted to remove to Was.h.i.+ngton, Iowa. He could not entertain the thought of leaving his old home community, whose growth and development had meant so much to him, and in a conversation with a member of the congregation remarked that he had said, 'If they take me away from here, it will be in my coffin, but now I have given my consent to go.'
”He was not permitted to make the change. During the latter part of his life he was confined to his bed. He died at Norway, having reached the age of eighty-four years. Mrs.
Johnson died three years ago at Was.h.i.+ngton, Iowa.
”Joseph Humphrey was born in New York state, January 19, 1816, and when quite young his parents removed to Butler county, Pennsylvania. In 1836 he was married to Margaret Gill. She was born May 30, 1818, in Butler county, Pennsylvania. They came to Iowa May 5, 1855, and settled near Norway.
”In the church he occupied the highest office to which a private member can be called by the voice of the congregation, that of ruling elder, being chosen elder at the organization of the congregation. He had a high sense of the responsibility of his office, viewing it as one of divine authority. It was his study, as a steward of G.o.d, to fulfill its duties and maintain its authority. He was punctual and regular in attendance at all the meetings of the congregation and gave largely of his means and time in forwarding its interests. He believed that the minister was worthy of his hire, and rather than neglect this duty he would let his boys go barefooted to church. He died December 5, 1871, at the age of fifty-six years. Mrs. Humphrey died May 22, 1900, eight days before her eighty-second birthday.
Both were buried in Fairfax cemetery.
”Samuel Hall was born March 29, 1806, in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. His wife, Sarah Jobe Hall, was born October 8, 1808, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. In April of 1851 they came to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and entered land just west of that place, where they lived till their removal to Cedar Rapids in 1883. Mrs. Hall died March 10, 1886, and Mr. Hall on the 13th, three days later. Both were buried in the same grave in Sisley Grove cemetery. They were one of the four couples mentioned here, who celebrated their golden wedding.