Part 41 (1/2)

69431. Ditto.

69274. Sticks kicked in the race of T-kwa-we. T-kwa thla-we.

69275. Ditto.

69812. Frames for setting up the warp of sc.r.a.pes. P-ti-kia thl-we.

69675. Lance of iron used in the wars of the past. -thlak-na-kia lan-sa.

69235, 69232, 69233, 69236, 69239, 69243, 69246, 69294, 69292, 69295, 69247-48-49-50. Spindles used in spinning and twisting wool and fiber.

Thlp-na-kia thlt-to-we. With smoothing comb attached.

69251, 69252, 69257, 69290. Bow drills for manufacture of sh.e.l.l and turquoise ornaments. -a-na-kia thl-to-we.

-----. Small dice-sticks used in a game of the basket tray. Thlthl pa-tsa-we.

69339. Boards or blocks used in confining the hair of women in sacred dances, as a mark of virginity. M-tsi-kwa-kia thl-we.

69279. Ditto.

69280. Ditto.

69321. Small pair of symbolical tablets carried in the hand during dance of the priests of the tablet dancers. Thl-he-kwe a-wa thl-we.

69406. Slats on which the hair is bunched, to indicate virginity of women in sacred dance of the flute. Ma-tsi-kwa-kia thl-we.

69321. Small pair of symbolic tablets carried in the hand during the dance of the Priestess of the Tablet dancers. Thl-he-kwe a-wa thl-we.

69375. Small ceremonial war club of the order of the Priesthood of the Bow. -pi-thlan-s.h.i.+-wa-ni a-wa tam kiap-nan-ne.

69014. Toy cradle board for doll. Wi-ha ythl-to-kia thlm-me.

69391. Ditto.

-----. Ditto.

69405. Frame of wood for pommel of saddle. -wo-kon o-na-kia tm-me.

69312. Sacred warbling flute. Tch-he-he-lon-ne.

69467. Sacred flute. Shoh-kon-ne.

-----. Peg for suspending. Tm-kwai-nan-ne.

-----. Very large pegs used in the (sacred) running game of the two war G.o.ds. T-kwa-we, -hai-iu-ta -tchi-a.

-----. Small sacred wand of the G.o.d of fire. K-k-shu-le-wi-ts an tthl-nan-ne.

-----. Small darts used by children.

-----. Wooden buzz and pivot. Thl mo-la-ton-ne.