Part 34 (1/2)
67416. Small paint jar broken from handle. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na.
-----. Small paint pot with protuberances representing spines of cactus fruit and made to facilitate handling. H-li-po-kia t-mu-to-pa, tu-we n-te-li-ah-na y-nai-e.
67474. Small paint pot with band of protuberances or
H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na m-to pi-lan--lap-nai-e.
67529. Small paint pot broken from handle. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na.
67424. Small paint pot in form of the native wild gourd. H-li-po-kia m-thl-o-na t-tsa-na.
-----. Small paint pot of black ware. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na-kwn-ne.
67472. Small plain paint pot with protuberances. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na.
67492. Ditto, with sacred terraces represented. -wi-thlui-a-po-na.
67559. Ditto, in form of moccasin. W-po-tcha.
67510. Small paint pots. H-li-po-kia t-wi-p tchi-kia tsa-na.
67384, 67360, 67362, 67368. Small double paint pots. H-li-po-kia t-wi-p-tchin tsa-na.
67513, 67499. Small paint jars or pots. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na.
67399. Small imitation paint pot, with compartments. H-li-po-kia n-te-li-ah-na t-wi-p-tchin tsa-na.
67487. Small terraced paint pots. H-li-po-kia -wi-thlui-a-po-na t-tsa-na.
66517. Small paint jar. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na.
67429, 67464. Small paint jars, covered with protuberances.
67382. Small paint pot. H-li-po-kia t-wi-p-tchin-ne.
-----. Paint pot, broken.
67504, 67369, 67371. Ditto, larger, broken.
-----. Toy paint pot in form of moccasin, -kosh-na-kia w-kwi-po-tcha-te h-li-po-kia t-tsa-na.
-----. Ditto, in form of a pair of moccasins with figures of two parrots. H-li-po-kia w-po-tchin-tsa-na, p-tchi atch poa ythl ti-e.
-----. Crude paint jar with four compartments.
67438. Small corrugated paint jar. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na.
67489. Small paint jar with terraced ears for suspension.
H-li-po-kia-tl a-wi-thlui-a-pa.
67444. Small scalloped rim paint pot. H-li-po-kia t-tsa-na p-tchi-thl-yel-ai-e.