Part 27 (1/2)
66624. Decorated eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-a-le, ts-nai-e.
66996. Small bowl decorated in center with figure of tarantula among flowers or plants. S-tsa-na, -ha-tchi-kia-pa -ti-e.
-----. Small red bowl with Gentile quail figured in center, S-tsa-na-s.h.i.+-lo-a, po-yi tsn e-ti-e.
66885. Small decorated eating bowl, rim flaring. S-tsa-na sl-athl-kia-pan-ne.
66870. Small eating bowl showing burnt decoration. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na, tsi-na tch-pi-nai-e.
66838. Small decorated bowl. S-tsa-na ts-na-pa.
66824. Small bowl with figure of morning star in center. S-tsa-na, mo-y-tchun tsn e-ti-e.
67080. Small handled bowl with ornate figure of one of the G.o.d stars.
S-mui-an tsa-na, t-thl-s.h.i.+-na tsn-mo-y-tchu -ti-e.
-----. Small flaring yellow earthen bowl. S-tsa-na thlp-tsi-na sl-athl-kia-pan-ne.
67307. Small yellow earthen water bowl. Ki-li-kia s-thlup-tsi-na tsa-na.
66694. Small deer decorated eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na n-pa-no-pa.
67024. Small decorated bowl. S-tsa-na ts-na-pa.
-----. Small terraced basket bowl for sacred flour. Ki-wai-a w-pu-kia -we-thlui-a-pa s-tsa-na, m-te-po-a-pa.
66889. Small flaring rimmed red drinking bowl. Ki-li-kia sl-athl-kia-pan tsa-na.
66618. Very old eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-thl-s.h.i.+.
68233. Small cooking bowl with protuberances. W-li-a-kia s-mui-an-ne.
67456. Small saucer shaped toy bowl. -tsan a-wa sl-athl-kia-pan tsa-na.
68272. Small cooking bowl. W-li-a-kia s-tsa-na.
-----. Small shallow decorated eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-te-ko-ni tsa-na.
67025. Very small eating bowl for children. -tsa-na a-wa -to-na-kia-s-tsa-na.
66833. Ditto, with figure of wild sunflower. Tsan-a-wa -to-na-kia s-tsa-na, o-ma-tsa-pa tsn e-ti-e.
66756. Small decorated flaring rimmed eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na sl-athl-kia-pan-ne.
-----. Small red flaring bowl. Sl-athl-kia-pan tsa-na sh-lo-a.
66683. Large decorated eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-thla-na.
66621. Ditto, flaring rim with house and flowers represented in center.
Ki-kwe, ta -te-a -lap-na tsn e-ti-e.