Part 13 (1/2)

69865. Large water bottle canteen. M-he-t, tm tsh-sha-na.

68159. Small red ware canteen, without decoration.

67475. Small toy canteen of special significance, which can only be derived from a translation of the Indian name given it. Ku-ne-a -kosh-na-kia m-he-t-tsa-na, -se-to-na. Clay for playing with which, canteen little, carrying itself, etc.

68220. Small canteen decorated with figure of lily. Me-he-t, u-te-a -to-pa-na p-tchi-e.

68176. Large red ware canteen.

69861. Large yellow ware canteen, with figure of the morning star.

M-he-t thla-na thlp-tsi-na, m-y-tchun-thl-no-na p-tchi-e.

68173. Small red ware canteen with cone like apex.

67810. Small decorated canteen.

68179. Medium sized canteen, decorated on upper part with star cross.

Me-he-t m-se-wek-sin ts-nai-e.

-----. Small canteen of red ware.

67797. Small canteen of red ware.

68169. Small decorated canteen, with rosette on the apex. -kosh-na ka me-he-t tsa-na h-pa-ki tsn-ythl-ti-.

69875. Canteen, medium size, of red ware.

67801. Similar to the preceding, but of cream white ware. Me-he-t i ko-ha-na.

68166. Same as preceding, of yellow ware, with representation, on cream-white ground, of sacred-feathered, cross-bows. P-thla-p-tchi l-kwai ts-nai-e.

67806. Ditto, ditto, red sh-lo-a.

68217. Ditto, white, with representation of rattlesnake. Ko-ha-na, tch-to-la p-tchi-e.

69862. Ditto, red, with representation of cloud on apex.


67540. Small toy canteen, with small neck.

-----. Owl-shaped canteen.

67755. Same as preceding in form, but differing somewhat in the details of ornamentation.

68155. Small double canteen, or child carrier, with representation of wreath of flowers. Me-he-t tsa-n tcha-se-t, -te-a -lap-na-ai-e.

68214. Ditto, larger, with representation of sacred star rosette.

H-pa-ki-w-pa-nan, mo-y-tchu pn-ni-na-kia -le.