Part 7 (1/2)
98. Ditto, a fossil univalve.
99. Ditto, concretion in form of human and of phallic significance. Mo-ha a-thl-s.h.i.+.
100. Ditto, slag, used as in No. 97.
101. Ditto, ditto, stalagmitic.
102. Ditto, chalcedony concretion, ditto.
103. Stone knife of obsidian, with string for suspension, used in ceremonial scalp taking--one of which is carried on journeys by each member of the Priesthood of the Bow, or Order of the Knife.
M-tsi-kwash-na kia t-mush.
104 to 125. Ancient flint knives preserved as amulets and relics of ancestors among the Zuis.
125 to 150. Arrow points, &c., preserved by modern Zuis as relics of ancestors, and amulets used in various ceremonials, &c.
Miscellaneous objects not numbered in catalogue:
Three bow-guards for children. Km pas si-kwi-we.
Two small rattles for children. A-tsa-na a-wen chm-mo-we.
Three awls, used in the weaving of blankets and baskets. S-si-mo-we.
Four sets of small flat sticks used in the game of t-sho-li-we.
67548. Ancient water-jar, with the road of the clouds represented on the front. I-no-to-na t-mui-a m-he-ton-ne.
67745. Very old water-jar in representation of an owl. Mu-hu-kwi m-he-t thl-s.h.i.+.
67757, 67752. Water-jars representing owls, small, new.
67758. Ditto, representing a duck. -a m-he-t.
67760. Ditto, smaller, having representation of b.u.t.terfly.
67534. Small toy water-jar. I-kosh-na-kia kia-wih-n-kia t-tsa-na.
67313. Small girls water-jar, or olla. -tsa-na a ki-wih-n-kia t-tsa-na.
66496. Small toy water-jar of red ware. I-kosh-na-kia kia-wih-n-kia t-s.h.i.+-loa tsa-na.
66451. Large olla, or water-jar, decorated with floral patterns.
Kia-wih na-kia t-le.
66401, 66349, 66366, 66442. Ditto, ancient terrace and rattlesnake decoration.