Part 8 (1/2)
Here circ.u.mstances must govern. _The most approved method is to fix the thoughts clearly in mind, and to trust to the time of speaking for exact phraseology._ This method requires, however, that the speaker rehea.r.s.e his speech over and over again, changing the form of the words frequently, so as to acquire facility in the use of language.
_The great objection to memoriter speaking is that it limits and handicaps the speaker._ He is like a schoolboy ”saying his piece.” He is in constant danger of running off the prescribed track and of having to begin again at some definite point.
The most effective speaker to-day is the one who can think clearly and promptly on his feet, and can speak from his personality rather than from his memory. Untrammelled by ma.n.u.script or effort of memory, he gives full and spontaneous expression to his powers. On the other hand, a speech from memory is like a recitation, almost inevitably stilted and artificial in character.
Those who would become highly proficient in public speaking should form the dictionary habit. It is a profitable and pleasant exercise to study lists of words and to incorporate them in one's daily conversation. Ten minutes devoted regularly every day to this study will build the vocabulary in a rapid manner.
The study of words is really a study of ideas,--since words are symbols of ideas,--and while the student is increasing his working vocabulary, in the way indicated, he is at the same time furnis.h.i.+ng his mind with new and useful ideas.
_One of the best exercises for the student of public speaking is to read aloud daily, taking care to read as he would speak._ He should choose one of the standard writers, such as Stevenson, Ruskin, Newman, or Carlyle, and while reading severely criticize his delivery. Such reading should be done standing up and as if addressing an audience. This simple exercise will, in the course of a few weeks, yield the most gratifying results.
It is true that ”All art must be preceded by a certain mechanical expertness,” but as the highest art is to conceal art, a student must learn eventually to abandon thought of ”exercises” and ”rules.”
The three greatest qualities in a successful public speaker are simplicity, directness, and deliberateness.
Lincoln had these qualities in preeminent degree. His speech at Gettysburg--the model short speech of all history--occupied about three minutes in delivery. Edward Everett well said afterward that he would have been content to make the same impression in three hours which Lincoln made in that many minutes.
The great public speakers in all times have been earnest and diligent students. We are familiar with the indefatigable efforts of Demosthenes, who rose from very ordinary circ.u.mstances, and goaded by the realization of great natural defects, through a.s.siduous self-training eventually made the greatest of the world's orations, ”The Speech on the Crown.”
Cicero was a painstaking disciple of the speaker's art and gave himself much to the discipline of the pen. His masterly work on oratory in which he commends others to write much, remains unsurpa.s.sed to this day.
John Bright, the eminent British orator, always required time for preparation. He read every morning from the Bible, from which he drew rich material for argument and ill.u.s.tration. A remarkable thing about him was that he spoke seldom.
Phillips Brooks was an ideal speaker, combining simplicity and sympathy in large degree. He was a splendid type of pulpit orator produced by broad spiritual culture.
Henry Ward Beecher had unique powers as a dramatic and eloquent speaker.
In his youth he hesitated in his speech, which led him to study elocution. He himself tells of how he went to the woods daily to practise vocal exercises.
He was an exponent of thorough preparation, never speaking upon a subject until he had made it his own by diligent study. Like Phillips Brooks, he was a man of large sympathy and imagination--two faculties indispensable to persuasive eloquence.
It was his oratory that first brought fame to Gladstone. He had a superb voice, and he possest that fighting force essential to a great public debater. When he quitted the House of Commons in his eighty-fifth year his powers of eloquence were practically unimpaired.
Wendell Phillips was distinguished for his personality, conversational style, and thrilling voice. He had a wonderful vocabulary, and a personal magnetism which won men instantly to him. It is said that he relied upon the power of truth to make his speaking eloquent. He, too, was an untiring student of the speaker's art.
As we examine the lives and records of eminent speakers of other days, we are imprest with the fact that they were sincere and earnest students of the art in which they ultimately excelled.
One of the best exercises for learning to think and speak on the feet is to practise daily giving one minute impromptu talks upon chosen subjects. A good plan is to write subjects of a general character, on say fifty or more cards, and then to speak on each subject as it is chosen.