Part 20 (1/2)

The letters lay on his knee. He sat brooding: his hands upon the packets, his head bowed. One might have thought him a man overcome and dissolved by the enervating memories of pa.s.sion; but in truth, he was gradually and steadily reacting against them; resuming, and this time finally, as far as Chloe Fairmile was concerned, a man's mastery of himself. He thought of her unkindness and cruelty--of the misery he had suffered--and now of the reckless caprice with which, during the preceding weeks, she had tried to entangle him afresh, with no respect for his married life, for his own or Daphne's peace of mind.

He judged her, and therewith, himself. Looking back upon the four years since Chloe Fairmile had thrown him over, it seemed to him that, in some ways, he had made a good job of his life, and, in others, a bad one. As to the money, that was neither here nor there. It had been amusing to have so much of it; though of late Daphne's constant reminders that the fortune was hers and not his, had been like grit in the mouth. But he did not find that boundless wealth had made as much difference to him as he had expected. On the other hand, he had been much happier with Daphne than he had thought he should be, up to the time of their coming to Heston. She wasn't easy to live with, and she had been often, before now, ridiculously jealous; but you could not, apparently, live with a woman without getting very fond of her--he couldn't--especially if she had given you a child; and if Daphne had turned against him now, for a bit--well, he could not swear to himself that he had been free from blame; and it perhaps served him right for having gone out deliberately to the States to marry money--with a wife thrown in--in that shabby sort of way.

But, now, to straighten out this coil; to shake himself finally free of Chloe, and make Daphne happy again! He vowed to himself that he could and would make her happy--just as she had been in their early days together. The memory of her lying white and exhausted after child-birth, with the little dark head beside her, came across him, and melted him; he thought of her with longing and tenderness.

With a deep breath he raised himself on his seat; in the old Greek phrase, ”the G.o.ds breathed courage into his soul”; and as he stretched out an indifferent hand toward Chloe's letters on the trunk, Roger Barnes had perhaps reached the highest point of his moral history; he had become conscious of himself as a moral being choosing good or evil; and he had chosen good. It was not so much that his conscience accused him greatly with regard to Chloe. For that his normal standards were not fine enough. It was rather a kind of ”serious call,” something akin to conversion, or that might have been conversion, which befell him in this dusty room, amid the night-silence.

As he took up Chloe's letters he did not notice that the door had quietly opened behind him, and that a figure stood on the threshold.

A voice struck into the stillness.


He turned with a movement that scattered all his own letters on the floor. Daphne stood before him--but with the eyes of a mad woman. Her hand shook on the handle of the door.

”What are you doing here?” She flung out the question like a blow.

”Hallo, Daphne!--is that you?” He tried to laugh. ”I'm only looking up some old papers; no joke, in all this rubbish.” He pointed to it.

”What old papers?”

”Well, you needn't catechize me!” he said, nettled by her tone, ”or not in that way, at any rate. I couldn't sleep, and I came up here to look for something I wanted. Why did you shut your door on me?”

He looked at her intently, his lips twitching a little. Daphne came nearer.

”It must be something you want very badly--something you don't want other people to see--something you're ashamed of!--or you wouldn't be searching for it at this time of night.” She raised her eyes, still with the same strange yet flaming quiet, from the littered floor to his face.

Then suddenly glancing again at the scattered papers--”That's your hand-writing!--they're your letters! letters to Mrs. Fairmile!”

”Well, and what do you make of that?” cried Roger, half wroth, half inclined to laugh. ”If you want to know, they are the letters I wrote to Chloe Fairmile; and I, like a careless beast, never destroyed them, and they were stuffed away here. I have long meant to get at them and burn them, and as you turned me out to-night----”

”What is that letter in your hand?” exclaimed Daphne, interrupting him.

”Oh, that has nothing to do with you--or me----” he said, hastily making a movement to put it in his coat pocket. But in a second, Daphne, with a cry, had thrown herself upon him, to his intense amazement, wrestling with him, in a wild excitement. And as she did so, a thin woman, with frightened eyes, in a nurse's dress, came quickly into the room, as though Daphne's cry had signalled to her. She was behind Roger, and he was not aware of her approach.

”Daphne, don't be such a little fool!” he said indignantly, holding her off with one hand, determined not to give her the letter.

Then, all in a moment--without, as it seemed to him, any but the mildest defensive action on his part--Daphne stumbled and fell.

”Daphne!--I say!----”

He was stooping over her in great distress to lift her up, when he felt himself vehemently put aside by a woman's hand.

”You ought to be ashamed of yourself, sir! Let me go to her.”

He turned in bewilderment. ”Miss Farmer! What on earth are you doing here?”

But in his astonishment he had given way to her, and he fell back pale and frowning, while, without replying, she lifted Daphne--who had a cut on her forehead and was half fainting--from the ground.